HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers
File ID: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
dataset |
Abstract: |
Dataset containing features included on the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal |
Statement: |
Keywords: |
1% AEP,Aerial photography,CAS,Coastal,Coastal Inundation,Coastal erosion,Download,Earthquake,Flood,Flood control,Hazard,Land instability,Risk,Shoreline change,Tsunami,Volcanic,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
04/04/2018 |
Metadata URL: |
https://data.waikatoregion.govt.nz:8443/ords/f?p=140:12:0::NO::P12_METADATA_ID:7989 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
custodian |
Position: |
Team Leader - Regional Hazards and Environmental Compliance |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Language: |
English |
Character Set: |
utf8 |
Standard: |
Standard Version: |
1.1 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
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Inundation extents of January 2018 storm surge event |
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Flood Extent (1% AEP) - Lower Waikato and Waipa Rivers |
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Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
File Identifier: |
944325A5-3560-2C8D-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Individual layers representing coastal inundation (flooding) for different sea levels, at 0.2 m increments up to RL 5 m (Moturiki Vertical Datum 1953). Designed for use in Waikato Regional Councils Coastal Inundation Tool. |
Statement: |
This raster dataset comprises individual layers representing coastal inundation depths for specific sea levels. The sea levels used are in 0.2 m increments and range from 0.8 m to 5.0 m (relative to Moturiki Vertical Datum 1953). Note that the first mapped water level for all locations shows the area that is likely to be inundated with a high tide (generally 0.2 m below the MHWS water level). All higher mapped water levels only show areas that would not normally be inundated by a high tide. Data is presented as raster files which show inundation depth for connected areas (where water could flow directly to the sea) and disconnected areas (below or at the water level but may have no direct flow path to the sea). Disconnected areas may still be affected by coastal inundation in some way, e.g. via groundwater. |
Other Information: |
The coastal inundation layers were generated using a LiDAR derived Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which is generally accurate to around ±0.2 m vertically. The LiDAR survey does not identify all features that allow water to flow through (e.g. culverts), or are barriers to water flow (e.g. flood walls or sheet piling). Thus, manual modification of the DEM for specific areas was undertaken to ensure the DEM generally represented the hydraulic regime, especially for areas with flood protection, such as the Hauraki Plains. Therefore, the green disconnected inundation areas may or may not be ‘real’ and could actually be connected inundation areas. The disconnected inundation areas should still be regarded as areas that could be affected in some way by coastal inundation. More information on the limitations of the data is available in the Coastal Inundation Tool User Guide: https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/assets/WRC/Services/regional-services/hazards-and-emergency-management/coastal/Coastal-Inundation-Tool-V2-User-Guide.pdf |
Keywords: |
Coastal,Depth,Hazard,Inundation extent,Modelling,Mosaic,Raster |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
07/10/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
all scales |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
grid |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
eastBoundLongitude : |
southBoundLatitude : |
northBoundLatitude : |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Third party, internal permission |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
This data does not identify coastal hazard areas suitable for assessing risk to specific property. Further investigation is required to quantify a coastal hazard area or define minimum ground/floor levels.
This information is not to be used for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences.
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Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
GIS_IMAGES.HAZARDS - Flood extent information for previous major river flood events
File Identifier: |
76A4B054-176E-0BBF-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Aerial and satellite imagery data that show the inundation extent of previous major river flood events in 1958 (Waipa River - about and south of Otorohanga), 1998 (lower Waipa and Waikato Rivers) and 2004 (Waipa and Tongariro Rivers). |
Statement: |
This data is presented as raster imagery (1958, 1998 and 2004) which shows the inundation extents of previous major river flood events. The imagery data for each event only covers particular areas. |
Other Information: |
For further enquires please contact the Regional Hazards team.
The 2004 satellite imagery for Waipa River is DigitalGlobe pan-sharpened 0.6m resolution orthorectified imagery orginally sourced through Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM). More information can be found on this imagery in historical WRC metadata here https://liveapps.wairc.govt.nz:8443/ords/live/f?p=135:2:3788287621127::NO::P2_METADATA_ID:847 |
Keywords: |
1958,1998,2002,2004,Flood event,Inundation extent,Previous flood,Weather bomb |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
25/09/2018 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
grid |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
area |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
eastBoundLongitude : |
southBoundLatitude : |
northBoundLatitude : |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
**PLEASE NOTE** 2004 Waipa River Flood Imagery not under CC and can not be shared - refer to metadata: https://liveapps.wairc.govt.nz:8443/ords/live/f?p=135:2:3788287621127::NO::P2_METADATA_ID:847 - however, as a local government agency WRC has permission to post the Product and Derivative Works on our website at full resolution for non-Commercial Purposes in a non-downloadable, non-distributable fashion and in a manner that does not allow a third party to extract or access the Product as a standalone file.
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
The 1958 and 1998 imagery is historical aerial photo tif tiles that have not been orthorectified or mosaiced. As such they are less accurate, slow to load and difficult to share.
The 2004 DigitialGlobe satellite imagery of the Waipa River is licensed using terms that only allow WRC to share the data with "1-5 user groups (organisations, government/defence/ educational departments etc.), globally)". As such, the imagery is unlikely to be able to be shared publicly without approaching Jacobs Solutions Inc., who acquired SKM in 2014, or Maxar Technologies who acquired DigitalGlobe in 2017. |
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Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
ID |
N |
Y |
File Identifier: |
8A7568C3-02B0-13CF-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
River flood depth for the 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event for a number of rivers and streams, derived from local flood modelling. Contains depth values, thus to be used for technical purposes. |
Statement: |
River flood depth for a 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event, derived from 2D local flood modelling. To determine the potential flood depth, the flood level data was reclassified into flood depth above ground level (from LiDAR data) in meters. Data is presented as integer raster files showing potential flood depth, and can be used for technical analysis. Raster VALUE field = depth m. Attribute information includes the year the modelling was completed (from ~2006 onwards).
Models have incorporated the best available information at the time of their creation, generally including (but not always) LiDAR data, and flood event survey assessments. A climate change component is generally included in the modelling and will likely be based on the best available MfE guidance from the period of modelling. All flood depth information takes into account the presence of WRC-managed stopbanks and floodwalls, with the exception of Tararu and Te Puru (which have been modelled using a “stopbanks down” approach). The LiDAR data is converted to a grid which has limitation when assessing small stream channels and topographic features such as ridges. This may lead to minor discrepancies in water flows which may lead to limitations in defining flood extents. Internal drainage such as storm water systems, culverts, piping etc, are generally not included in the modelling. Depending on how the model is configured, they often only consider the main watercourse, so flooding of minor channels, tributaries, ponding and coastal inundation may not be represented by the flood extent. |
Other Information: |
For further information, including the model limitations for a particular area, please contact the Regional Hazards team or Technical Services team. |
Keywords: |
Depth,Flood,Hazard,Modelling |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
04/06/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
31/05/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
eastBoundLongitude : |
southBoundLatitude : |
northBoundLatitude : |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Regional Resilience Team Leader |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
This information is not intended to replace more detailed hydrogeological and survey data required for Building Consents or Resource Consents. The information shown is current as of the time of modelling, including assumptions around climate change and hydrology etc. Note that this is a “live” dataset and further additions will be made as and when available and verified. |
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Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
File Identifier: |
8A7568C3-02B1-13CF-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
River flood depth for the 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event for Tararu and Te Puru, derived from local flood modelling using a "stopbanks down" scenario. Contains depth values, thus can be used for technical purposes. |
Statement: |
River flood depth for a 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event for Tararu and Te Puru, derived from 2D local flood modelling. This modelling was done using a "stopbanks down" approach, i.e. the flooding that would occur if there were no stopbanks. In reality, most of Tararu and Te Puru are defended from a 1% AEP river flood event by the flood scheme in place. To determine the potential flood depth, the flood level data was reclassified into flood depth above ground level (from LiDAR data) in meters. Data is presented as integer raster files showing potential flood depth, and can be used for technical analysis. Raster VALUE field = depth m. Attribute information includes the year the modelling was completed (2013).
