Historic Foreshore - GIS Layer
File ID: |
B11E5134-D60A-40F1-BA4A-325D4BBA1252 |
Hierarchy Level: |
dataset |
Abstract: |
This dataset contains a number of historical shorelines mapped from surveys and aerial photographs. Data is available for a number of locations around the Waikato Coast, mostly in areas with development at risk from coastal erosion. |
Statement: |
Historic Shoreline East and West Data can be viewed on the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal and accessed via AGOL webservice. |
Keywords: |
Coastal,Dunes,Erosion,Foreshore,Hazard,Historic,Marine,vegetation |
Topic Category: |
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
27/11/2007 |
Metadata URL: |
https://data.waikatoregion.govt.nz:8443/ords/f?p=140:12:0::NO::P12_METADATA_ID:972 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Language: |
English |
Character Set: |
utf8 |
Standard: |
Standard Version: |
1.1 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
copyright |
Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Previous report - Environment Waikato, 1999a: Coastal Erosion Risk Mitigation Strategy for the Waikato Region. Environment Waikato Policy Series 1999/03.
File Identifier: |
0A4B1F56-388C-2711-E063-0404560AE622 |
Parent Identifier: |
B11E5134-D60A-40F1-BA4A-325D4BBA1252 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | Feature of Historic Foreshore - GIS Layer |
Abstract: |
Historic shorelines for the Waikato Region. |
Statement: |
Shorelines derived from historic aerial photography dating from 1940s to present. This data can be used in conjunction with the separate feature SCIENCE.sdeadmin.COASTAL_SHORELINE_2017, a feature of dataset Coastal Shoreline and Intertidal Area - GIS Layer. The purpose is to indicate shoreline change over time.
East coast shorelines have only been digitised from historical aerial photography where its location is measurably different from the complete 2017 shoreline, and where the shoreline change is beyond the likely error of the photograph. Significant stretches of coast backed by hard rock cliffs, and estuaries away from the main populated areas, where shoreline change is not significant has therefore not been re-mapped for this dataset.
Priority has been given to areas where shorelines are highly changeable, and/or development is at risk from coastal erosion.
For the west coast of the Waikato region, from Port Waikato to Awakino/Mokau. The dataset includes a complete west coast shoreline digitised from 2012 WRAPS orthophotography, and the 2017 shoreline has also been digitized from WRAPS 2017 data to provide the best representation of the current shoreline. Shorelines have only been digitised from historical aerial photography where its location is measurably different from the complete 2012 shoreline, and where the shoreline change is beyond the likely error of the photograph. Significant stretches of coast backed by hard rock cliffs, and estuaries away from the main populated areas, where shoreline change is not significant has therefore not been re-mapped for this dataset. Priority has been given to areas where shorelines are highly changeable, and/or development is at risk from coastal erosion.
While the estimated error in the older (1940s and 1950s) orthorectifed images may be large (≤ ±30 m), observations made during the mapping process suggests that the historical photography aligns with the 2012 WRAPS images very closely (to within just a few meters in most areas). Where there is a clear problem with orthorectification (i.e. error is clearly more than 5 m) then a shoreline was not digitised from that photograph. This most commonly occurs on older (1940s and 1950s) photographs, where there is little or no development near the coast and therefore it is very difficult to find ground control points in the images. There is additional potential error in identifying the toe of dune from poor quality or overexposed photography. When using these shorelines from hazard assessment or other analysis, these potential errors need to be recognised and accounted for. |
Other Information: |
Lines showing the shoreline position (toe of dune) digitised from historical orthorectified aerial photographs. Attributes are YEAR of the orthophoto, SURVEY number, RUN description of surveyed areas, and COASTAL_SECTION to provide selections to the coast section/region of interest. Digitising was undertaken at a scale of 1:5,000, and represents as closely as possible the location of the toe of dune/bank/cliff. The accuracy of the shoreline data is influenced by orthorectification (and geo-referencing) errors of the underlying photography, and is dependent on the quality of the photos and control features in each frame. Metadata about the historic orthorectified images used can be found here http://data.waikatoregion.govt.nz:8080/ords/f?p=140:12:15071183388804::NO::P12_METADATA_ID:8029.
