Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal Water Feature - GIS Layer

Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: The data set contains Geothermal Water Features in Development and Limited Development Geothermal Systems. These are point-source natural discharges of geothermal water from springs.
Statement: Under the rules in Section 3.8 of the Proposed Waikato Regional Plan drilling of holes below the water table within 50 m of Geothermal Water Features is a non-complying activity governed by Rule The maps of Geothermal Water Features are used in the Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal Module to show where these activities are regulated in Development and Limited Development Geothermal Systems. In other systems a description applies instead of a map. This Layer is the result of Regional Plan appeal negotiations that took place in 2005. The layer will be updated from time to time by either order of the Environment Court or changes to Regional Plan but this will require a legal process to be followed before the change is made. Therefore before making decisions based on it check with WRC Policy Group or WRC Geothermal Scientists. The dataset is complete as per Waikato Regional Plan Variation 7, made operative 8 December 2010. The changes primarily relate to the location of the Hall of Fame Spring. There will be a variation in a year or two to add the features that have been omitted and further variations every few years to accommodate better information about the location of features.
Keywords: Development,Download,Geothermal,System,WRP,Waikato Data Portal,Waikato Regional Plan,Water,Waterway
Topic Category: geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics
Resource Reference Date: 06/04/2011
Metadata URL: https://data.waikatoregion.govt.nz:8443/ords/f?p=140:12:0::NO::P12_METADATA_ID:1181

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Position: GIS and Data Management Team Leader
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

Download Links


Supporting Information Links


General Notes: WRC Document# 1159871 – Mapping of Geothermal Streams and Springs
3/07/2019 - Permission given by Katherine Luketina to license this dataset under CC BY 4.0, see doc#14635716


File Identifier: DE18399C-3F0A-4E94-97B9-179744DB9B7C Parent Identifier: 5DBB3EB6-DD77-4F86-86B7-36716FD39877
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal Water Feature - GIS Layer
Abstract: Geothermal water features
Statement: ** Geographic Extent of the Data - Geothermal Water Features within the WRC region, mainly in Rotorua and Taupo District. ** Applications: The Geothermal Water Feature locations can be used in determining locations of Geothermal Water Features so that activities surrounding these sites comply with objectives, policies, and rules in WRP or for assessment of consent applications. Used in consent officers’ reports, plan effectiveness monitoring, reporting state of the environment information, prioritising non-regulatory initiatives by Waikato Regional Council. However there are often other matters to be taken into account so before making decisions based on this data check with WRC Policy Group. ** The Geothermal Water Feature dataset was provided by Policy staff (Robert Brodnax) to settle appeals on the WRP. It has been gathered from WRC scientists and monitoring staff but primarily provided by appellants, mainly Contact Energy Ltd. Some additions were made during Variation 7. As geothermal features are dynamic areas, change will be an ongoing process with variations every 2-3 years expected to accommodate new or newly discovered features. Furthermore because WRC science staff were only minimally involved in the process there is a large number of omissions. These are included in Variation 7 of the Waikato Regional Plan. ** Data Acquisition: The Geothermal Water Feature dataset was provided by Policy staff (Robert Brodnax) to settle appeals on the WRP. It has been gathered from WRC scientists and monitoring staff but primarily provided by appellants, mainly Contact Energy Ltd. Some additions were made during Variation 7. As geothermal features are dynamic areas, change will be an ongoing process with variations every 2-3 years expected to accommodate new or newly discovered features. Furthermore because WRC science staff were only minimally involved in the process there is a large number of omissions. These are included in Variation 7 of the Waikato Regional Plan. Grid references for Geothermal Water Features were provided by Robert Brodnax.
Other Information: ** Attribute Accuracy: No quantitative checks on attribute accuracy was undertaken. Attributes entered as listed in the Regional Plan. ** Completeness: Geothermal Water Feature Boundaries: Dataset is complete as per Waikato Regional Plan Variation 7, made operative 8 December 2010. The changes primarily relate to the location of the Hall of Fame Spring. There will be a variation in a year or two to add the features that have been omitted and further variations every few years to accommodate better information about the location of features. ** Logical Consistency: GIS tools used to clean the data include validate geometry, fix geometry, validate connectivity and fix connectivity. Attributes correct at the time the Regional Plan was written. ** Data Form: Electronic data form, from which hard copy maps for the WRP have been/can be produced. Stored as dataset in WRC’s Oracle data base and is accessible by WRC’s Intergraph GIS Applications.
Keywords: Buffer,Download,Geothermal,System,WRP,Waikato Data Portal,Waikato Regional Plan,Waterway
Topic Category: geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics
Resource Reference Date: 06/04/2011

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 14/11/2016

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: Greater than 1:5,000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : complex
geometricObjectCount : 14
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions :
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1878469.18601
eastBoundLongitude : 1839266.213
southBoundLatitude : 5683030.952
northBoundLatitude : 5761867.65301

