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Advisory SubcommitteeAdvisory subcommittees areas defined by Waikato Regional Council.Committee
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Aerial Photography - Current Images - GIS LayerLayers of current /latest images designed specifically of use in WRC WebMap applications.Aerial photography WebMap
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Aerial Photography - Historic Aerial PhotographsHistoric aerial scanned photos, taken over mainland NZ flown on behalf of the Crown between 1936 and 2005 for the Waikato Region. Aerial photography Historic
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Aerial Photography - Kauri Dieback Oblique ImageryOblique aerial photography for the purposes of Kauri identification. Aerial photography Assessment Health Kauri Land cover Monitoring Photography
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Aerial Photography - Non-WRAPS Extent - GIS LayerAn extent layer that shows the location of aerial photography available for use that has been obtained separately from the Waikato Regional Aerial Photography Service (WRAPS) aerial photography.Aerial photography
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Aerial Photography - Surveillance Oblique ImagesAerial surveillance oblique photographs for the Waikawau, Awaroa, Marokopa, and Manganui River catchments. Surveillance images to be flown to transect lines of 500m apart. The surveillance photographs were flown by a fixed wing aeroplane with side mounted cameras continuously recording the flight path. This work was carried out by Biospatial Limited. Contract ICM2016/2017-1896Aerial photography Biodiversity Biosecurity
environment farming geoscientificlnformation
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Aerial Photography - Tongariro 2004 - GIS LayerOrthophotos of Tongariro River, 2004.Aerial photography Image
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Aerial Photography - Tongariro and Tauranga-Taupo Delta Areas 2017Aerial photography was captured over the Tongariro and Tauranga-Taupo Delta areas in the Taupo District totalling approximately 24 km2. The areas of capture are located in the Waikato Region of the North Island. All product deliverables supplied in terms of NZTM and Moturiki 1953 height datum.Aerial photography Image Mosaic
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Aerial Photography - Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle (UAV)UAV Aerial photography provided to council by contractors.Aerial photography Geothermal
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Aerial Photography - WRAPS 1993 - GIS LayerWaikato Regional Aerial Photography Service (WRAPS) 1993 orthophotography. Aerial photography Image WRAPS
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Aerial Photography - WRAPS 2006 - GIS LayerWaikato Regional Aerial Photography Service (WRAPS) 2006 - Colour digital orthophotography for the Waikato region.Aerial photography Image WRAPS
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Aerial Photography - WRAPS 2007 - GIS LayerWaikato Regional Aerial Photography Service (WRAPS) 2007 - Colour digital orthophotography for the Waikato region.Aerial photography Image WRAPS
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Aerial Photography - WRAPS 2012 - GIS LayerWaikato Regional Aerial Photography Service (WRAPS) 2012 - Colour digital orthophotography for the Waikato region. Aerial photography DTM Download WRAPS
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Aerial Photography - WRAPS 2017 - GIS LayerWaikato Regional Aerial Photography Service (WRAPS) 2017 - Colour digital orthophotography over the Waikato Region captured over three flying seasons (summer periods) 2016/2017, 2017/2018, and 2018/2019.Aerial photography WRAPS
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Aerial Photography - WRAPS 2021Waikato Regional Aerial Photography Service (WRAPS) 2021 - Colour digital orthophotography for the Waikato Region captured over the flying seasons (summer periods) between 2020 and 2024. Aerial photography Rural WRAPS
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Aerial Photography - Waikato Region 1992-94 Historical Ortho1992-94 historical 0.40 m GSD digital ortho imagery covering the Waikato Region. Flight survey number SN11978. Access is currently only available via ArcGIS Pro workspace accessible mosaic dataset: \\ew\gis_store\Corporate_Data\RASTER_IMAGES\1992_94_MPI_Waikato_Historic_Orthos_SN11978\SN11978_mosaic\SN11978_mosaic.gdb Supply 1 - delivered in Feb 2025 comprises 86% of the region. Awaiting Supply 2.