Models have incorporated the best available information at the time of their creation, including LiDAR data, and flood event survey assessments. A climate change component included in the modelling and will likely be based on the best available MfE guidance from the period of modelling. The LiDAR data is converted to a grid which has limitation when assessing small stream channels and topographic features such as ridges. This may lead to minor discrepancies in water flows which may lead to limitations in defining flood extents. Internal drainage such as storm water systems, culverts, piping etc., are generally not included in the modelling. Depending on how the model is configured, they often only consider the main watercourse, so flooding of minor channels, tributaries, ponding and coastal inundation may not be represented by the flood extent. This information is not intended to replace more detailed hydrogeological and survey data required for Building Consents or Resource Consents. The information shown is current as of the time of modelling, including assumptions around climate change and hydrology etc. Note that this is a “live” dataset and further additions will be made as and when available and verified. |
Other Information: |
For further information, including the model limitations for a particular area, please contact the Regional Hazards team or Technical Services team. |
Keywords: |
Depth,Flood,Hazard |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
04/06/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
eastBoundLongitude : |
southBoundLatitude : |
northBoundLatitude : |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
File Identifier: |
869C928B-0BCA-6C93-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
Tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel and Firth of Thames by eCoast Limited which provides the tsunami depth data for a maximum credible event scenario. Contains depth values, thus to be used for technical purposes. |
Statement: |
Tsunami inundation depth for a maximum credible event scenario, derived from tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel (published between 2013 and 2017) and for the Firth of Thames (published 2019) by eCoast Limited. For the eastern Coromandel, this scenario is a near-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake at the Tonga-Kermadec Trench. For the Firth of Thames, this scenario is regarded as a local-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake on the off-shore section of the Kerepehi Fault. The modelling was carried out using the Community Model Interface for Tsunamis (ComMIT) numerical modelling tool. Data is presented as a raster file which provides tsunami inundation depth, and can be used for technical analysis. For the eastern Coromandel, the areas modelled include Whitianga, Mercury Bay, Cooks Beach, Hahei, Hot Water Beach, Kennedy Bay, Whangapoua, Matarangi, Kuaotunu, Opito Bay, Whangamata, Whiritoa, Pauanui and Tairua. For the Firth of Thames, the areas modelled include Colville, Coromandel, Manaia, Tapu, Te Puru, Thames, Miranda, and Whakatiwai. This dataset can be used to guide evacuation planning routes. |
Other Information: |
For more detailed information on the numerical modelling carried out by eCoast Limited reports can be found at https://waikatoregion.govt.nz/Services/Regional-services/Regional-hazards-and-emergency-management/Coastal-hazards/Tsunami/Eastern-Coromandel-Tsunami-Strategy |
Keywords: |
Topic Category: |
Resource Reference Date: |
16/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
unknown |
Last Load Date: |
02/05/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
42135 |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1858405.5569 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1803790.9151 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5867859.29273 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5946092.60343 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Third party, internal permission |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer: “This map has been prepared using data supplied by the eCoast under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of eCoast to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The following additional disclaimers must be attached to any of the data in or associated with this Tsunami Hazard Classification for a Maximum Credible Event: “The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.”
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
87A0401F-F51C-3536-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
Tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel and Firth of Thames by eCoast Limited which provides the tsunami flow speed data for a maximum credible event scenario. Contains flow speed values, thus to be used for technical purposes. |
Statement: |
Tsunami flow speed for a maximum credible event scenario, derived from tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel (published between 2013 and 2017) and for the Firth of Thames (published 2019) by eCoast Limited. For the eastern Coromandel, this scenario is a near-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake at the Tonga-Kermadec Trench. For the Firth of Thames, this scenario is regarded as a local-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake on the off-shore section of the Kerepehi Fault. The modelling was carried out using the Community Model Interface for Tsunamis (ComMIT) numerical modelling tool. Data is presented as a raster file which provides tsunami flow speed, and can be used for technical analysis. For the eastern Coromandel, the areas modelled include Whitianga, Mercury Bay, Cooks Beach, Hahei, Hot Water Beach, Kennedy Bay, Whangapoua, Matarangi, Kuaotunu, Opito Bay, Whangamata, Whiritoa, Pauanui and Tairua. For the Firth of Thames, the areas modelled include Colville, Coromandel, Manaia, Tapu, Te Puru, Thames, Miranda, and Whakatiwai. |
Other Information: |
For more detailed information on the numerical modelling carried out by eCoast Limited reports can be found at https://waikatoregion.govt.nz/Services/Regional-services/Regional-hazards-and-emergency-management/Coastal-hazards/Tsunami/Eastern-Coromandel-Tsunami-Strategy |
Keywords: |
Topic Category: |
Resource Reference Date: |
29/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
eastBoundLongitude : |
southBoundLatitude : |
northBoundLatitude : |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Third party, internal permission |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer: “This map has been prepared using data supplied by the eCoast under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of eCoast to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The following additional disclaimers must be attached to any of the data in or associated with this Tsunami Hazard Classification for a Maximum Credible Event: “The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.”
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
File Identifier: |
6A876547-748B-4B8F-897D-E651A26A449B |
Parent Identifier: |
D0A83B6D-9219-4BB4-9339-CA7897DE1440 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | feature for HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
Polygon boundaries indicating the preliminary relative ground-shaking amplification rating of each polygon. |
Statement: |
The data was derived using manual digitising from published 1:250,000 geological maps with additional interpretation and synthesis.
The data was derived using manual digitising from published 1:250,000 geological maps with additional interpretation and synthesis. The information presented in this layer and accompanying Client Report 33596B.10 (WRC Technical Document TR96/17 - Internal Document # 1719533) was developed by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (now GNS) for Waikato Regional Council as a regional snapshot of Ground shaking susceptibility.
Other Information: |
Data is presented as digital polygon boundaries which indicates the relative ground-shaking amplification rating of each polygon.
Positional accuracy is Low; 80% well-known points located with +/- 250 m of actual position.
The source maps were drafted in September 1996. The information was considered to be current at that time. Subsequent research is likely to have superceded this data. Research was undertaken up to 1996 by IGNS.
Data aquisition from Manual digitising from published 1:250,000 geological maps with additional interpretation and synthesis. Reviewers at IGNS verified data after capture.
This is the best available source information was used but data is generalised by virtue of its scale (1:250,000) and age (1960 up until 1993). Data should not be used at a scale beyond 1:250,000.
Logical consistency is high.
Data was supplied in both published (paper map) form, and as a digital GIS graphics file. Data was supplied in both published (paper map) form, and as a digital GIS graphics file.
For related information:
Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Client Report 33596B.10 (available as WRC Technical Report # TR96/17)).
WRC Policy Series 97/12 ‘Earthquake Risk Mitigation Plan’.
Also see EW DOCS# 734315 and 1719533.
Attribute accuracy is High. All polygons have a single attribute rating from A-D.
Extract from Beanland, S., Drummond, G., Huber, P., Hull, A., and Townsend, T., 1996: Earthquake Hazard Analysis of Waikato Regional Council Area. Client Report 1996/3359B.10, Institute of Nuclear and Geological Sciences Limited, Lower Hutt.
4.1 Geological units and hazard zones
Geological materials in the Environment Waikato Region have been classified and mapped into four units for this study. These units are used to define hazard zones. It is important to note that the data have been both compiled and digitised at 1:250,000 scale, unlike the active fault data which were compiled and digitised at 1:50,000 scale. The accuracy of the hazard zone boundaries is therefore much less than that of the fault locations. The four units, in order of decreasing hazards, are:
UNIT A: Holocene (<10,000 yrs) fluvial, lake, fan and swamp deposits and near coastal estuarine and beach deposits. Commonly high in volcanic ash content. These deposits comprise unconsolidated, very soft to stiff intermixed peat, clay, silt, ash, sand and gravel. The groundwater table generally very high. May include liquefiable layers. Critical thickness of sediments 2-15m. MOST HAZARDOUS. Amplification of approximately two MMI units and/or settlement and liquefaction common.
UNIT B: Quaternary (<2.5 Myr) fluvial and marine terrace deposits, lignite, dunes and, pumice alluvium and ignimbrite flows. Unsaturated, slightly weathered, unconsolidated gravel, ash and sand. QUITE HAZARDOUS. Amplification of approximately one MMI unit common.
UNIT C: Tertiary (<75 Myr) sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, coal measures, limestone, and conglomerate. Includes volcanic rocks of various ages. Gravels dense to very dense. Rock strength weak to moderately strong. NOT VERY HAZARDOUS, except that fine grained rocks are particularly prone to slumping and land sliding, especially if saturated and/or denuded of vegetation cover.
UNIT D: Basement rocks, (>75 Myr), greywacke (generally indurated, well bedded, sandstones and siltstones, moderately to highly deformed) and minor schist. Weak to very strong. LEAST HAZARDOUS. |
Keywords: |
Civil defence,Download,Earthquake,Hazard,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences |
Resource Reference Date: |
20/09/2006 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
copyright |
Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
notPlanned |
Last Load Date: |
20/09/2006 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:250,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
1208 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1906114.0851 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1737376.8246 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5646087.1503 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5965058.3318 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
GNS Science |
Delivery Point: |
P.O. Box 30-368, Avalon |
City: |
Lower Hutt |
Postal Code: |
5040 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
04 570 1444 |
Fax: |
04 570 4600 |
Email: |
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Team Leader Spatial Information and Data Management |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
restricted |
Data Use Constraints: |
restricted |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data (Data sourced from GNS Science). Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer:
“This map has been prepared using data supplied by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS) under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of the Institute to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The following additional disclaimers must be attached to any of the data in or associated with this Earthquake Hazard GIS layer:
“The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.”
