Land Cover Data Base - LCDB 1840

File ID: 3186275B-ECA2-4217-BEEE-E41DF1A37AFD
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: The 1840 ‘Land Cover Database’ is a data layer which is an approximation of land cover as at 1840 at a regional scale.
Statement: This data set is an approximation of the land cover types (as used in the ‘official’ LCDB) at the time of European settlement (i.e. prior to conversion of native vegetation to agricultural, urban or exotic forestry land cover). The data set is an exhaustive and mutually exclusive classification derived from a reconstruction of vegetation cover as of 1840 (based on landform/ soil types/ bioclimatic zone, early settler accounts, early air photograph data, and current vegetation cover). The 1840 Land Cover Database is a classification of land cover types separated into 7 classes derived from the Regional Indigenous Vegetation Inventory (Leathwick et al. 1995) F_1840_Vegetation (1:250,000), refer to RIVI metadata (WRC Document # 881138). Data fields are grid reference, area (m2), and land cover class. The seven cover classes are: Indigenous forest, Scrubland, Coastal dune vegetation, Inland water, Inland wetland, Rock or gravel, Tussock grassland. Additional LCDB cover classes (Coastal sand, Bare ground, and Coastal wetland) are likely to have been present in 1840. However, because of the scale at which the 1840 map was produced, and the difficulties with reconstructing coastal wetlands (subject to change over short time periods) these classes are not delineated on the 1840 ‘LCDB’. Definitions of each class are not available, however, it is assumed that all vegetation was indigenous at that time, and therefore scrubland is likely to cover indigenous vegetation e.g. manuka scrub only (cf current LCDB shrubland may include gorse, woolly nightshade or other exotic communities). Descriptions of the source vegetation types are available in Leathwick, J.R., Clarkson, B.D. and Whaley, P.T. 1995: Vegetation of the Waikato Region: Current and Historical Perspectives. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9596/022. Maanaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Hamilton (WRC Document # 2812623). The contracted minimum-mapping unit is 25 hectares (although some smaller units have been retained in the dataset where they were easy to distinguish). The positional accuracy and target classification accuracy for the RIVI 1840 is unknown and unable to be tested, as the map is a reconstruction.
Keywords: Historic,Indigenous,LCDB,Land cover,vegetation
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 20/09/2006
Metadata URL:

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Role: owner
Organisation: Landcare Research
Delivery Point: Gerald Street
City: Lincoln
Postal Code: 7608
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 03 321 9999
Fax: 03 321 9998


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

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General Notes: The Regional Indigenous Vegetation Inventory (RIVI) is an alternative dataset for those particularly interested in indigenous vegetation types (current and historic coverage). See metadata for the RIVI (DOCS# 881138) for limitations to the use of that dataset. WRC Document # 2812623 – Leathwick, J.R., Clarkson, B.D. and Whaley, P.T. 1995: Vegetation of the Waikato Region: Current and Historical Perspectives. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9596/022. Maanaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Hamilton.


File Identifier: 827A311A-6C3C-4BB7-A04F-F51A74477C9B Parent Identifier: E8D087F8-591C-4164-ABA8-42636D0C8601
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Land Cover Data Base - LCDB 1840
Abstract: An approximation of the land cover types (as used in the ‘official’ LCDB) at the time of European settlement
Statement: Refer to RIVI metadata (WRC Document #881138) for acquisition methods of the source imagery. 1840 vegetation was reconstructed from unpublished maps, early aerial photographs, and the accounts of settlers. The methodology and results are documented in: Leathwick, J.R., Clarkson, B.D. and Whaley, P.T. 1995: Vegetation of the Waikato Region: Current and Historical Perspectives. Landcare Research Contract Report: LC9596/022. Maanaki Whenua – Landcare Research, Hamilton (WRC Document # 2812623).
Other Information: The accuracy of the attribute data has not been verified. Area is generated automatically based on the digital polygon. Class is applied as per the table above. Shapes of the aggregated polygon have been visually compared with the 1840 classes to ensure accurate merging and classification. Complete coverage of land, inland water, and coastal dune and wetland space in the Waikato Region. Harbours or portions thereof, outside the regional coastline boundary are not included. Data used to generate the original (RIVI) shapes varies (i.e. early maps of various quality, soil maps, early air photographs). Therefore the boundaries and classification have not been generated from consistent methods.
Keywords: Historic,LCDB,Land cover,vegetation
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 20/09/2006

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 22/12/2018

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 409
topologyLevel :
Number of Dimensions :
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1906104.0125
eastBoundLongitude : 1740055.8729
southBoundLatitude : 5646046.8695
northBoundLatitude : 5964921.8737

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Role: owner
Organisation: Landcare Research
Delivery Point: Gerald Street
City: Lincoln
Postal Code: 7608
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 03 321 9999
Fax: 03 321 9998

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Third party, supplier agreement
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Intellectual ownership of the information is jointly shared between WRC and Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua. Both owners must be acknowledged when publishing the data. Additionally, all printed maps, reports or other outputs, which contain vegetative data, must contain the following message: “Vegetative information derived from Waikato Regional Council’s Native Vegetation Inventory. COPYRIGHT RESERVED.” The data is not source-linked to the LCDB and therefore copyright of that layer does not apply.
Data Disclaimers :
Data Use Limits :

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
GEN_NAME General Land N N
LANDCOVER_CLASS_1840 Class of landcover Either: Inland water, Inland wetland, Coastal Dune Vegetation. Indigenous forest, Tussok grassland, Shrubland or Rork or Gravel. N N
AREA_SQM Are of land N N
ID Unique Identifier N Y