Historic Shoreline Data can be viewed on the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal and accessed via AGOL webservice. |
Keywords: |
Beaches,Boundary,Coastal,Download,Environment,Estuaries,Foreshore,Harbour,Hazard,Historic,Shoreline,Waikato Data Portal |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
17/11/2023 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
copyright |
Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
26/02/2025 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
1:5,000 |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
geometricObjectCount : |
972 |
topologyLevel : |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1860769.4191 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1740105.7069 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5713723.5083 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5961467.4913 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
Position: |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
copyright |
Data Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
CC BY 4.0 |
Licence: |
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(c) Waikato Regional Council 2021. Historic Shorelines derived from Historic Aerial Photographs Data Sourced from https://retrolens.nz and licensed by LINZ CC-BY 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you. |
Data Use Limits : |
Please note that the indicative line work does not constitute the actual legal boundary of the coastal marine area. CMA is defined as mean high water springs, which can change over time and has not been adequately surveyed across the region.
The intended use scale of the data is 1:5,000. This is based on the quality of historic imagery available - with more recent imagery tending to be more accurate and of a higher quality. |
Download Links
URL | Format | Notes |
about |
Download @ Waikato Data Portal |
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
N |
File Identifier: |
85530ACE-872A-4AF5-BF10-524564A54DAA |
Parent Identifier: |
FF7D6704-ADEC-4BC5-AA08-C9C2F0DB0AB6 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | feature of Historic Foreshore - GIS Layer |
Abstract: |
Lines and areas showing Historic Shoreline Erosion containing attributes stating year of survey, survey plan and erosion type (blowout, storm scarp, mound or seep) |
Statement: |
Used for assessment of coastal hazards and development of coastal development setbacks and coastal hazard policy |
Other Information: |
Based on underlying survey work the Historic Shorelines should be ± 1m, but may vary when plan registration points were scarce.
This data can be used for Locating historic foreshore and shorelines, assessment of coastal hazards and development of coastal development setbacks and coastal hazard policy.
The hard copy plans were scanned and registered using underlying CRS parcel data. The ability to register accurately was limited by the amount of parcel data on the maps. Registration was ‘best fit’, lines were then digitised and attributes populated. Some of the plans were compilations of survey records specifically drawn for WRC to show several years of historic shorelines. Data was captured directly from plans where the information existed. Most data is therefore available for the sandy beaches of the Coromandel Peninsula, and river/estuary mouths on the West Coast.
Data quality is based on the hard copy plans accuracy is assumed to be reasonable accurate. As all plans are of survey quality it can be assumed that the foreshore definitions are to the same standard. Some of the plans weren’t very clear in areas where several historic shorelines crossed each other particularly because of them being in black and white. If absolute accuracy is required it must be obtained from the underlying survey plan. Attribute accuracy is also based on the hard copy plans so therefore assumed to be reasonably accurate.
Attribute accuracy is based on the hard copy plans so therefore assumed to be reasonably accurate. The hard copy plans were scanned and registered using underlying CRS parcel data. The ability to register accurately was limited by the amount of parcel data on the maps. Registration was ‘best fit’. Lines were then digitised and attributes populated. Some of the plans were compilations of survey records specifically drawn for WRC to show several years of historic shorelines.
Data for is digital GIS data. Digital format is Spatial data with attributes stored in WRC’s Oracle database available for use by GIS users. |
Keywords: |
Coastal,Dunes,Erosion,Hazard,Historic,Shoreline |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
27/11/2007 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
copyright |
Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
27/11/2007 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
complex |
geometricObjectCount : |
21 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1856879.41959 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1758580.75094 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5776605.22658 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5933664.59234 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
author |
Position: |
GIS and Data Management Team Leader |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
copyright |
Data Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
To be determined |
Licence: |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
If you publish, distribute, or otherwise disseminate this work to the public the following attribution to Waikato Regional Council should be used:
© Waikato Regional Council 2007. Historic Shoreline Data.
