Biodiversity Vegetation (BIOVEG) 2007 - GIS Layer

File ID: 466EA9DE-058E-40BE-9A43-801859A04191
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: Terrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands over 0.5ha mapped off 2007 WRAPS orthophotography using a slightly simplified version of the LCDB (1 and 2) classifications. Only classes relevant to regional terrestrial vegetation and wetland biodiversity have been mapped.
Statement: *The data set is seen as a relatively accurate version representing terrestrial vegetation and wetland cover as at 2007. It is intended that an equivalent data set will be created every five years or so but this is dependent on resource and budget availability and relevant policy and information requirements. *Vegetation fragments < 0.5ha are not mapped, and the detail of the shape boundaries are only intended for use at 1:10,000 scale. There may be further changes or refinements to the data sets pending current and future Bioveg and SNA contracts and feedback from local authorities and other users. There may be some minor modifications to a few polygons during biodiversity prioritisation work in the future but only when approved by an ecologist doing the work are 100% certain in the change required. *The dataset currently contains mapped polygons representing terrestrial vegetation, palustrine wetlands (degraded and non-degraded) and sand dunes over 0.5 hectares. The data set was digitised off the 2007 WRAPS orthophotography using a slightly simplified version of the LCDB1 and 2 classifications by an experienced land use classifier. The capture scale for digitising was 1:10,000 although the imagery may have been used at up to 1:5,000 for classifying polygons. Despite this the recommended scale of use is no greater than 1:10,000. *The LCDB classifications were used because a survey of potential data set users at Waikato Regional Council found the classification adequate to meet most users’ needs and also because it was the most nationally consistent land use/cover classification available at the time. It is acknowledged that there are many other vegetation classifications out there (such as Leathwick et al (1995), Atkinson (1962) and Nicholls (1976)) that may be more suitable and/or detailed for some users such as ecologists but the goal of this project was to create a data set that had strong temporal and spatial consistency, was easily recognised nationwide and that met the needs of most users.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Download,vegetation
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 06/07/2015
Metadata URL:

Responsible Parties

Role: custodian
Position: Team Leader - Spatial Information and Data Management
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Role: owner
Position: Scientist - Land and Soil
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council - Science, Policy and Information
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 0800 800 401
Fax: 07 859 0998


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Download Links


Supporting Information Links


General Notes: -Ministry for the Environment – The New Zealand Land Cover Database


File Identifier: BB300B29-F3B5-4E4F-9D3A-863A57003F7B Parent Identifier: 466EA9DE-058E-40BE-9A43-801859A04191
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Biodiversity Vegetation (BIOVEG) 2007 - GIS Layer
Abstract: Terrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands mapped to a selection of LCDB2 classes using 2007 WRAPS aerial imagery. Vegetation mapped to 0.5ha or more at a scale of 1:10,000.
Statement: *The data set is seen as a relatively accurate version representing terrestrial vegetation and wetland cover as at 2007. It is intended that an equivalent data set will be created every five years or so but this is dependent on resource and budget availability and relevant policy and information requirements. *Vegetation fragments < 0.5ha are not mapped, and the detail of the shape boundaries are only intended for use at 1:10,000 scale. There may be further changes or refinements to the data sets pending current and future Bioveg and SNA contracts and feedback from local authorities and other users. There may be some minor modifications to a few polygons during biodiversity prioritisation work in the future but only when approved by an ecologist doing the work are 100% certain in the change required. *The dataset currently contains mapped polygons representing terrestrial vegetation, palustrine wetlands (degraded and non-degraded) and sand dunes over 0.5 hectares. The data set was digitised off the 2007 WRAPS orthophotography using a slightly simplified version of the LCDB1 and 2 classifications by an experienced land use classifier. The capture scale for digitising was 1:10,000 although the imagery may have been used at up to 1:5,000 for classifying polygons. Despite this the recommended scale of use is no greater than 1:10,000. *The LCDB classifications were used because a survey of potential data set users at Waikato Regional Council found the classification adequate to meet most users’ needs and also because it was the most nationally consistent land use/cover classification available at the time. It is acknowledged that there are many other vegetation classifications out there (such as Leathwick et al (1995), Atkinson (1962) and Nicholls (1976)) that may be more suitable and/or detailed for some users such as ecologists but the goal of this project was to create a data set that had strong temporal and spatial consistency, was easily recognised nationwide and that met the needs of most users.
Other Information: *Refer to DM#1652753 for full metadata description. *Anyone using the data should be aware of the above accuracy statistics and recommended scale of use. The data should be considered indicative only and any use of the data for legal proceedings or purposes should be backed up by field checking of the relevant areas. Accuracy varies between districts but is correct around 80% of the time.Shrubland classes and wetland boundaries are especially difficult to map and classify using orthophotography, and errors are more likely to be found in these areas. Generally the broader the classification that is used the higher the classification accuracy. Only classes relevant to regional terrestrial vegetation and wetland biodiversity have been mapped. *Generally the broader the classification that is used the higher the classification accuracy. Particular classes that the classifier acknowledged as being difficult to classify were shrubland species, mixed exotic forest and wetlands. For this reason the UNCERTAIN1 and UNCERTAIN2 fields were created (see “Content of Data Set” above). *Refer to LCDB class descriptions for information the land cover classes and species present in each class *The classes are: -Generalised Vegetation Group (GEN_VEG) LCDB1 Name LCDB2 Name -Predominantly Indigenous Shrubland Flaxland -Predominantly Indigenous Fernland1 -Predominantly Exotic Gorse and Broom -Predominantly Indigenous Manuka and or Kanuka -Predominantly Indigenous Broadleaved Indigenous Hardwoods1 -Predominantly Indigenous Sub Alpine Shrubland -Predominantly Exotic Mixed Exotic Shrubland2 -Predominantly Indigenous Grey Scrub -Predominantly Exotic Planted Forest Afforestation (not imaged)3, 4 -Predominantly Exotic Forest Harvested 4, 5 -Predominantly Exotic Pine Forest – Closed Canopy -Predominantly Exotic Pine Forest – Open Canopy6 -Predominantly Exotic Other Exotic Forest2 -Predominantly Exotic (note this class is captured in SNA as pred.indig.) Exotic Hardwoods Deciduous Hardwoods -Predominantly Indigenous Indigenous Forest Indigenous Forest -Predominantly Indigenous Mangrove7 Mangrove7 -Mixed Indigenous and Exotic Inland Wetland Herbaceous Freshwater Vegetation -Mixed Indigenous and Exotic Coastal Wetland7 Herbaceous Saline Vegetation7 -Predominantly Indigenous Bare Ground Alpine Grass-/Herbfield -Mixed Indigenous and Exotic Coastal Sand Sand Dunes8 -Mixed Indigenous and Exotic Sand Dunes – Highly Modified8 -Mixed Indigenous and Exotic Tussock Grassland Tall Tussock Grassland -Mixed Indigenous and Exotic Depleted Tussock Grassland
Keywords: Biodiversity,Download,Waikato Data Portal,vegetation
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 02/10/2013

