Biosecurity - Regional Animal Pest Control Areas - GIS Layer

File ID: CDE20A09-D199-4493-9443-20D1D86D8CA9
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: This layer shows the RAP (Regional Animal Pest) Control Areas for the Region (note that a site may consist of several blocks).
Statement: A RAP Control Area is a pest control operational boundary for either Community Possum Control Schemes (CPCS) or multi-pest control areas under the Key Ecological Sites Programme called Key Ecological Site Pest Control Schemes (KESPCS). The purpose of the RAP Control Areas program is to map boundaries to identify landowners and for tendering purposes, and for reporting on after operations are completed to Council. Boundaries for a RAP Control Area are based on specific topographical relief features, (bush/possum habitat essentially) areas and landowner boundaries where the landowners are (generally) willing participants in the various programmes. Dispersed through the Waikato Region. The data set is updated on an adhoc basis as new RAP Control Areas are created or existing ones are modified. The data was last updated 15 September 2017. This layer is complete and up to date. The data set was modified recently from the historic RAP Control Areas with additions and alterations being made. It is a snapshot in time as at September 2017. Each adjustment or change must be approved and signed off by the Animal Pests Manager or nominee. If the data set is expected to change considerably in the upcoming operational year then the layer from the current operational year must be archived in S:\BIOSEC\Data\Archive\Biosec_Archive.mdb. The data set is used to map boundaries to identify landowners and for tendering purposes and for reporting on after Animal Control operations are completed to Council. The data set is based on features on 1:50,000 topographic maps (topomaps), aerial orthophotos or property boundaries based on CRS.
Keywords: Biological pest control
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 09/12/2013
Metadata URL:

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

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General Notes:


File Identifier: 2A37C562-74F2-4C50-8EB6-551E7FAFC1EB Parent Identifier: CDE20A09-D199-4493-9443-20D1D86D8CA9
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Biosecurity - Regional Animal Pest Control Areas - GIS Layer
Abstract: Boundaries of Regional Animal Pest (RAP) Control Areas that are under the administration of Waikato Regional Council.
Statement: The RAP Control Area boundaries were digitised according to features on 1:50,000 topographic maps (topomaps), aerial orthophotos or property boundaries based on CRS. Thus the positional accuracy of the boundaries is dependent on the positional accuracy of the topomaps, aerial orthophotos and CRS. The detail on the original printed topomaps is positionally accurate to +/- 22 meters, the orthophotos are postionally accurate to +/- 12.5 metres and the CRS has the same positional accuracy as it’s predecessor the DCDB which is up to +/- 20 metres in rural areas and up to +/- 100 metres in remote areas. In cases where the RAP Control Area boundary does not run a long a CRS boundary we can be unsure which parts of the boundary have been digitised from orthophotos and which from topomaps. Thus we have to assume that topomaps were used in each case. In terms of relative accuracy we are also unsure what scale the boundaries were digitised at. If someone had digitised a boundary at 1:25,000 scale and placed a vertice 1mm out from the feature they were digitising from then that vertice could be 25 metres out from the position it is actually supposed to be in. As estimation we can assume is that, based on these factors and other uncertainties, the RAP Control Area boundaries could be, at most, up to 120 metres out from their actual location in rural areas and, at most, 200 metres out from their actual location in remote areas. Positional errors in the boundaries are assumed negligible given the precision of the GIS. The layer still needs to have its geometry validated and connectivity with other related biosecurity GIS layers validated. While the positional accuracy can be questionable for this data, the geometry is considered sound. RAP Control Areas can often be based on physical features, especially the boundaries of native and exotic forest and scrub. Often the topomaps and orthophotos that have been used to digitise these boundaries from can be several years out of date. This means that a boundary that has been digitised on a vegetation boundary may be wrong because the vegetation boundary has changed since the topomap or orthophoto was produced. This is especially the case with exotic forestry boundaries where large areas of forest can be cleared in a matter of weeks and new forest can be planted and have grown to a considerable level in only a few years. Data projection: New Zealand Transverse Mercator (NZTM) or Geodetric Datum 2000. All attributes have been checked and peer reviewed.
Other Information: The data set is used to map boundaries to identify landowners and for tendering purposes and for reporting on after Animal Control operations are completed to Council.
Keywords: Biological pest control
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 09/12/2013

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 23/04/2024

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:50,000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 58
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1893526.115608
eastBoundLongitude : 1741641.51
southBoundLatitude : 5690021.643602
northBoundLatitude : 5915099.585503

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Third party, internal permission
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions: Waikato Regional Council makes the data set available to animal and plant pest contractors on a goodwill basis should they need it. This is based on the fact that contractors will use the data only to assist with their contract duties and not for personal use or private financial gain. Maps derived from the data set can also be made available to landowners involved and anyone interested in the project.
Copyright : © Waikato Regional Council 2004-2022. Biosecurity - Regional Animal Pest Control Areas Data.
Data Disclaimers : The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
Data Use Limits :

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
NAME A name based on the prominent geographical feature or local name to describe the immediate area of the RAP Control Area. N N
TYPE The type of RAP Control Area (CPCS, KESPCS or Other). N N
STATUS The status of the RAP Control Area (Active, Dormant, Proposed or Retired) N N
AREA_HA The calculated area of the RAP Control Area in ha N N
DATE_BOUND The date at which the boundary or any attribute was last edited. N N
COMMENTS Any other comments about the RAP Control Area. N N
ID An auto number assigned to the RAP Control Area N N