WISKi - Lake Water Quality

File ID: 5B98445F-3347-4B58-AF28-A8B40AE34E37
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: A database on the water quality of lakes throughout the Waikato Region.
Statement: The data set is a result of past and present monitoring programmes, which have had different designs and purposes. Purposes for the data set included impact monitoring, water supply testing (Lake Taupo), beach bathing safety, State of the Environment (SOE) monitoring, trend detection, environmental assessment, and characterisation of the lake system.
Keywords: Lake,Water quality
Topic Category: inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics
Resource Reference Date: 20/09/2006
Metadata URL: https://data.waikatoregion.govt.nz:8443/ords/f?p=140:12:0::NO::P12_METADATA_ID:1163

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

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General Notes: EW DOCS# 496039 - Lake Water Quality Information.

Lake Water Quality (WISKi)

File Identifier: 6D81524A-2CA2-47EF-99A4-50CCBC889AF8 Parent Identifier: 77EA0B82-94B2-4F7A-A83C-DC181174B781
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of WISKi - Lake Water Quality
Abstract: Table of the water quality of lakes throughout the Waikato Region (non-spatial data).
Statement: *Water quality data has been collected from Lake Taupo, and the following thirty small lakes from throughout the Waikato region: Lakes Otamatearoa, Parkinson, Areare, Kaituna, Kainui, Tunawhakapeka (E), Hakanoa, Hotoananga, Kimihia, Ohinewai, Rangiriri, Rotokauri, Rotokawau, Rotongaro, Rotongaroiti, Waahi, Waikare, Whangape, Rotoroa, Koromatua, Mangahia, Mangakaware, Maratoto, Ngaroto, Rotomanuka North, Rotomanuka South, Ruatuna, Te Koutu, Numiti, Taharoa, Ngapouri, Kuratau and Rotipiko North. The Waikato River hydro lakes are excluded from this data set (see Waikato River). *Over three-quarters of the lakes sampled are from districts surrounding Hamilton. The small lakes each have between one and six sampling sites. Taupo has twenty sites. Sampling has occurred mostly from surface waters, but there are some bottom water samples. The suite of parameters sampled has varied over time and between lakes, they have included: water level, depth, temperature, Secchi depth, dissolved oxygen, percentage dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, turbidity, suspended solids, pH, conductivity, chlorophyll a, phyaeophytin, phytoplankton unit counts, nitrate, ammonium, nitrate-nitrite nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, faecal coliforms, Escherichia coliforms (E-COLI), Enterococci bacteria, Absorbance at 270nm filtered, Absorbance at 270nm unfiltered, Absorbance at 400nm filtered, Absorbance at 400nm unfiltered, boron and fluoride. Other parameters have been determined from spot samples.
Other Information: *Geographic Extent: The data set covers a selection of lakes throughout the Waikato region from Mt. Ruapehu to Waiuku. The data is associated with discrete sites in specific lakes. *NZ Map Grid Co-ordinates: T20: 351-194; U18: 958-689; U16: 051-154; S13: 050-170; R12: 588-347; R16: 606-329. Using NZMS 260 map series, 1: 50 000. *Positional Accuracy: Unknown. Most sites are located from NZMS 260 map series, scale 1:50,000. *Period and Frequency of Record: Small lakes: sampling has been inconsistent and the frequency variable. Between 1980 to 1983 weekly samples were taken during the summer. From 1985 to the present the sampling frequency has varied from spot samples to six monthly, bimonthly and monthly sampling. Most records have gaps and sampling periods differ between lakes. Lake Taupo: Mostly intensive bacteriological sampling during summer. Refer to attached sheet. *Data Acquisition Method(s): Data was collected by trained staff following procedures described in: Boswell, J. and Zuur, B. 1987: The Bacterial Quality of Classified Waters in the Waikato Catchment. Waikato Valley Authority Technical Publication 87/35. Waikato Valley Authority, Hamilton. Davenport, M.W. 1981: Lake Trophic Status and Water Quality: 1981 Survey. Waikato Valley Authority Technical Publication No. 19. . Waikato Valley Authority, Hamilton. Hamill, K.D. 1995: Monitoring of