“The information portrayed on this map at a scale of 1:250,000 is to be used for emergency management and/or evacuation purposes only and is not to be used for land use planning.”
“The information contained in this data set and/or map is correct at the date of verification only. Date of verification is September 1996.”
Data Use Limits : |
The data are not suitable for and should not be used in place of detailed investigations into any particular engineering, town planning or infrastructure project. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
explore |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
Rating of ground shaking - ie, A, B, C, D, L |
N |
N |
Location of textfile in WRC corporate drives |
N |
N |
Area in Hectares |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
Unique Identifier |
N |
Y |
File Identifier: |
955E696E-4FEE-3348-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
ESTIMATED inundation area for the 1960 Chilean tsunami in Whitianga. This estimated inundation area is based on a combination of written and verbal eyewitness reports with survey and modelling information. The data is displayed as polygon and line vector data. |
Statement: |
This vector layer represents the estimated inundation area for the 1960 Chilean tsunami in Whitianga. The layer was produced as part of WRC Technical Report 2014/65, "Inundation of Whitianga town during the 1960 Chilean tsunami" (available on the WRC website). This report used a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to determining inundation levels, including a review of existing historical written and verbal reports, on-site interviews with local eyewitnesses, a survey of a cliff-side marker of maximum inundation level and recent numerical modelling.
Other Information: |
For more information on this data, please refer to WRC Technical Report 2014/65 - Inundation of Whitianga town during the 1960 Chilean tsunami |
Keywords: |
Coastal,Download,Hazard,Historic,Tsunami,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
21/10/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
notPlanned |
Last Load Date: |
21/10/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:5,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
2 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1841594.6131 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1840637.4554 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5919654.3848 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5923142.5712 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Users are free to:
- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
- The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- No Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material without obtaining agreement from WRC first.
- No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
This data is the ESTIMATED extent only, thus should be considered as such. Please refer to WRC Technical Report 2014/65, "Inundation of Whitianga town during the 1960 Chilean tsunami" (available on the WRC website) for the full methodology used to estimate the inundation extent. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
"1960 tsunami inundation extent in Whitianga" |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
8452ED53-5DF9-5896-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Hazards - Waterway cross section locations for all of Waikato Region. |
Statement: |
This line data shows the locations of all cross sections for waterways in the Waikato Region, that have been surveyed by Waikato Regional Council. Many of these cross sections have associated flood modelling, and therefore flood levels (with various limitations). This data set is therefore intended to provide an indication of which waterways may contain flood modelling. Attribute information includes unique ID numbers, used to identify cross sections. If an internal request, the principal internal users listed below should be contacted to request flood modelling information. If an external request, the Regional Hazards Team or the principal internal users should be contacted to request flood modelling information.
Other Information: |
For further enquires or flood level information, please contact the Regional Resilience team. |
Keywords: |
Cross section,Download,Hazard,River,Waikato Data Portal,Waterway |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
18/03/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
13/06/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
2522 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1889740.8236 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1750517.5737 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5679002.466 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5931190.144 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
custodian |
Position: |
Team Leader - Regional Hazards and Environmental Compliance |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
6C34453E-12F3-4EB5-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
HAZARDS - Cross Section Locations for Waikato River and Waipa River |
Statement: |
Cross section locations for predicted flood levels along the Waikato River Cambridge to Port Waikato, and along the Waipa River from Waipa Valley to Waikato River confluence. This data is presented as line (Waikato) and point (Waipa) data. There are a range of levels available for each location, which may include: previous flood observations/interpolations, levels from backwater calculations based on the 1958 scheme design. Levels from 2009 hydraulic modelling (excluding climate change), and levels from the 1% AEP flood extent as mapped. |
Other Information: |
For further enquires or flood level information, please contact the Regional Hazards team. |
Keywords: |
1% AEP,100 year event,Civil defence,Emergency management,Flood,Flood control,Hazard,Hazardous,Natural hazard,Previous flood,Risk,River,Scenario |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
04/04/2018 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
15/10/2018 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:5,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
215 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1818039.6643 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1761940.8609 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5802443.0635 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5874182.5133 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
AEP_1 |
N |
N |
OBS_1958 |
N |
N |
DFL_1958 |
N |
N |
INT_1958 |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
77EB0299-8A9C-40AC-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
HAZARDS - Cross Section Locations for Waikato River and Waipa. Point feature. |
Statement: |
River Cross section locations for predicted flood levels along the Waikato River Cambridge to Port Waikato, and along the Waipa River from Waipa Valley to Waikato River confluence. This data is presented as line (Waikato) and point (Waipa) data. There are a range of levels available for each location, which may include: previous flood observations/interpolations, levels from backwater calculations based on the 1958 scheme design. Levels from 2009 hydraulic modelling (excluding climate change), and levels from the 1% AEP flood extent as mapped. |
Other Information: |
For further enquires or flood level information, please contact the Regional Hazards team |
Keywords: |
1% AEP,100 year event,Civil defence,Emergency management,Flood,Flood control,Hazard,Hazardous,Natural hazard,Previous flood,Risk,River,Scenario |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
11/10/2018 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
notPlanned |
Last Load Date: |
15/10/2018 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:5000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
point |
geometricObjectCount : |
153 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1805845.0361 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1786259.9643 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5749511.6641 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5829214.1167 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
8CB90018-1CA4-03E7-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Areas in the Waikato District that are defended from river flooding by flood protection structures up to a specified design event. |
Statement: |
Defended areas are those that are defended from flooding by structural defences such as stopbanks or floodwalls. These areas are not defended from all flood events. They are defended from flooding from a specified water course up to a specified design flood event. The water course defended from and the design flood event (described by the event frequency as an AEP) are provided in the attribute information as ‘Water Course’ and ‘AEP’ respectively. The data is presented as vector polygon data and was created for use in the Waikato District Plan Review (2019).
Although the defended areas are defended by most flood events (depending on their level of protection), they still have the potential to flood. Defended areas may flood due to a larger than design event, or due to failure of a structural defence. This risk that remains is known as "residual risk". The Waikato Regional Policy Statement and Practise note (https://discover.wairc.govt.nz/otcs/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objaction=overview&objid=12000091) includes policies and methods about residual risk, including that residual risk zones shall be identified in District Plans. |
Other Information: |
For the Waikato District, defended areas were determined using the following process:
For all stopbanks or defended areas outside of the Huntly Urban area, the defended area was defined using existing Direct Benefit Rating layers (GIS_ALL.RACS_RATE_WAIKWAIP_DIR_BENEFIT; under “RACS – Rating Scheme – Waikato-Waipa – GIS Layer” in the Data Catalogue), and included an expert review to ensure correct benefit areas were used.
For all stopbanks or defended areas within the Huntly Urban area, the defended area is defined as ground areas (based on 2007/2008 LiDAR) at or below the Design Flood Level of the relevant stopbank reach. |
Keywords: |
Download,Flood,Flood control,Stop bank,Waikato Data Portal,Watercourse |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
03/07/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
25/06/2021 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
107 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1817280.028 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1751216.768 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5835055.546 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5880763.451 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
ID1 |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
CW |
N |
N |
DW |
N |
N |
N |
N |
LP |
N |
N |
Name of the water course the stopbank is protecting from |
N |
N |
Annual exceedance probability (AEP) of the Design Flood Level (DFL) |
N |
N |
The name of the secondary watercourse if there is more than one water course the stop bank protects from. |
N |
N |
Where the defended area extents are derived from. |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
10DFE33F-4882-4632-8677-1D89E33EFF27 |
Parent Identifier: |
066C3C17-22DD-4085-B3E5-9F14337C4FEF |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
HAZARDS - Waikato River (Cambridge to Huntly) and Waipa River (Waipa Valley to Waikato River confluence) 1% AEP 2D flood extent as line geometry. |
Statement: |
2D flood extent as interpolated from a Mike 21 1D model on to a LiDAR derived topography using WaterRide Software. This information is created by inferring the 1% AEP 1D flood model (2009 TOPNET Design 1958 - 0.2) over the adjacent floodplain to create a 2D representation. There may be some inaccuracies and errors associated with this method. The modelling does not include the predicted effects of climate change on rainfall intensity and sea level rise. These maps do not show internal ponding in overbank areas which is likely in an event. Where stopbanks are overtopped, full flooding is shown. The model also only relates to the main channel, with many tributaries and some overbank areas not included. The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards. The information is correct as at 30 October 2021. |
Other Information: |
There may be derivatives of this layer created and shared by other parties. While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of derivatives or their use by you.” |
Keywords: |
1% AEP,100 year event,Download,Extent,Flood,Hazard,Management,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
22/12/2016 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
notPlanned |
Last Load Date: |
15/10/2018 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1,250 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
2435 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1820033 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1784847.708 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5760135 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5838000 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
"The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards."
