Pre-Human Potential Ecosystems

File ID: 09CE4CB6-2985-49BF-A027-74E683C58CCF
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: The ecosystem classification used to map potential ecosystems of the Waikato Region was developed by the Department of Conservation, as a tool for prioritising ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers 2014).
Statement: This dataset was prepared by Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions in 2014-15 for Waikato Regional Council (WRC) with GIS technical assistance from WRC. The ecosystem classification used to map potential ecosystems of the Waikato Region was developed by the Department of Conservation, as a tool for prioritising ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers 2014). This classification is a synthesis that amalgamates previous classifications and ecological studies aligned to an abiotic framework. It describes a full range of ecosystem types at a variety of scales in a natural or potential state as they potentially existed if people arrived today in New Zealand. The classification system has two tables that describe ecosystem drivers of the abiotic environment (Appendix 1) and biotic compositional description which further includes ecosystem distribution and relevant source references (Appendix 2). The data contained within these two tables have been used as the fundamental basis for mapping ecosystem types, supported by other readily available ecological descriptions, vegetation maps and relevant GIS layers such as soil maps of the region.
Keywords: Classification,Ecology,Ecosystems,Prioritisation
Topic Category: environment:environmental resources, protection and conservation
Resource Reference Date: 28/07/2015
Metadata URL:

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Position: Ecologist
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Role: author
Organisation: Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited
Delivery Point: 44 Raukura Street
City: Turangi
Postal Code: 3334
Country: New Zealand


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

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General Notes:


File Identifier: E0984FDE-B2E0-44F4-8E91-277E93FF165A Parent Identifier: 09CE4CB6-2985-49BF-A027-74E683C58CCF
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Pre-Human Potential Ecosystems
Abstract: The ecosystem classification used to map potential ecosystems of the Waikato Region was developed by the Department of Conservation, as a tool for prioritising ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers 2014). This latest update was supplied in February 2020.
Statement: This dataset was prepared by Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions in 2014-15 for Waikato Regional Council (WRC) with GIS technical assistance from WRC, and updated in January 2020. In places this dataset extends beyond the 2012 Waikato Regional land boundary. In particular, this dataset has coverage for all of the Kaingaroa and Pureora Ecological Districts i.e. completing the whole Western and Eastern Volcanic plateau Ecological Regions. If this layer is being used for only regional analysis care should be taken to clip this dataset to the regional boundary first. The dataset was updated mid 2015 - see contract addendum DOCS # 3413002. Also see DOCS # 3412790 - Potential Ecosystems GIS Layer: Improvements for Version 2. The ecosystem classification used to map potential ecosystems of the Waikato Region was developed by the Department of Conservation, as a tool for prioritising ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers 2014). This classification is a synthesis that amalgamates previous classifications and ecological studies aligned to an abiotic framework. It describes a full range of ecosystem types at a variety of scales in a natural or potential state as they potentially existed if people arrived today in New Zealand. The classification system has two tables that describe ecosystem drivers of the abiotic environment (Appendix 1) and biotic compositional description which further includes ecosystem distribution and relevant source references (Appendix 2). The data contained within these two tables have been used as the fundamental basis for mapping ecosystem types, supported by other readily available ecological descriptions, vegetation maps and relevant GIS layers such as soil maps of the region.
Other Information: Positional Accuracy: The initial data layer was created by Ross Martin, Waikato Regional Council. Refer queries on spatial accuracy and methodology used to create the layer to Ross Martin. WRC provided aerial imagery from which some manual digitising was performed, particularly some waterways and coastlines. Generally heads up digitising was performed at a scale of 1:1000 to 1:2000. The spatial accuracy of the NZFSMS Type or Class maps but are noted as 1:63,360 and 1:250,000 respectively further details of the digitising process can be provided. The NZFSL is a database comprising many soil surveys by many soil scientists across many regions correlated using the NZ soil classification referenced to the National Soils Database and other relevant sources and then linked to the NZ Land Resources Inventory. The spatial accuracy is assumed to be that of the NZLRI and was published at 1:63,360. Some features e.g. drainage properties from S-Map were included in the final dataset. S-Map was created by Landcare Research and no spatial accuracy is included in their metadata but on their website they state that “S-map is designed to be applied at any scale from farm to region to nation” Data Quality: A minimum polygon size of 0.5 Ha was deemed suitable to differentiate Ecosystem Types. The initial shapefile comprising 80764 polygons was reduced by merging adjacent polygons of the same type, merging polygons that were less than 0.5 Ha and removing lake and pond polygons less than 0.1 Ha. The NZFS MS6 data and NZFSL, Waikato Regional Council Geothermal Data and a selection of the S-Map drainage data were unioned with the Ecosystem layer. Slivers less than 0.5 Ha were removed. Attribute Accuracy: Many errors were picked up within the initial dataset and corrected accordingly, the initial classification attribute field was not deleted so change comparison could be performed . It is noted there may be some errors remaining but it is understood that this is a “live” dataset and corrections should be applied when errors noted. Following the union process unnecessary fields were eliminated. A comments field was added and along with e.g. the nzsc_class attribute field the user may ascertain why a particular potential ecosystem type was applied. Completeness: Areas less than 0.5Ha were generally omitted. However the geothermal data provided by WRC includes smaller areas which were maintained. Ponds or areas likely the result of anthropological influence were omitted with the exception of the lake margins created by hydro development. A major limitation is the accuracy of the source datasets, i.e. the spatial accuracy of NZFSL of Gley and Organic Soils. It is outside the scope of this work to correct these spatial errors. Logical Consistency: Checks were performed across the region using combination of but not limited to aerial imagery, NZMS1, NZTopo50 and published/unpublished reports.
Keywords: Classification,Ecology,Ecosystems,Prioritisation
Topic Category: environment:environmental resources, protection and conservation
Resource Reference Date: 28/07/2015