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : license
Data Use Constraints: license
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : CC BY 4.0
Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2007 - 2011. Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal Water Feature Data. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer applies to this data: "While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you."
Data Use Limits :

Download Links

 1d12f7af0db94907b25ca6b70d1ca984_0 Download @ Waikato Data Portal WRP_GEOTHERMAL_WATERFEATURE - Point
 95c01c7ec16d4b7db6f9c3e461c33e85_0 Download @ Waikato Data Portal WRP_GEOTHERMAL_WATERFEATURE - Polygon

Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
WATER_FEATURE_NAME Water feature name N N
SYSTEM_NAME Geothermal system name N N
CLASS 'Development' OR 'Limited Development' N N
ID Unique identifier N Y


File Identifier: F0C918B0-3461-41BD-ABCD-19F5613609A2 Parent Identifier: 5DBB3EB6-DD77-4F86-86B7-36716FD39877
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal Water Feature - GIS Layer
Abstract: 50 Metre buffer around geothermal water features.
Statement: ** Geographic Extent of the Data - Geothermal Water Features within the WRC region, mainly in Rotorua and Taupo District. ** Applications: The Geothermal Water Feature locations can be used in determining locations of Geothermal Water Features so that activities surrounding these sites comply with objectives, policies, and rules in WRP or for assessment of consent applications. Used in consent officers’ reports, plan effectiveness monitoring, reporting state of the environment information, prioritising non-regulatory initiatives by Waikato Regional Council. However there are often other matters to be taken into account so before making decisions based on this data check with WRC Policy Group. ** The Geothermal Water Feature dataset was provided by Policy staff (Robert Brodnax) to settle appeals on the WRP. It has been gathered from WRC scientists and monitoring staff but primarily provided by appellants, mainly Contact Energy Ltd. Some additions were made during Variation 7. As geothermal features are dynamic areas, change will be an ongoing process with variations every 2-3 years expected to accommodate new or newly discovered features. Furthermore because WRC science staff were only minimally involved in the process there is a large number of omissions. These are included in Variation 7 of the Waikato Regional Plan. ** Data Acquisition: The Geothermal Water Feature dataset was provided by Policy staff (Robert Brodnax) to settle appeals on the WRP. It has been gathered from WRC scientists and monitoring staff but primarily provided by appellants, mainly Contact Energy Ltd. Some additions were made during Variation 7. As geothermal features are dynamic areas, change will be an ongoing process with variations every 2-3 years expected to accommodate new or newly discovered features. Furthermore because WRC science staff were only minimally involved in the process there is a large number of omissions. These are included in Variation 7 of the Waikato Regional Plan. Grid references for Geothermal Water Features were provided by Robert Brodnax.
Other Information: ** Attribute Accuracy: No quantitative checks on attribute accuracy was undertaken. Attributes entered as listed in the Regional Plan. ** Completeness: Geothermal Water Feature Boundaries: Dataset is complete as per Waikato Regional Plan Variation 7, made operative 8 December 2010. The changes primarily relate to the location of the Hall of Fame Spring. There will be a variation in a year or two to add the features that have been omitted and further variations every few years to accommodate better information about the location of features. ** Logical Consistency: GIS tools used to clean the data include validate geometry, fix geometry, validate connectivity and fix connectivity. Attributes correct at the time the Regional Plan was written. ** Data Form: Electronic data form, from which hard copy maps for the WRP have been/can be produced. Stored as dataset in WRC’s Oracle data base and is accessible by WRC’s Intergraph GIS Applications.
Keywords: Buffer,Download,Geothermal,System,WRP,Waikato Data Portal,Waikato Regional Plan,Waterway
Topic Category: geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences
inlandWaters:inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics
Resource Reference Date: 06/04/2011

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 14/11/2016

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: Greater than 1:5,000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 14
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions :
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1878519.184
eastBoundLongitude : 1839216.2208
southBoundLatitude : 5682980.9598
northBoundLatitude : 5761917.651

Responsible Parties

Role: resourceProvider
Organisation: GNS Science
Delivery Point: P.O. Box 30-368, Avalon
City: Lower Hutt
Postal Code: 5040
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 04 570 1444
Fax: 04 570 4600
Role: owner
Position: GIS and Data Management Team Leader
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : CC BY 4.0
Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2007 - 2011. Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal Water Feature Data. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer applies to this data: "While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you."
Data Use Limits :

Download Links

 111326d04df34c8584f8b79327e68c10_0 Download @ Waikato Data Portal WRP_GEOTHERMAL_WATERFEATURE50M

Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
WATER_FEATURE_NAME Water feature name N N
SYSTEM_NAME Geothermal system name N N
CLASS 'Development' OR 'Limited Development' N N
BUFFER_HECTARES Buffer area in hectares N N
ID Unique identifier N Y