Lake Water Quality by Environment Waikato: Protocols and Costs. Prepared for Waikato Regional Council by K.D. Hamill, October 1995. Waikato Regional Council, Hamilton. McBride, G.B.; Cooper, A.B. and Till, D.G. 1992: Provisional Microbiological Water Quality Guidelines for Recreational Shellfish Gathering Water in New Zealand. Department of Health, Wellington. Town, J.C. 1980: Lake Trophic Status and Water Quality, 1980 Survey. Waikato Valley Authority Technical Publication No. 16. Waikato Valley Authority, Hamilton. Town, J.C. 1980: Lake Trophic Status and Water Quality, 1982 Survey. Waikato Valley Authority Technical Publication No. 22. Waikato Valley Authority, Hamilton. Burns, N.M., Bryers, G., Bowman, E. 2000a: Protocol for monitoring trophic levels of New Zealand lakes and reservoirs. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington, New Zealand. 137p. *Data Quality: Data is double-checked by different people as it is entered, according to TELARC standards, after which the data is eyeballed to ensure that the values are realistic. *Completeness: The data set encompasses over one third of the lakes in the Waikato region, mostly from districts surrounding Hamilton. Only a few lakes have had consistent sampling sufficient to provide water quality data suitable to use as baseline data. Very little depth profile sampling (i.e. DTO profiles) has been done. Sampling of bottom waters began in September 1995 in order to assess nutrient regeneration. *Data Form: Tabulated data in hard and soft copies, reports. *Digital Format: Information available from HYDROLWISKI, which is operated within an ORACLE environment. *Applications: Trend detection, characterisation of the lake system. Reports using this data include: Boswell, J.; Russ, M. and Simons, M. 1985: Waikato Small Lakes: Resource Statement. Waikato Valley Authority Technical Report, 1985/7. Waikato Valley Authority, Hamilton. Hamill, K.D. 1995: Small Lakes of the Waikato Region: An Information Review and Appraisal of Water Quality Monitoring. Prepared for Waikato Regional Council by K.D. Hamill, June 1995. Waikato Regional Council, Hamilton. *Data Status: Ongoing maintenance as data is collected. *Related Information: Geothermal water quality data set. Clayton, J.S. and de Winton, M.D. (Ed.) 1994: Lake Rotoroa: Change in an Urban Lake: an Information Review and Bibliography. NIWA Ecosystems Publication No. 9, Feb. 1994. NIWA, Hamilton. Gibbs, M.M. 1994: Analysis of Lake Taupo Secchi Depth Data. Prepared for WRC by NIWA. Consultancy report No. EVW004. NIWA, Hamilton. Hamill, K.D. 1995: Small Lakes of the Waikato Region: An Information Review and Appraisal of Water Quality Monitoring. Appendix 3: a Bibliography for Lakes in the Waikato Region. Prepared for Waikato Regional Council, June 1995. Waikato Regional Council, Hamilton. Howard-Williams, C. 1994: Review and Report on the Accumulated Data on Lake Taupo to 1993. Prepared for Waikato Regional Council by NIWA Ecosystems Division, June 1994. Consultancy Report No. EVW003. NIWA, Hamilton. Barnes, G.E., 2002. Water quality trends in Lake Rotomanuka North. Environment Waikato Technical Series 2002/03. Taylor, A., Barnes, G.E., Speirs, D., Turner, S. & Vant, W., 2001. Outstanding waterbodies in the Waikato Region. Environment Waikato Internal Series IS01/06, Hamilton. Speirs, D. Barnes, G.E. 2001. Fish populations of Lake Rotomanuka. Environment Waikato Technical Series 2001/07, Hamilton.
Keywords: Lake,Water quality
Topic Category: inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics
Resource Reference Date: 20/09/2006

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: continual
Last Load Date: 20/09/2006

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System:
Spatial Representation Type: textTable

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Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : © Waikato Regional Council 1980. WISKi - Lake Water Quality Data
Data Disclaimers : “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
Data Use Limits :

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General Notes: EW DOCS# 496039 - Lake Water Quality Information.

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