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
There may be derivatives of this layer created and shared by other parties. While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of derivatives or their use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Data should not be used at scales greater than 1:1,250
Note there is currently some overlap with the polygon version of this data between Huntly and Horotiu and around Ngaruawahia which may result in minor discrepancies when both layers are viewed together. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
ArcGIS_Model |
specifies the ArcGIS model that created the dataset |
S:\GISWork\GIS_Jobs\requests_33500_33999\33571_Lower_Waikato_Modelled_Flood\33571_Flood_Model.gdb\Toolbox\32571_stage_2_assemble : 20/12/2016 11:12:55 a.m. |
N |
N |
Title |
name |
Waikato River 1% AEP 2D flood extent (Horotiu to Port Waikato) |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
7ABB3CCC-0BE0-79C7-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Waikato River (Horotiu to Port Waikato) 1% AEP 2D flood extent as polygon geometry. |
Statement: |
2D flood extent as interpolated from a Mike 21 1D model on to a LiDAR derived topography using WaterRide Software. This information is created by inferring the 1% AEP 1D flood model (2009 TOPNET Design 1958 - 0.2) over the adjacent floodplain to create a 2D representation. There may be some inaccuracies and errors associated with this method. The modelling does not include the predicted effects of climate change on rainfall intensity and sea level rise. These maps do not show internal ponding in overbank areas which is likely in an event. Where stopbanks are overtopped, full flooding is shown. The model also only relates to the main channel, with many tributaries and some overbank areas not included. The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards. The information is correct as at 30 October 2021. |
Other Information: |
There may be derivatives of this layer created and shared by other parties. While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of derivatives or their use by you.” |
Keywords: |
1% AEP,100 year event,Download,Extent,Flood,Hazard,Management,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
16/11/2018 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
24/06/2021 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1,250 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
curve |
geometricObjectCount : |
1 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1795998.0001 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1750968.0001 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5824002.0001 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5875322.0001 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
There may be derivatives of this layer created and shared by other parties. While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of derivatives or their use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Data should not be used at scales greater than 1:1,250
Note there is currently some overlap with the line version of this data between Huntly and Horotiu and around Ngaruawahia which may result in minor discrepancies when both layers are viewed together. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
08959AC9-FAD8-4D34-E063-0404560A6F8A |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Surveyed flood extent data that shows the inundation resulting from the Coromandel "Weather Bomb" event of June 2002. The resulting line data should be considered indicative and covers only parts of Sandy Bay, Port Charles, Colville, Koputauaki Bay, Coromandel Town, Manaia, Waikawau, Te Mata, Tapu, Waiomu, Te Puru and Tararu. |
Statement: |
The 2002 flood event is represented by line data from flood extent surveying which was done immediately following the flood event. Used for general viewing only, is imprecise data, not for use in any other capacity, i.e. not for planning zones, not for rating assessment, not for any other legal purpose. Data is too imprecise for any purpose other than “getting a general idea of the 2002 Flood extent”.
Original request = S:\GISWork\GIS_Jobs\requests_08000_8500\8430_AdamMunro_CoroFloods
features were stored in R:\AssetMan\GeoMedia_Warehouse\2002_flood_coromandel.mdb. |
Other Information: |
Data was digitized between 10th October 2002 and 25th October 2002. Taken from printed, then drawn on, and then scanned maps and heads up digitizing. Data was scanned from the printed aerial photo maps, registered as best possible, then digitized on screen and also digitized off original maps. The data is complete as per the printed copy.
The data is digitized from registered scanned images. Spatially correct placement, although Spatial Xy varies due to inability to exactly match maps with existing data at such a large scale. |
Keywords: |
Download,Flood,Hazard,Inundation extent,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
economy:economic activities, conditions and employment society:characteristics of society and cultures |
Resource Reference Date: |
30/10/2023 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
static |
Last Load Date: |
03/11/2023 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2,500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
curve |
geometricObjectCount : |
48 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1824646.9738 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1819542.3844 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5889801.3296 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5954947.1772 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Users are free to:
- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
- The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- No Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material without obtaining agreement from WRC first.
- No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2002. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Positional accuracy is Approximately 20-50 metres |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
890A3150-9A00-087B-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
The location of subsidence bowls from ground subsidence relating to geothermal resource use by Contact Energy. |
Statement: |
This subsidence bowl definition data is owned by Contact Energy, and collected as part of their resource consent conditions. This dataset was created in 2010, and will next be updated in late 2019. The subsidence bowl definition is calculated using ground level data, captured from ground surveys. The mean estimated error of the data is at 95% confidence level. However, the Subsidence Bowl Definition data is intended only for information purposes. For further information, including if subsidence information is required for construction or design purposes, please contact Contact Energy Ltd. |
Other Information: |
For further information, contact Contact Energy Ltd. Dataset needs to be updated after each survey. |
Keywords: |
Geothermal,Hazard,Subsidence |
Topic Category: |
geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences |
Resource Reference Date: |
17/05/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
17/05/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:5,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
3 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1872148.9909 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1867480.102 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5712359.9748 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5721837.5584 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Contact Energy Ltd |
Delivery Point: |
City: |
Taupo |
Postal Code: |
3352 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
+64 7 376 1980 |
Fax: |
Email: |
abdul.nishar@contactenergy.co.nz |
Role: |
user |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Third party, internal permission |
Licence Type : |
To be determined |
Licence: |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
© Contact Energy 2010. Regional Hazards Portal Data. |
Data Disclaimers : |
This dataset should not be used for construction or design purposes. Please contact Contact Energy Ltd for any further information.
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Not to be used for construction or design purposes. |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
D179F2A1-A104-43C8-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
High level liquefaction assessment of the Waikato Region undertaken in general accordance with the guidance document ‘Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Ground Damage to Inform Planning Processes’ published by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment in 2017 https://www.building.govt.nz/building-code-compliance/b-stability/b1-structure/planning-engineering-liquefaction-land/ |
Statement: |
To provide WRC with a region-wide liquefaction vulnerability assessment to identify areas of land susceptible to liquefaction as required in the RMA. The technical report and resulting map outputs will be used to inform planning and consenting processes.
This work was supported by funding from the Waikato Regional Council. This assessment has been made at a broad scale across the entire region and is intended to approximately describe the typical range of liquefaction vulnerability across neighbourhood-sized areas. It is not intended to precisely describe liquefaction vulnerability at a property level.
The Level A assessment is a desktop study that is mainly based on the geological map (QMAP, 3rd edition 2020). To assess the potential hazard of lateral spreading, a geomorphic mapping was carried out using the NZDEM North Island 25 metre Digital Elevation Model available from LINZ data service. The hydrology network and water bodies data came from LINZ data service as well. The seismic hazard model used for the assessment is based on the National Hazard Model (Stirling, 2012) and the NZTA Bridge Manual methodology (NZTA, 2018). No regional seismic hazard model has been developed for the assessment, which means that we did not take into account the potential spatial variability in seismic hazard across the region. The assessment does not include the geotechnical field investigations available on the NZ Geotechnical Database. However, the database has been consulted to check the properties of the ground and compare it with the geological information available. Depth to groundwater was based on data from the Waikato Regional Council groundwater monitoring network up to June 2021. The National Water Table (NWT) model developed by GNS Science (Westerhoff, 2018) was also used in areas not covered by the groundwater network. However, the NWT model was used with very low weight in the spatial analysis due to its uncertainty. |
Other Information: |
"The Level A assessment is a desktop study that is mainly based on the geological map (QMAP, 3rd edition 2020).
To assess the potential hazard of lateral spreading, a geomorphic mapping was carried out using the NZDEM North Island 25 metre Digital Elevation Model available from LINZ data service. The hydrology network and water bodies data came from LINZ data service as well.
The seismic hazard model used for the assessment is based on the National Hazard Model (Stirling, 2012) and the NZTA Bridge Manual methodology (NZTA, 2018). No regional seismic hazard model has been developed for the assessment, which means that we did not take into account the potential spatial variability in seismic hazard across the region.
The assessment does not include the geotechnical field investigations available on the NZ Geotechnical Database. However, the database has been consulted to check the properties of the ground and compare it with the geological information available.
Depth to groundwater was based on data from the Waikato Regional Council groundwater monitoring network up to June 2021. The National Water Table (NWT) model developed by GNS Science (Westerhoff, 2018) was also used in areas not covered by the groundwater network. However, the NWT model was used with very low weight in the spatial analysis due to its uncertainty."
Keywords: |
Assessment,Download,Hazard,Risk,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
24/11/2021 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
30/11/2021 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:25000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
9316 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1920887.5251 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1740273.901 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5646122.9576 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5966790.9725 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Regional Resilience Team Leader |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
07 8590580 |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Users are free to:
- Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.
- The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
- Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- No Derivatives - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material without obtaining agreement from WRC first.
