Biodiversity Inventory

File ID: 7B83E860-5831-5C09-E055-000000000001
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: The Biodiversity Inventory is a project undertaken by the Waikato Regional Council to create a validated current vegetation data layer which could be used for a range of biodiversity, ecology and RPS purposes.
Statement: This layer is currently being refined and validated further with the end result being a comprehensive ecological classification for the whole of the Waikato Region. As at 2022 this dataset is undergoing further validation as funding and resources allow. The current vegetation data layer created for the biodiversity inventory project uses a combination of the Potential Ecosystem classification for the Waikato Region (Singers 2014) and the Waikato Region Biovegetation data layer which uses 2012 WRAPS to map current vegetation types. This data layer also relied extensively on an additional validated layer supplied by John Leathwick who was contracted to the Waikato Regional Council for biodiversity prioritisation work. The data layer John supplied was a validated merge of the Potential Ecosystem classification and the Biovegetation 2012 data layer. This has since been refined more and updated with a more recent version of the Biovegetation dataset, and has had validation from external contractors including Kessels and Associate Ecologists and Tonkin and Taylor, and followed on with quality assurance checking with ecology contractors at Waikato Regional Council. This work is currently ongoing and progress is being made through going through district by district and checking the worked carried out by ecology consultants at Waikato Regional Council. The validation and QA process has also used WRAPS 2017 where available and made extensive use of the oblique aerial photos which were taken 2016-2017 to identify vegetation types.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,River,vegetation
Topic Category: environment:environmental resources, protection and conservation
Resource Reference Date: 26/11/2018
Metadata URL:

Responsible Parties

Role: distributor
Position: Scientist
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

Download Links


Supporting Information Links


General Notes:


File Identifier: DF19D55A-3BAF-1550-E055-000000000001 Parent Identifier: 7B83E860-5831-5C09-E055-000000000001
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Biodiversity Inventory
Abstract: This biodiversity inventory data layer is for the Waikato River corridor and specifically undertaken for LINZ.
Statement: The biodiversity inventory is a vegetation data layer using the ecological classification described by Singers and Rogers for the Waikato Region. This data layer is for the Waikato River corridor and specifically undertaken for LINZ. LINZ 2021 River Corridor imagery was used for the validation, in addition to 2016/2017/2018 Biospatial oblique imagery where that 2021 imagery didn’t provide full coverage. We also utilised other data sources in our validations including WRAPS 2017, Google Maps Street and River View imagery, existing SNA data, LCR 2020 wetland validation data, and 2007 estuarine vegetation data .This data layer used a range of baseline data layers to be merged together, and now is in a detailed process of validation by ecologists at Waikato Regional Council. This layer will be refined and validated further with the end result being a comprehensive ecological classification for the whole of the Waikato Region.The dataset was derived using a range of underlying base layers including, a merge Singers and Rogers potential ecosystems for the Waikato Region, Biovegetation 2012, and also a data layer supplied by John Leathwick of updated vegetation sites which he had checked. The region wide Biodiversity Inventory data set is currently going through a process of detailed validation work carried out by various ecological consultants at Waikato Regional Council. As at 2022 the regional wide Biodiversity Inventory dataset is undergoing further validation as funding and resources allow.Reference Singers and Rogers ecological ClassificationAttribute fields to refer to are [Current_Veg_Ecosystem_Type], [Current_Veg_Validation], and [Comments] for vegetation comments and descriptions. The biodiversity inventory is a vegetation data layer using the ecological classification described by Singers and Rogers for the Waikato Region. This data layer is for the Waikato River corridor and specifically undertaken for LINZ. LINZ 2021 River Corridor imagery was used for the validation, in addition to 2016/2017/2018 Biospatial oblique imagery where that 2021 imagery didn’t provide full coverage. We also utilised other data sources in our validations including WRAPS 2017, Google Maps Street and River View imagery, existing SNA data, LCR 2020 wetland validation data, and 2007 estuarine vegetation data .
Other Information: The current vegetation data layer created for the biodiversity inventory is based on a combination of the Biodiversity vegetation (Biovegetation) 2012 dataset, the Potential Ecosystems dataset from Nick Singers using Singer and Rogers (2014) ecosystem classification types, and an additional validated vegetation cover layer supplied from John Leathwick. The wetland areas were completed by Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research. The validation and QA process also used WRAPS 2017 where available and made extensive use of the oblique aerial photos which were taken 2016-2017 to identify vegetation types. Classification of NZ Terrestrial Ecosystems Wetland reference for wetland attributes.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Download,Ecology,River,Waikato Data Portal,vegetation
Topic Category: environment:environmental resources, protection and conservation
Resource Reference Date: 16/05/2022

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 24/05/2022

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:5,000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 6676
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1891003.3131
eastBoundLongitude : 1749691.8176
southBoundLatitude : 5712023.5653
northBoundLatitude : 5875406.1682

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : license
Data Use Constraints: license
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : BY CC 4.0
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : © Waikato Regional Council 2022. Biodiversity Inventory Data. Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Data Disclaimers : While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.
Data Use Limits : The Biodiversity Inventory project for the Waikato Region is still ongoing and updates will be made as they become available.

Download Links

 5615563bc72f4c74bde25dc8eb5f026e_0 Download @ Waikato Data Portal

Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
BioVeg2012_LCDB2_NAME Biovegetation field name from Current Vegetation (version 8) Y N
BioVeg2012_WETLAND Biovegetation field name from Current Vegetation (version 8). Wetland = YES Y N
Current_Veg_Ecosystem_Type (Editable field) Ecosystem type code – from drop down fields (codes modified from Singers and Rogers), e.g. WF INCLUDE in Waikato data portal download N N
Current_Veg_Validation (Editable field) Ecosystem type code and description – from drop down fields (codes modified from Singers and Rogers), e.g. WF8 INCLUDE in Waikato data portal download N N
Veg_Description (Editable field) Description of the vegetation within the polygon, sometimes including details on landform, land use change over time or other relevant details INCLUDE in Waikato data portal download N N
Veg_Status Editable field) Indicates whether validator has completed validation Y N
Confidence High\med\low (of current_veg validation) Y N
Photo_1 Photo referenced when validating – good image of the area Y N
Photo_2 Photo referenced when validating – good image of the area Y N
QA_Status (Drop down) Indicating status of validation Y N
QA_Comment (Editable field) Indicating what changes were made to the polygon, or whether it was new etc. Y N
Reference_1 Additional information utilised in validation or relevant to polygon/site Y N
Reference_2 Additional information utilised in validation or relevant to polygon/site Y N
Reference_3 Additional information utilised in validation or relevant to polygon/site Y N
Area_ha Area in hectares (of polygon) INCLUDE in Waikato data portal download N N
Shape N N