Waikato Resource Management Plan

File ID: 937DA5D2-6519-3534-E055-000000000001
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: The Waikato Regional Coastal Plan and Waikato Regional Plan will be combined and will be renamed the Waikato Resource Management Plan with the intention of being fully operative by 2028.
Statement: Healthy Environments, He Taiao Mauriora, a project that will review the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan and the Waikato Regional Plan. These plans set out objectives, policies and rules that the Regional Council will use to manage natural resources, including air, land, fresh water and coastal. Healthy Environments, He Taiao Mauriora has kicked off for the Waikato Regional Coastal Plan review, and shortly the review of the Waikato Regional Plan will also kick off.
Topic Category:
Resource Reference Date: 27/09/2019
Metadata URL: https://data.waikatoregion.govt.nz:8443/ords/f?p=140:12:0::NO::P12_METADATA_ID:9618

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council - Science, Policy and Information
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 0800 800 401
Fax: 07 859 0998
Email: inforeq@waikatoregion.govt.nz


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:


File Identifier: C6022C18-BD40-46D6-E055-000000000001 Parent Identifier: 937DA5D2-6519-3534-E055-000000000001
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Waikato Resource Management Plan
Abstract: Areas identified for future aquaculture development in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan (Sea Change - Tai Timu Tai Pari). Released December 2016.
Statement: Indicative areas identified as suitable for further development of marine farms in the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park,as part of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan. Areas identified are likely to be appropriate forthe following aquaculture categories;intertidal shellfish (oysters), subtidal shellfish (mussels), or fish and subtidal shelfish (mussels). Two aquaculture exclusionzones are also proposed.

The areas identified are a preliminary guide, based on an initial assessment indicating that these locationsare likely to be suitable for aquaculture. The boundaries have been carefully drawn to exclude areas where farms would be likelytohave negative effects. It is not envisaged that marine farming would occupy all,or even the majorityof,these areas.

For more information see the plan on http://seachange.org.nz/Read-the-Plan/
Other Information:
Keywords: Aquaculture,HGMSP,Marine,Shellfish
Topic Category: oceans:features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters)
Resource Reference Date: 01/07/2021

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 01/07/2021

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 13
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1860005.7628
eastBoundLongitude : 1785669.8185
southBoundLatitude : 5889420.3504
northBoundLatitude : 5978504.502

Responsible Parties

Role: custodian
Position: Senior Policy Advisor
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council - Science, Policy and Information
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 0800 800 401
Fax: 07 859 0998
Email: inforeq@waikatoregion.govt.nz

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : Formal Data Use Agreement
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Crown Copyright: Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai 2016.
Data Disclaimers : Designed for use at scales no more precise than 1:8000. 1. DOC makes no express or implied warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the data or information, nor its suitability for any purpose. Errors are inevitably part of any database, and can arise by a number of means, from errors during field data collection, to errors during data entry. 2. DOC makes no warranties or representations as to possible infringement upon copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others in the data or information. 3. DOC will not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, losses or expenses howsoever arising and relating to use, or lack of use, of the data or information supplied. Guidelines for Use of the Information 4. Care should be taken in deriving conclusions from any data or information supplied. 5. Any use of the data or information supplied should state when the data or information was acquired and that it may now be out-of-date. Copyright Obligations 6. All proprietary rights to the intellectual property in the data or information remain with the Crown as its sole property. 7. Modification of the data and information or the addition of the information does not confer copyright or any other form of property of the original material to a user. 8. All maps or reports that are derived from the data or information must acknowledge the Crown copyright, in the following way: Crown Copyright: Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai 2016. 9. This information resource may be passed onto another party, in either hard copy or electronic form. If a user does this, then it is recommended that they also supply this metadata record with the information resource.
Data Use Limits :

Download Links


Supporting Information Links

 http://seachange.org.nz/Read-the-Plan/ HTML

General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
REGION Inside/outside Waikato region N N