- No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2021. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you." |
Data Use Limits : |
See Statement above |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
Stratigraphic age from the age list |
source: NZL GNS 1:250K geological units |
N |
N |
Main rock type from the rock name list |
source: NZL GNS 1:250K geological units |
N |
N |
Name applied to very high level grouping of geological mapping units. |
The name comprises stratigraphic age and depositional environment or rock type (e.g., Late Quaternary river deposits; Neogene sedimentary rocks). (source: NZL GNS 1:250K geological units) |
N |
N |
Liquefaction category assigned to this area |
MBIE guidelines, 2017 |
N |
N |
Name of the source file |
Shown with the intention making the user aware of what version they have. |
N |
N |
Date data was loaded into SQL Server |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
98EA1909-9FCB-250E-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Local scale flood model coverage, indicating where local scale river flood modelling data are available. Flood level information is available for these rivers. |
Statement: |
Polygon data created with the purpose to indicate to users of the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal where detailed flood modelling is available (when map is zoomed out/before local scale flood modelling is visible), and where the model boundaries are (for Thames Coromandel and Taupo Districts only). For the Waikato and Waipa Rivers, the data shows a less detailed version of the modelled 1% AEP flood extent (effectively a simplified 100m buffer applied around the modelled flood extent geometry). For the Thames Coromandel and Taupo Districts, the data shows the model boundaries, as rectangle polygon data. |
Other Information: |
Keywords: |
Coverage,Download,Flood,Hazard,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
05/12/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
11/01/2020 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
scales > 1:80,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
22 |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1854711.5245 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1750868.0327 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5675193.7256 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5955090.1347 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Flood model coverage data for Waikato and Waipa rivers is indicative only and should not be used/viewed at scales greater than 1:80,000. Flood model coverage data for Thames-Coromandel and Taupo Districts is actual model boundaries and can be viewed at scales greater than 1:80,000. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
88F8135A-FE32-65BB-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Modelled water depths for the hypothetical situation of probable maximum flood, resulting from a Karapiro dam break (assumes instantaneous, total removal of the dam, which is an extreme scenario). |
Statement: |
This data is presented as raster data which shows the modelled water depths for the hypothetical scenario of a Karapiro dam break flood (rainy day scenario/probable maximum flood). This data was produced as part of a report commissioned by Mercury Energy (then Mighty River Power) in 2012 from an external expert (DHI Water and Environmental Limited). This is part of ongoing prudent emergency response preparedness, with at least seven related and detailed studies undertaken since 1989. The report models water movement in the hypothetical situation of a dam break, and assumes an instantaneous, total removal of the dam, which is an extreme scenario. Although the underlying assumption of this report is of sudden complete removal of the dam, it does not imply that the dam is unsafe in any way.
For the modelling, a hybrid one- and two-dimensional modelling approach was chosen. The two-dimensional method was used where over-bank flow is likely, and the one-dimensional method was used where the flood wave is expected to be confined within the channel.
Mercury Energy should be contacted for any further information, including to request the modelling report.
Other Information: |
For information on processing to create this layer please refer to the ModelBuilder model stored in S:\GISWork\IRIS_Requests\REQ_122000_124999\REQ122725_Regional_Hazards_Portal_JacobW\WRC_Data\Flooding\Karapiro_Dam_Break\REQ122725_Karapiro_Dam_Break.gdb |
Keywords: |
Dam,Flood,Flood depth,Hazard,Inundation extent,Lake,Mercury,River |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
16/05/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
16/05/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:5000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
54737 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1823822.8134 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1784912.5 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5799522.5809 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5844922.5 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
author |
Position: |
Organisation: |
DHI Water and Environmental Limited |
Delivery Point: |
PRIVATE BAG 93504 Takapuna |
City: |
Auckland |
Postal Code: |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
09 912 9638 09 912 9638 |
Fax: |
Email: |
info.nz@dhigroup.com info.nz@dhigroup.com |
Role: |
user |
Position: |
Regional Resilience Team Leader |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Role: |
resourceProvider |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Mighty River Power |
Delivery Point: |
21 Grantham Street |
City: |
Hamilton |
Postal Code: |
3240 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
07 857 0199 |
Fax: |
07 857 0192 |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Internal and Contractors |
Licence Type : |
To be determined |
Licence: |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Third parties to request data from Mercury Energy. |
Copyright : |
© Mercury Energy 2012. Waikato Regional Hazards Portal - Karapiro Dam Break Data (data sourced from DHI Water and Environmental Limited). |
Data Disclaimers : |
The dam break map data is the best estimate of inundation levels for a dam break event. Inundation levels should not be considered as being absolute. If an exact level is required then further analysis should be undertaken to determine that level. Mercury accepts no responsibility for any adverse effect directly or indirectly resulting from the use of this data.
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”.
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
894AB3CB-4934-1EDE-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
River flood depth for the 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event for a number of rivers and streams, derived from local flood modelling. Does not contain depth values, only depth classes, thus is to be used for mapping purposes.
Statement: |
River flood depth for a 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event, derived from 2D local flood modelling. To determine the potential flood depth, the flood level data was reclassified into flood depth above ground level (from LiDAR data) in meters. Data is presented as polygons which show flood depth classes (not values), and should be used for mapping purposes. Attribute information includes the year the modelling was completed (from ~2006 onwards).
Models have incorporated the best available information at the time of their creation, generally including (but not always) LiDAR data, and flood event survey assessments. A climate change component is generally included in the modelling and will likely be based on the best available MfE guidance from the period of modelling. All flood depth information takes into account the presence of WRC-managed stopbanks and floodwalls, with the exception of Tararu and Te Puru (which have been modelled using a “stopbanks down” approach). The LiDAR data is converted to a grid which has limitation when assessing small stream channels and topographic features such as ridges. This may lead to minor discrepancies in water flows which may lead to limitations in defining flood extents. Internal drainage such as storm water systems, culverts, piping etc, are generally not included in the modelling. Depending on how the model is configured, they often only consider the main watercourse, so flooding of minor channels, tributaries, ponding and coastal inundation may not be represented by the flood extent. This information is not intended to replace more detailed hydrogeological and survey data required for Building Consents or Resource Consents. The information shown is current as of the time of modelling, including assumptions around climate change and hydrology etc. Note that this is a “live” dataset and further additions will be made as and when available and verified.
Other Information: |
For further information, including the model limitations for a particular area, please contact the Regional Resilience Team.
Keywords: |
Depth,Download,Flood,Flood depth,Hazard,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
20/05/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
16/12/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
87320 |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1854664.9266 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1819142 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5675276.0292 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5955198 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
File Identifier: |
88544045-7B58-55F8-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
River flood hazard classification for a number of rivers and streams, derived from local flood modelling. REPLACES the obsolete feature HAZ_FLOOD_HAZ_MOD_THAMES_CORO. |
Statement: |
River flood hazard classification for a 1% annual exceedance probability (AEP) event, derived from the (2D) modelled flood depth and flood speed data for a number of rivers and streams. To determine the potential flood hazard classification a matrix was designed combining both flood depth and flood speed. The hazard classification has been divided into three levels of river flood hazard based on the likely impact on people, property and surrounding environment. These are:
1. Low- The combined depth and speed of floodwaters are unlikely to impair the maneuverability or stability of the average person and damage to property is likely to be non- structural and mainly due to inundation and deposition of sediment.
2. Medium- The combined depth and speed of floodwaters are likely to start to impede the maneuverability or stability of the average person and damage to property is unlikely to be structural provided that weak points such as windows and doors are retained above flood level.
3. High- The combined depth and speed of floodwaters are likely to significantly impede the maneuverability or stability of the average person and damage to property is likely to be widespread and structural, including instances where building have been raised above the flood level.
In addition, there is also Defended which covers areas defended from river flood hazards (by stopbanks or other protection measures).
Data is presented as polygons showing potential flood hazard. Attribute information includes the year the modelling was completed (from 2006 onwards). Models have incorporated the best available information at the time of their creation, generally including (but not always) LiDAR data, and flood event survey assessments. A climate change component is generally included in the modelling and will likely be based on the best available MfE guidance from the period of modelling. Note that for Grahams Creek a climate change component is not included for the flood hazard classification, due to the design of the flood scheme to current climate only as a result of community consultation. The LiDAR data is converted to a grid which has limitation when assessing small stream channels and topographic features such as ridges. This may lead to minor discrepancies in water flows which may lead to limitations in defining flood extents. Internal drainage such as storm water systems, culverts, piping etc, are generally not included in the modelling. Depending on how the model is configured, they often only consider the main watercourse, so flooding of minor channels, tributaries, ponding and coastal inundation may not be represented by the flood extent. This information is not intended to replace more detailed hydrogeological and survey data required for Building Consents or Resource Consents. The information shown is current as of the time of modelling, including assumptions around climate change and hydrology etc. Note that this is a “live” dataset and further additions will be made as and when available and verified.
Other Information: |
The following views are subsets of the "ALL" data where location equals the associated area:
Keywords: |
1% AEP,100 year event,Download,Flood,Flood hazard,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
08/05/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
16/12/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
27359 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1854614 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1819142 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5675273.6446 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5955070 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
For further information, including the model limitations for a particular area, please contact the Regional Resilience Team. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
River flood hazard classification for a number of rivers and streams, derived from local flood modelling.