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Aerial Photos - Inventory and IndexIndex of physical historic aerial photos held by WRC. Aerial photography Historic Image
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Air Quality Surveys DataResults of surveys for identifying sources of PM10 and other contaminants, assessed using emission inventory methodology.Agriculture Air Industry Nitrogen Pollution Transport
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Allocated Water Take (IRIS) - GIS LayerThese GIS layers are provided in support of the Waikato Regional Council Water Allocation Calculators (WAC). They present data for all active Resource Consents for Water takes from Authorisations and Application Activities. They are views of data held within the Consents module of the Integrated Regional Information System (IRIS) database.Application Authorisation Consent Download IRIS Water allocation Water conservation Water use Waterway
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Application Activity (IRIS) - GIS LayerThis dataset provides attributes about all Application Activities. It is a view of data held within the Consents module of the Integrated Regional Information System (IRIS) database.Application Consent Download IRIS
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Bathymetry - ASR - Waihou River Delta Firth of ThamesBathymetry survey of the Waihou River delta, Firth of Thames by ASR Ltd Marine Consulting and Research in June 2011.Bathymetry Depth Elevation River Survey
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Bathymetry - CMA habitat maps - bathymetry and substrate type (TR2017/34)Bathymetry - TR 2017/34 Habitat mapping for the Waikato region coastal marine area: Bathymetry and substrate typeBathymetry Coastal Habitat Reefs Rocky reef Seabed Sediment Substrate
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Bathymetry - Discovery Marine - Lower WaikatoBathymetry survey of the Lower Waikato River (delta and estuary area) by Discovery Marine Ltd in June 2013.Bathymetry Depth Elevation Estuaries River Survey
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Bathymetry - Discovery Marine - WhangamataBathymetry survey of the Whangamata coastal region by Discovery Marine Ltd in July 2011 - March 2012 Bathymetry Coastal Depth Elevation
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Bathymetry - Discovery Marine – Raglan HarbourBathymetry survey of the Raglan harbour (Waingaroa) by Discovery Marine Ltd in November 2013.
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Bathymetry - Lakes - GIS LayerInland lake bathymetry for Lakes Karapiro and Arapuni, including scanned original images published by the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute (1986) and line-work captured from these images. Also digitized bathymetry from other New Zealand Oceanographic Institute maps. (LAKES_BATHYMETRY) Also DOC bathymetry from Lakes Areare, Rotomanuka and Ruatuna.Bathymetry Lake
elevation inlandWaters
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Bathymetry - NIWA - WhangapouaBathymetry survey of Whangapoua conducted by NIWABathymetry Coastal Elevation
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Bathymetry - University of Waikato - Tairua PauanuiBathymetry survey of Tairua Harbour and area offshore of Pauanui by University of Waikato in July 2009Bathymetry Coastal Depth Elevation
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Bathymetry - University of Waikato - WhitiangaBathymetry of Whitianga and surrounding areas undertaken by or under contract for the University of Waikato.Bathymetry Coastal Harbour Ocean
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Bathymetry - eCoast - AoteaBathymetry survey of subtidal areas and entrance to Aotea HarbourBathymetry Coastal Elevation Ocean
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Bathymetry - eCoast - AwakinoBathymetry survey of Awakino River estuaryBathymetry Depth Elevation Ocean
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Bathymetry - eCoast - KawhiaBathymetry survey of subtidal areas in Kawhia HarbourBathymetry Elevation Ocean
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Bathymetry - eCoast - MarokopaBathymetry survey of Marokopa River estuaryBathymetry Depth Elevation Ocean
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Bathymetry - eCoast - MokauBathymetry survey of Mokau River estuaryBathymetry Depth Elevation Ocean
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Bathymetry - eCoast - Port WaikatoBathymetry survey of entrance and bar to Port WaikatoBathymetry Coastal Depth Elevation Estuaries Survey
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Bathymetry - eCoast - WhangamataTwo bathymetry surveys (one month apart) of Whangamata HarbourBathymetry Depth Elevation Ocean
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Bathymetry ExtentsA collation of the bathymetry extent polygons.Bathymetry Extent
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Benchmark DatabaseAn incomplete data set listing and locating benchmarks in the Waikato, Waipa, Piako and Waihou catchments.Asset Management Benchmark Surveying
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Bioclimatic Zones – GIS LayerA data set of Bioclimatic Zones of the Waikato Region. Bioclimatic Download Zones
biota climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
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Biodiversity Enhancement Opportunities on Waikato Regional Council LandWRC land with sites where biodiversity values could be enhanced
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Biodiversity Frost FlatsFrost flats are a naturally uncommon ecosystem which occur on the North Island volcanic plateau. This dataset identifies their location and includes GPS photos from the sites.Biodiversity Science Volcanic
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Biodiversity InventoryThe Biodiversity Inventory is a project undertaken by the Waikato Regional Council to create a validated current vegetation data layer which could be used for a range of biodiversity, ecology and RPS purposes.Biodiversity Ecology River vegetation