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 26/11/2015

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:10,000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 45689
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1906114.0869
eastBoundLongitude : 1740358.5994
southBoundLatitude : 5646087
northBoundLatitude : 5964818.2001

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Position: Scientist - Land and Soil
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council - Science, Policy and Information
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 0800 800 401
Fax: 07 859 0998
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions: Under this license you are free to copy, distribute, and adapt the work. You must however attribute the work to Waikato Regional Council and abide by the license terms and conditions.
Copyright : Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2007. Biodiversity Vegetation (BIOVEG) data. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.
Data Use Limits : Anyone using the data should be aware of the above accuracy statistics and recommended scale of use. The data should be considered indicative only and any use of the data for legal proceedings or purposes should be backed up by field checking of the relevant areas.

Download Links

 a43e27bf7a004e28b69aeaedeb540a26 Download @ Waikato Data Portal

Supporting Information Links


General Notes: *Refer to DM#1652753 for full metadata description.

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
LCDB2_NAME The dominant (at least 51% of area) LCDB2 class in a polygon or N N
LCDB1_NAME The dominant (at least 51% of area) LCDB1 class in a polygon. N N
GEN_VEG The generalised vegetation group (Predominantly Indigenous; Mixed Indigenous and Exotic; Predominantly Exotic; Uncertain or Boggy Pasture) assigned to the polygon by the Council. This is derived by running a nested IF functional attribute query on the LCDB2_NAME attribute. The query expression is recorded in section 4 below. N N
WETLAND Is the polygon wetland or contain wetland? (Yes/Null) N N
ESTUARINE_VEG_TYPE Is the VEG_TYPE field copied across from the GIS_ALL.ESTUARINE_VEGETATION layer where applicable N N
MINOR_CLSA A minor LCDB2 class also found within the boundaries of the polygon. N N
MINOR_CLSB A second minor LCDB2 class also found within the boundaries of the polygon. N N
MINOR_CLSC A third minor LCDB2 class also found within the boundaries of the polygon N N
UNCERTAIN1 Indicates if the classifier was uncertain about the classification used, the boundary delineated for the polygon, whether the polygon is wetland or not, or a combination of any of these three things. N N
UNCERTAIN2 Indicates if the classifier was uncertain about any, or a combination of any, of the minor classes assigned. N N
COMMENTS Any comments contributed by the classifier. N N
FIELD_COM If a polygon was field checked this attribute allows the field checker to enter any comments if they deemed it necessary. N N
PHOTO_1 An hyperlink to an oblique photo showing the polygon in question when viewed from the field N N
PHOTO1_ID If a photo is taken then this is the ID of the photo. N N
PHOTO_EAST1 The NZTM (begins with a 1) or NZMG (begins with a 2) easting of where photo1 was taken from (some photos only). N N
PHOTO_NTH1 The NZTM (begins with a 5) or NZMG (begins with a 6) northing of where photo1 was taken from (some photos only). N N
PHOTO_2 An second hyperlink to an oblique photo showing the polygon in question when viewed from the field. N N
PHOTO2_ID If a second photo is taken then this is the ID of the photo N N
PHOTO_EAST2 The NZTM (begins with a 1) or NZMG (begins with a 2) easting of where photo2 was taken from (some photos only). N N
PHOTO_NTH2 The NZTM (begins with a 5) or NZMG (begins with a 6) northing of where photo2 was taken from (some photos only). N N
DISTRICT The district within which that polygon lies (polygons that overlap district boundaries are split by those boundaries although these will ultimately be merged together). N N
METADATA A hyperlink to the metadata document (will only work internally at the Council). N N
ID The unique identifier for the polygon. N Y