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
The modelled hazard level: Low, Medium, High or Defenced |
N |
N |
The local stream or area name designation for model data |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
The date of model creation |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
File Identifier: |
87A0401F-F51B-3536-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
Tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel and Firth of Thames by eCoast Limited which shows tsunami depth for a maximum credible event scenario. Does not contain depth values, only depth classes, thus is to be used for mapping purposes. |
Statement: |
Tsunami inundation depth for a maximum credible event scenario, derived from tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel (published between 2013 and 2017) and for the Firth of Thames (published 2019) by eCoast Limited. For the eastern Coromandel, this scenario is a near-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake at the Tonga-Kermadec Trench. For the Firth of Thames, this scenario is regarded as a local-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake on the off-shore section of the Kerepehi Fault. The modelling was carried out using the Community Model Interface for Tsunamis (ComMIT) numerical modelling tool. Data is presented as polygons which show tsunami inundation depth classes (not values), and should be used for mapping purposes. For the eastern Coromandel, the areas modelled include Whitianga, Mercury Bay, Cooks Beach, Hahei, Hot Water Beach, Kennedy Bay, Whangapoua, Matarangi, Kuaotunu, Opito Bay, Whangamata, Whiritoa, Pauanui and Tairua. For the Firth of Thames, the areas modelled include Colville, Coromandel, Manaia, Tapu, Te Puru, Thames, Miranda, and Whakatiwai. This dataset can be used to guide evacuation planning routes. |
Other Information: |
For more detailed information on the numerical modelling carried out by eCoast Limited reports can be found at https://waikatoregion.govt.nz/Services/Regional-services/Regional-hazards-and-emergency-management/Coastal-hazards/Tsunami/Eastern-Coromandel-Tsunami-Strategy
For information on processing to create this layer please refer to the ModelBuilder model stored in S:\GISWork\IRIS_Requests\REQ_145000_149999\REQ147445_Build_Tsunami_Layers_for_Hazards_Portal_DerekP/REQ147445 Build Tsunami Layers for Hazards Portal.gdb |
Keywords: |
Topic Category: |
Resource Reference Date: |
29/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
unknown |
Last Load Date: |
29/04/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
42135 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1858405.5569 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1803790.9151 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5867859.2927 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5946092.6034 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer: “This map has been prepared using data supplied by the eCoast under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of eCoast to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The following additional disclaimers must be attached to any of the data in or associated with this Tsunami Hazard Classification for a Maximum Credible Event: “The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.”
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
87A0401F-F51D-3536-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
Tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel and Firth of Thames by eCoast Limited which shows tsunami flow speed for a maximum credible event scenario. Does not contain flow speed values, only flow speed classes, thus is to be used for mapping purposes. |
Statement: |
Tsunami flow speed for a maximum credible event scenario, derived from tsunami modelling for the eastern Coromandel (published between 2013 and 2017) and for the Firth of Thames (published 2019) by eCoast Limited. For the eastern Coromandel, this scenario is a near-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake at the Tonga-Kermadec Trench. For the Firth of Thames, this scenario is regarded as a local-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake on the off-shore section of the Kerepehi Fault. The modelling was carried out using the Community Model Interface for Tsunamis (ComMIT) numerical modelling tool. Data is presented as polygons which show tsunami flow speed classes (not values), and should be used for mapping purposes. For the eastern Coromandel, the areas modelled include Whitianga, Mercury Bay, Cooks Beach, Hahei, Hot Water Beach, Kennedy Bay, Whangapoua, Matarangi, Kuaotunu, Opito Bay, Whangamata, Whiritoa, Pauanui and Tairua. For the Firth of Thames, the areas modelled include Colville, Coromandel, Manaia, Tapu, Te Puru, Thames, Miranda, and Whakatiwai. |
Other Information: |
For more detailed information on the numerical modelling carried out by eCoast Limited reports can be found at https://waikatoregion.govt.nz/Services/Regional-services/Regional-hazards-and-emergency-management/Coastal-hazards/Tsunami/Eastern-Coromandel-Tsunami-Strategy
For information on processing to create this layer please refer to the ModelBuilder model stored in S:\GISWork\IRIS_Requests\REQ_145000_149999\REQ147445_Build_Tsunami_Layers_for_Hazards_Portal_DerekP/REQ147445 Build Tsunami Layers for Hazards Portal.gdb |
Keywords: |
Topic Category: |
Resource Reference Date: |
29/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
unknown |
Last Load Date: |
29/04/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
26987 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1860718.1641 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1803790.9151 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5867784.4693 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5946092.6034 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer: “This map has been prepared using data supplied by the eCoast under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of eCoast to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The following additional disclaimers must be attached to any of the data in or associated with this Tsunami Hazard Classification for a Maximum Credible Event: “The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.”
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
87A0401F-F51E-3536-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
Modelled Tsunami Hazard for a Maximum Credible Event for populated parts of Coromandel Peninsula, Firth of Thames, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau. |
Statement: |
Tsunami hazard for a maximum credible event scenario, derived from tsunami modelling for populated parts of the Coromandel Peninsula (published between 2013 and 2017) and for the Firth of Thames (published 2019) and for Opoutere, Wharekawa Harbour, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa (published 2022) derived from eCoast Limited modelled tsunami flood depth and speed grid data. This data illustrates the expected tsunami hazard for a modelled Maximum Credible Event scenario. For the eastern Coromandel, this scenario is a near-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake at the Tonga-Kermadec Trench. For the Firth of Thames, this scenario is regarded as a local-source tsunami resulting from an earthquake on the off-shore section of the Kerepehi Fault. For the West Coast models this is the worst case scenario selected from a variety of model scenarios and tsunami sources. The modelling was carried out using the Community Model Interface for Tsunamis (ComMIT) numerical modelling tool. Data is presented as polygons which show tsunami hazard, classified as low, medium or high hazard. The hazard classification is the same used for flood hazards. This tsunami hazard data was derived from combining tsunami depth and tsunami speed data. For the eastern Coromandel, the areas modelled include Whitianga, Mercury Bay, Cooks Beach, Hahei, Hot Water Beach, Kennedy Bay, Whangapoua, Matarangi, Kuaotunu, Opito Bay, Whangamata, Whiritoa, Pauanui and Tairua. For the Firth of Thames, the areas modelled include Colville, Coromandel, Manaia, Tapu, Te Puru, Thames, Miranda, and Whakatiwai. On the West Coast the areas modelled included Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau coast. |
Other Information: |
For more detailed information on the numerical modelling carried out by eCoast Limited reports can be found at https://waikatoregion.govt.nz/Services/Regional-services/Regional-hazards-and-emergency-management/Coastal-hazards/Tsunami/Eastern-Coromandel-Tsunami-Strategy/
For information on processing to create this layer please refer to the ModelBuilder model stored in S:\GISWork\IRIS_Requests\REQ_145000_149999\REQ147445_Build_Tsunami_Layers_for_Hazards_Portal_DerekP/REQ147445 Build Tsunami Layers for Hazards Portal.gdb
Further detailed processing notes can be found in WRC doc# 24807740 |
Keywords: |
Hazard,Tsunami |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
29/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
08/04/2024 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2,500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
29759 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1858404.485 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1803790.9151 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5867852.8983 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5946092.6034 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer: “This map has been prepared using data supplied by the eCoast under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of eCoast to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The following additional disclaimers must be attached to any of the data in or associated with this Tsunami Hazard Classification for a Maximum Credible Event: “The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.”