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 24/02/2021

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:250000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : curve
geometricObjectCount : 34921
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1906113.6525
eastBoundLongitude : 1740273.8999
southBoundLatitude : 5646087.3463
northBoundLatitude : 5964925.0247

Responsible Parties

Role: author
Organisation: Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Limited
Delivery Point: 44 Raukura Street
City: Turangi
Postal Code: 3334
Country: New Zealand
Role: owner
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2015. Derived from Pre-Human Potential Ecosystems data. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : This report has been prepared by Nicholas Singers Ecological Solutions Ltd (NSES Ltd.) exclusively for and under contract to the Waikato Regional Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by NSES Ltd., NSES Ltd. accepts no responsibility for any use of, or reliance on any contents of this report by any person other than Waikato Regional Council and shall not be liable to any person other than Waikato Regional Council, on any ground, for any loss, damage or expense arising from such use or reliance. The standard Waikato Regional Council Disclaimer applies to this data “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
Data Use Limits : See report DOCS # 3389057.

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE Classification of Potential Vegetation based on Singers and Rogers 2014 classification. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE_ABBR Abbreviated code(s) for Singers and Rogers ecosystem type classes. N N
AREA_HA Planar area in hectares. N N
OBJECTID Unique Identifier N Y


File Identifier: EC91CB40-2D40-4806-894C-47286A70862C Parent Identifier: 09CE4CB6-2985-49BF-A027-74E683C58CCF
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Pre-Human Potential Ecosystems
Abstract: This is the BIODIVERSITY.sdeadmin.POTENTIAL_ECOSYSTEMS layer except with internal polygon boundaries dissolved by the ECOSYSTEM_TYPE attribute. This layer was updated in May 2020.
Statement: This is the BIODIVERSITY.sdeadmin.POTENTIAL_ECOSYSTEMS layer except with internal polygon boundaries dissolved by the ECOSYSTEM_TYPE attribute. This additional layer has been created for ease of analysis if only the ECOSYSTEM_TYPE attribute is required.
Other Information: Refer to BIODIVERSITY.sdeadmin.POTENTIAL_ECOSYSTEMS
Topic Category:
Resource Reference Date: 17/09/2015

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 24/02/2021

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:250000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 10410
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1906113.6502
eastBoundLongitude : 1740273.9
southBoundLatitude : 5646122.9576
northBoundLatitude : 5964925.0247

Responsible Parties

Role: custodian
Position: Ecologist
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© Waikato Regional Council 2015. Derived from Pre-Human Potential Ecosystems data. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key