Data Disclaimers : |
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data:
“While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
Name of Beach |
N |
N |
Type of erosion |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Original map |
N |
N |
Year of erosion |
N |
N |
ID |
Unique Identifier |
N |
Y |
File Identifier: |
04A02C42-1F78-45B8-966A-77038DA2ECA0 |
Parent Identifier: |
FF7D6704-ADEC-4BC5-AA08-C9C2F0DB0AB6 |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | feature of Historic Foreshore - GIS Layer |
Abstract: |
Lines showing Historic Foreshores containing attributes stating year of survey, survey plan and shoreline type (toe of dune, edge of vegetation, MHWM, MSL etc). |
Statement: |
This is used to locate historic foreshore and shorelines. Refer to WRC Reports: Environment Waikato, 2002: Coromandel Beaches - Coastal Hazards and Development Setback Recommendations. Summary Report.
Environment Waikato, 1999a: Coastal Erosion Risk Mitigation Strategy for the Waikato Region. Environment Waikato Policy Series 1999/03.
Other Information: |
Based on underlying survey work the Historic Shorelines should be ± 1m, but may vary when plan registration points were scarce.
This data can be used for Locating historic foreshore and shorelines, assessment of coastal hazards and development of coastal development setbacks and coastal hazard policy.
The hard copy plans were scanned and registered using underlying CRS parcel data. The ability to register accurately was limited by the amount of parcel data on the maps. Registration was ‘best fit’, lines were then digitised and attributes populated. Some of the plans were compilations of survey records specifically drawn for WRC to show several years of historic shorelines. Data was captured directly from plans where the information existed. Most data is therefore available for the sandy beaches of the Coromandel Peninsula, and river/estuary mouths on the West Coast.
Data quality is based on the hard copy plans accuracy is assumed to be reasonable accurate. As all plans are of survey quality it can be assumed that the foreshore definitions are to the same standard. Some of the plans weren’t very clear in areas where several historic shorelines crossed each other particularly because of them being in black and white. If absolute accuracy is required it must be obtained from the underlying survey plan. Attribute accuracy is also based on the hard copy plans so therefore assumed to be reasonably accurate.
Attribute accuracy is based on the hard copy plans so therefore assumed to be reasonably accurate. The hard copy plans were scanned and registered using underlying CRS parcel data. The ability to register accurately was limited by the amount of parcel data on the maps. Registration was ‘best fit’. Lines were then digitised and attributes populated. Some of the plans were compilations of survey records specifically drawn for WRC to show several years of historic shorelines.
Data for is digital GIS data. Digital format is Spatial data with attributes stored in WRC’s Oracle database available for use by GIS users. |
Keywords: |
Coastal,Dunes,Erosion,Hazard,Historic,Shoreline,vegetation |
Topic Category: |
oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) |
Resource Reference Date: |
27/11/2007 |
Metadata Constraints
Access Constraints: |
copyright |
Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Maintenance Information
Maintenance frequency: |
asNeeded |
Last Load Date: |
30/03/2019 |
Spatial Representation Information
Recommended Scale: |
Reference System: |
EPSG2193 |
Spatial Representation Type: |
vector |
Vector | Grid | Geographic Bounding Box |
GeometricObjectType : |
curve |
geometricObjectCount : |
207 |
topologyLevel : |
geometryOnly |
Number of Dimensions : |
Cell Geometry : |
Transformation Param Available : |
N |
westBoundLongitude : |
1855943.84 |
eastBoundLongitude : |
1740156.4936 |
southBoundLatitude : |
5714382.2217 |
northBoundLatitude : |
5932685.0728 |
Responsible Parties
Role: |
owner |
Position: |
GIS and Data Management Team Leader |
Organisation: |
Waikato Regional Council |
Delivery Point: |
160 Ward Street |
City: |
Hamilton Central |
Postal Code: |
3204 |
Country: |
New Zealand |
Phone: |
Fax: |
Email: |
Data Constraints
Data Access Constraints : |
copyright |
Data Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
To be determined |
Licence: |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
If you publish, distribute, or otherwise disseminate this work to the public the following attribution to Waikato Regional Council should be used:
© Waikato Regional Council 2007. Historic Shoreline Data.
Data Disclaimers : |
The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data:
“While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
Data Use Limits : |
Download Links
Supporting Information Links
General Notes:
Attribute Information
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
Name of beach |
N |
N |
Year of shoreline |
N |
N |
Original map |
N |
N |
N |
N |
Type of shoreline |
N |
N |
ID |
Unique Identifier |
N |
Y |