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
The vector data has not been smoothed and may appear to still have a "grid" like appearance. Data is derived from raster (grid) data and has many vertices. The data may be slow to load for some users. |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
8646B5B4-5A7E-0B6D-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Inundation extent polygons that have been mapped along the Kaiaua Miranda coastline, based on a desktop study of pasture burn captured in aerial imagery (early 2018) following the 4-6 January 2018 storm surge event. |
Statement: |
This data is presented as vector polygon data which shows the inundation extent along the Kaiaua Miranda coastline from the 4-6 January 2018 storm surge event, as represented by pasture burn (dead pasture due to salt water inundation). The polygons were mapped based on pasture burn shown on aerial imagery that was captured soon after the event, in early 2018. The digitisation of the pasture burn was completed by the Waikato Regional Council (WRC) Regional Hazards Team. Where the pasture burn lines were unclear, LiDAR (elevation) data and the surveyed inundation data was used to assist with mapping. The inundation extent has often not been mapped in built up areas due to the difficulty of identifying pasture burn in these areas. The lack of a desktop inundation extent polygon covering an area does not necessarily mean that inundation did not occur in this area. The presence of a desktop inundation extent polygon does not necessarily mean that inundation did occur in this area. |
Other Information: |
Keywords: |
Download,Extent,Inundation extent,Storms,Tidal,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
12/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
notPlanned |
Last Load Date: |
07/07/2020 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:5000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
14 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1807156.4895 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1803336.75 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5879994.9791 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5892999.3294 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
8646B5B4-5A7F-0B6D-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Surveyed points that show the inundation extent for the 4-6 January 2018 storm surge event at locations along the Firth of Thames and Coromandel Peninsula. |
Statement: |
This data is presented as vector point data which shows the surveyed inundation extent for the 4-6 January 2018 storm surge event. Attribute information includes the elevation of the ground level at each survey point (in various datums) – these elevations do not necessarily represent the maximum level that the water reached, although they may provide an indication. Post event data collection was undertaken by a variety of field teams and then collated into a mapped area by Waikato Regional Council (WRC). These were collected by the WRC Environmental Monitoring (EM) team, who visited some rural sites and mapped burnt pasture lines. The WRC EM team also visited sites along the western Coromandel Coast mapping inundation extent points in townships where possible from Port Charles to Tararu. This was combined with some anecdotal water level reports collected by Thames Coromandel District Council during their post-event inspections. This data shows the significant amount of damaging inundation along the Thames Coast Road, as well as substantial impacts to residential (particularly at Waiomu, Te Puru and Kaiaua), and rural (Kaiaua/Miranda Coast) areas. Land elevations that the inundation affected varied across the area dependent on local topography and hydrodynamic effects. Surveyed debris/burnt pasture lines caused by inundation from the event varied in average elevation from RL 1.2 m on the southern Kaiaua/Miranda Coast to 3.0m across the Hauraki Plains. The maximum elevation of the surveyed inundation lines was at 5.7 m (TVD) at Ngarimu and Whakatete Bay, if accurately identified this is likely due to wave effects. |
Other Information: |
Keywords: |
Download,Extent,Inundation extent,Survey,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
location:positional information and services |
Resource Reference Date: |
12/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
notPlanned |
Last Load Date: |
12/04/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
point |
geometricObjectCount : |
1842 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1824431.2675 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1803011.5549 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5882101.9734 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5955004.0051 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
NZVD_2016 |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
2AC903C8-1F9C-4AE0-BE50-1A3A4DDCE742 |
Parent Identifier: |
1322EFA2-86DB-41D2-9C67-4582A0E23CD7 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
The Regional Scale Flood Hazard data is polygon features of areas in the Waikato Region that may be susceptible to flooding, based on varying sources of information. Intended to be used to indicate where further flood hazard investigation may be required. |
Statement: |
The data is a compilation of flood hazard information which is sourced from a combination of; previous event information (photos and aerial imagery, anecdotal information, post-event surveys), flood modelling, flood protection and drainage scheme information, and elevation data.
Data is presented as polygons which represent susceptibility to flooding, with attribute information indicating type of flooding, historical floods, data reference and quality, etc. The data attribute also includes "FLOOD_HAZARD_ID", which is an ID number that corresponds to text files with additional information, available internally in Discover folder # 30 07 10.
This data should be viewed in conjunction with flood protection and land drainage asset data (datasets with the prefix RACS, many of these layers are publically available from the CoLAB- Waikato Data Portal).
This is for general public information on susceptibility to flooding in the Waikato Region, and should be used to indicate where further investigation may be required. It is important to note that this information is not suitable to use for building or resource consent applications as it is not suitable to be viewed at a property scale. |
Other Information: |
Regarding data accuracy, the least accurate data is from polygons plotted on 1:50,000 topo map then transferred to this dataset. The most accurate data is derived from flood modelling. Information on data accuracy can be seen in the attributes. Due to the low accuracy of much of the data, it should not be viewed beyond a 1:50,000 scale, and ideally not using aerial photography as the base layer.
Collation of data has occurred from November 1996 to April 2019. The information shown is current as of 1 April 2019. Note that this is a “live” data set and further additions will be made as and when available and verified. The latest updates went live in July 2019.
Refer to WRC DOCS# 951493 and 971022 for data quality. Note that the verification process used has determined the level of accuracy.
Data were collected by multiple people over time and originally collated in Excel spreadsheets. These were output to MS Access to create the draft GIS layer and edited for consistency of format and style together with removal of obvious typographic errors and such like. Logical checks were carried out to ensure that valid attribute values are used where possible – such as valid territorial authority names, and document references. Basic QA in the GIS included topological verification (all polygons close etc.) and that required attribute fields are populated. Spatial and aspatial data were finally loaded into the WRC Corporate Spatial Database to form the corporate GIS layer.
Data form is in GIS Layers and MS Word Documents. The data is stored in Waikato Regional Council's corporate spatial database as Features that can be loaded using WRC’s GIS, and can be accessed by SQL-based application.
This dataset was previously named RACS_FLOOD_HAZARD. |
Keywords: |
Download,Extent,Flood,Hazard,Risk,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
02/04/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
24/06/2024 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:50,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
666 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1894324.3206 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1740385.6141 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5674614.5367 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5955003.886 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : |
"The presence of a hazard zone on this map does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard, nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council, while providing the information in good faith, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or loss in value of any person, property, service or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards in the Waikato Region.”
“The information portrayed on this map is to be used for emergency management and/or evacuation purposes only and is not to be used for land use planning.”
“The information contained in this data set and/or map is correct at the date of verification only. Date of verification is 1 June 2006.”
“The data provided shall not to be viewed, used or reproduced at a scale closer than 1:50,000 and is not to be viewed, used or reproduced with other datasets of differing accuracy (e.g. cadastral information). This condition recognises the accuracy of the dataset and the consequential lack of applicability to property specific decision making”.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Any flood events which have occurred since the last date of verification (2019) will not be recorded in this data. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
TA |
Territorial Local Authority |
N |
N |
Protected / Unprotected. Differentiation between areas that are protected and not protected in a 100 yr event |
N |
N |
Name of geographical location |
N |
N |
Flood Hazard Name |
name of flood hazard |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Name of river/stream or catchment |
N |
N |
Map reference |
N |
N |
Management Plan |
Name of river or catchment management plan if available (including date/details) |
N |
N |
Control Scheme |
Name of control scheme if applicable |
N |
N |
Flood protection works in place Y/N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Design flood level of control scheme |
N |
N |
Does ponding occur: Yes/No |
N |
N |
Date of historic flood (if applicable) |
N |
N |
Date of historic flood (if applicable) |
N |
N |
Date of historic flood (if applicable) |
N |
N |
Date of historic flood (if applicable) |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Data reference: person who recorded flood/flow data, was responsible for transposing data or corroborated accuracy of data. . Source from which data was derived. Manner in which data was collected. |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Primary quality category: High, medium, low, very low, unusable |
N |
N |
Secondary factor(s) which cause an adjustment of the baseline quality category |
N |
N |
Combined data quality taking into account primary and secondary quality categories |
N |
N |
Flood level and flow during 500 year event (if known) |
N |
N |
Flood level and flow during 100 year event (if known) |
N |
N |
Docs#, File# or for more extensive information |
N |
N |
ID |
Unique Identifier |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
944A9C1B-A9E1-7ACC-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Point locations that represent available sea level scenario information for the Waikato coastline. Attributes include indicative sea levels for each location for; MHWS, max tide, lower and upper storm tide range, for the current climate and with 0.5 and 1 m sea level rise. Designed for use in Waikato Regional Councils Coastal Inundation Tool. |
Statement: |
This dataset comprises point locations (vector point data) that represent where sea level scenario information is available for the Waikato coastline. Attributes include indicative sea levels for each location for; MHWS, max tide, lower and upper storm tide range, for the current climate and with 0.5 and 1 m sea level rise. The data was created for use in Waikato Regional Councils Coastal Inundation Tool, in conjunction with GIS_IMAGE.COASTAL_INUNDATION_MOSAIC.
The sea level scenarios in this dataset are based on NIWA’s national tide model and the information in the 2014 NIWA report, “Analysis of Whitianga, Tararu and Kawhia sea-level records to 2014": https://waikatoregion.govt.nz/assets/PageFiles/41257/3460508%20NIWA%20report.pdf and are derived from the (internal) table: https://discover.wairc.govt.nz/otcs/llisapi.dll?func=ll&objaction=overview&objid=3819631 |
Other Information: |
More information on how the scenarios were generated and the limitations of the scenarios can be found in Section 3 of the Coastal Inundation Tool User Guide: https://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/assets/WRC/Services/regional-services/hazards-and-emergency-management/coastal/Coastal-Inundation-Tool-V2-User-Guide.pdf |
Keywords: |
Coastal Inundation,Download,Flood,Flood hazard,Hazard,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
07/10/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
notPlanned |
Last Load Date: |
17/10/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
All Scales |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
52 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1857053.4971 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1739861.0252 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5715480.1477 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5961140.2502 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
n/a |
Licence Conditions: |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Point locations are only indicative of the centre point of a polygon representing the various seal level scenario locations around the coast of the Waikato Region. Users should find the closest sea level scenario point to their coastal location of interest and use the scenario data from that point.
This data does not identify coastal hazard areas suitable for assessing risk to specific property. Further investigation is required to quantify a coastal hazard area or define minimum ground/floor levels.
This information is not to be used for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
A0EDE1C1-A251-0C53-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal |
Abstract: |
Simplified tsunami inundation zones (formerly known as 'Blue is wet') derived from maximum credible event tsunami modelling for populated parts of Coromandel Peninsula, Firth of Thames, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau. Plus, Preliminary - Susceptible Area modelling for other populated parts of the West Coast. |
Statement: |
Tsunami inundation zones (formerly known as 'Blue is wet'), are those that may be affected by tsunami in a maximum credible tsunami event, i.e. they represent the expected worst-case tsunami inundation. These areas represent areas that should be evacuated from in the event of a “long or strong” earthquake, or a tsunami warning. The tsunami inundation zones were derived differently for the different coastal areas in the Waikato. For the Coromandel Peninsula, the Firth of Thames and Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau, the inundation zones are a simplified version of the modelled extent for a maximum credible tsunami event – wave heights vary and there is unlikely to be time for an official tsunami warning. For the remaining populated locations of the West Coast (Port Waikato, Raglan Harbour, Aotea Harbour, Taharoa, Kiritehere and North of Marokopa, Waikawau and North of Awakino, the inundation zones are areas likely to be susceptible to tsunami, based on preliminary modelling and investigation – wave heights are likely to be relatively small, and there will likely be time for an official tsunami warning. For more information on tsunami evacuation, including Community Response Plans, the Emergency Management staff for the relevant District Council should be contacted. More information on tsunami hazard can be found on the Waikato Regional Council tsunami webpages. |
Other Information: |
Feature attributes include MODEL_TYPE, MODEL_AREA and REGION. A view name change from HAZ_TSUNAMI_BLUE_IS_WET to HAZ_TSUNAMI_INUNDATION_ZONES was done 29th June 2021 under REQ175278
Under REQ188903 Port Charles, Opoutere, Wharekawa Harbour, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau were new models added in 2022. The opportunity was taken at this time to improve the data set by:
1.) Clipping the tsunami inundation zones to a 200m buffer of the coastline.
2.) Extending the tsunami inundation zones up the parts of harbours and estuaries that were outside the modelled area by following the LINZ mean high water coastline.
3.) Extending some tsunami inundation zones landward where the inundation would clearly continue beyond the modelled area, using LiDAR contours to estimate the additional extent.
These and other minor edits are described in detail in WRC doc# 24807740 |
Keywords: |
Coastal Inundation,Flood,Tsunami,Tsunamis |
Topic Category: |
geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences |
Resource Reference Date: |
16/03/2020 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
08/04/2024 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2,500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
28 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1860717.7576 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1728732.0052 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5713276.662 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5946131.942 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer: “This map has been prepared using data supplied by the eCoast under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of eCoast to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
Note data disclaimers below. |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
The part of the region to which the model belongs (West Coast, Firth of Thames or Coromandel Coast). |
Distinguishes between the Coromandel Peninsula, Firth of Thames (FoT) and the West Coast regions |
N |
N |
The place name of the respective harbour, bay or beach for each model |
N |
N |
The type of model used |
Either maximum credible tsunami event (Coromandel Peninsula, Firth of Thames, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau) and tsunami susceptible areas from preliminary modelling (other populated parts of the West Coast). |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
8452BC9D-7E4B-566A-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
Model boundaries for Maximum Credible Event tsunami modelling for Coromandel Peninsula, Firth of Thames, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa and Awakino-Mokau and preliminary modelling for other populated locations along the West Coast of the Waikato Region. |
Statement: |
Model boundaries for the maximum credible event tsunami modelling carried out for the Coromandel (published between 2013 and 2017), Firth of Thames (published 2019) and Opoutere, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau (published 2022), by eCoast limited. Preliminary modelling (to show tsunami susceptible areas) carried out for other populated parts of the West Coast (published 2015), by eCoast limited. The model boundaries show which areas were included in the modelling. Areas that are outside of the tsunami model boundaries have not been modelled but may still be at risk of tsunami inundation. For the Coromandel, Firth of Thames, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, Awakino and Mokau the modelling was carried out using the Community Model Interface for Tsunamis (ComMIT) numerical modelling tool. For the remaining parts of the West Coast, only preliminary modelling and investigation has been undertaken (as the preliminary results showed that wave heights are likely to be relatively small, and there will likely be time for an official tsunami warning). For more information on tsunami evacuation, including Community Response Plans, the Emergency Management staff for the relevant District Council should be contacted. |
Other Information: |
More detailed information on the numerical modelling carried out by eCoast Limited can be found on the Waikato Regional Council tsunami webpages.
WRC Spatial Information carried out GIS work in 2022 and 2023 to create the bounding boxes representing the model boundaries for five new models for Port Charles, Opoutere and Wharekawa Harbour, Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, and Mokau/Awakino. This work also involved splitting out the new model areas from existing preliminary model areas where they overlapped for Kawhia Harbour, Marokopa, and Mokau/Awakino. |
Keywords: |
Boundary,Download,Hazard,Modelling,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics |
Resource Reference Date: |
18/03/2019 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
unknown |
Last Load Date: |
08/04/2024 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:1,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
28 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1860718.0514 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1728732.6572 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5713290.778588 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5946193.754 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
custodian |
Position: |
Team Leader - Regional Hazards and Environmental Compliance |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council - Integrated Catchment Management |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
Any data sets or maps derived from this information (either published or unpublished) should comply with and contain the following disclaimer: “This map has been prepared using data supplied by the eCoast under contract to Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all liability of eCoast to any party other than Waikato Regional Council in respect of the map is expressly excluded”.
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
As per statement and other dataset information above. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
The name of the model area and, if applicable, the contour applied to derive preliminary susceptible areas (in brackets) |
N |
N |
ID |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
A0E9D64A-A963-6264-E055-000000000001 |
Parent Identifier: |
6C3374ED-1ADB-3B5A-E055-000000000001 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS Layers |
Abstract: |
“Safe zones” are areas that should be evacuated to (if possible) in the event of a tsunami. They are areas above the 20m contour, which adds an additional factor of safety on to the Tsunami “Inundation Zones” that are at greater risk of being inundated. |
Statement: |
“Safe zones” are areas that should be evacuated to in the event of a tsunami, if it is possible to do so. Note that for most of the Waikato coastline, in local (NZ) or regional (SW Pacific) sourced tsunami causing events, there is unlikely to be time for an official tsunami warning, thus follow the “Long or Strong: Get Gone” message. The Safe Zones are defined as areas in the vicinity of the coast which are above the 20m contour line. The 20m contour line is used, as for the eastern Coromandel (highest tsunami hazard in the Waikato region), this elevation is not predicted to be affected by a maximum credible tsunami event in any coastal communities. The 20 m contour is used for the rest of the Waikato Region for consistency and to be conservative (although tsunami wave heights are predicted to be lower for the Western Coromandel, Firth of Thames and West Coast – as shown by the “Tsunami inundation zones". Note that due to the low-lying nature of the Hauraki Plains, no “Safe zone” exists for this area inland. The messaging is instead to move as far away as possible from the coast and any rivers connected to the coast. For more information on tsunami evacuation, including Community Response Plans, the Emergency Management staff for the relevant District Council should be contacted. More information on tsunami hazard can be found on the Waikato Regional Council tsunami webpages. |
Other Information: |
Features include REGION attribute: 1) Coromandel; 2) Firth of Thames; 3) West Coast. |
Keywords: |
Safety,Tsunami,Tsunamis |
Topic Category: |
geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences |
Resource Reference Date: |
08/04/2021 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
license |
Use Constraints: |
license |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
16/11/2023 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:2,500 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
surface |
geometricObjectCount : |
116 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
2 |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1876167.5001 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1740273.901 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5710977.0597 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5966802.5001 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
custodian |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
license |
Data Use Constraints: |
license |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY-ND 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Should users wish to distribute or publish derivatives or modified versions of this data then they must seek a data use agreement through WRC first. |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2004. Regional Hazards Portal Data. Licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
In some areas LiDAR data may have been unavailable or old when deriving some areas, thus in these areas the 20m NZTOPO50 contour line is used and should be considered indicative only.
The presence of a hazard does not guarantee the existence of such a hazard nor does the lack of information preclude the existence of a hazard or risk. Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability or otherwise resulting from hazards or knowledge of hazards.
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.” |
Data Use Limits : |
In some areas LiDAR data may have been unavailable or old when deriving some areas, thus in these areas the 20m NZTOPO50 contour line is used and should be considered indicative only. |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
The name of the part of the region the safe zone is in (West Coast, Western Firth of Thames, Coromandel Peninsula) |
N |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
N |