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Biodiversity Vegetation (BIOVEG) 2002 - GIS LayerTerrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands over 0.5ha mapped off 2001/2002 WRAPS orthophotography using a slightly simplified version of the LCDB (1 and 2) classifications. Only classes relevant to regional biodiversity have been mapped.Biological Download vegetation
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Biodiversity Vegetation (BIOVEG) 2007 - GIS LayerTerrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands over 0.5ha mapped off 2007 WRAPS orthophotography using a slightly simplified version of the LCDB (1 and 2) classifications. Only classes relevant to regional terrestrial vegetation and wetland biodiversity have been mapped.Biodiversity Download vegetation
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Biodiversity Vegetation (BIOVEG) 2012 - GIS LayerTerrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands mapped off 2012 WRAPS imagery using a simplified version of the Land cover database (LCDB)classifications for the Waikato Region. Aerial photography Biodiversity Conservation Download SNA vegetation
biota environment geoscientificlnformation
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Biodiversity Vegetation - Wetland DatasetsThese wetland datasets were created to assist in identifying wetlands for the Waikato Region. The datasets wetlands probability and wetlands Waikato region are created using different methods, but both use a similar base datasets, including queried wetlands from biodiversity vegetation 2012.Biodiversity Conservation Land cover SNA Wetland vegetation
biota environment
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Biosecurity - Biological Control Agents - GIS LayerThis layer shows the location of 330 sites where biological control agents (bio agents) were released during the 1999/2000 operational year for the purpose of plant pest control (details of Subsequent years will be published when available.)Biology Biosecurity Consent
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Biosecurity - Consented Aquatic Weed Spray AreasOperational areas for spraying herbicide over water for control of aquatic weeds under Resource Consent 124871. Aquatic Biosecurity Spraying Weed
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Biosecurity - Key Ecological Sites - GIS LayerA Key Ecological Site (KES) is an area of privately owned land with high ecological value, as determined by validated survey using Regional Policy Statement criteria. The purpose of the KES program is to promote with landowners the opportunities that are available to enhance biodiversity management of key ecological sites, in perpetuity. Boundaries for a Key Ecological Site are based on ecological information first and foremost and are identified by private property boundaries or physical features. Biodiversity Biological Ecology
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Biosecurity - Monitoring Line Start Points - GIS LayerThis dataset holds Monitoring Line Start Point data for the Waikato Region and an area of North Taranaki.Biodiversity
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Biosecurity - Plant Pest Management Area - GIS LayerBoundaries of Plant Pest Management Areas that are under the administration of Waikato Regional Council.Biological pest control Boundary Pest control Plants
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Biosecurity - Plant Pest Survey Areas for HCC - GIS LayerHamilton City broken into 7 areas, based on suburb, for continuing plant pest surveys by the Biosecurity Team.Biological pest control Biosecurity
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Biosecurity - Plant Pests - GIS LayerThis layer shows the location of 4351 sites of plant pest infestations that were recorded during the 99/00 operational year (Subsequent years will be published when available.)Biological pest control
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Biosecurity - RPMP Community Initiatives - PrivetThe Waikato Regional Pest Management Plan (RPMP) includes community initiative programmes as a mechanism for enabling proactive communities/groups of landowners to control pests in their area with formal support from the council. Council currently has formal community initiatives in place for privet.Biosecurity Pests Plants
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Biosecurity - RPMS Plant Pest Control Areas - GIS LayerThis layer shows the plant pest control areas as defined in the Regional Pest Management Strategy (RPMS).Biological pest control Biosecurity
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Biosecurity - Regional Animal Pest Control Areas (RAP) - GIS LayerThis layer shows the RAP (Regional Animal Pest) Control Areas for the Region (note that a site may consist of several blocks).Biological pest control
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Biosecurity - Tb Contract Areas - GIS LayerThis layer shows the boundaries of 51 contract areas in the Waikato Region and three in the north of the Taranaki Region that are under the administration of Waikato Regional Council for the 2002/2003 operational year (Subsequent years will be published when available).Biological Biosecurity Pest control
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Building Act - Dam RegisterBuilding Act data including Dams for the North Island.Dam IRIS
inlandWaters location
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Bus Passenger Loading DataA data set resulting from a computerised ticket issuing system that collects details about passengers travelling on buses in Hamilton, Huntly, Paeroa, and Raglan. Bus Transport
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Cambridge Land Use - GIS LayerCambridge land uses created as part of the CLUMP Project. Land use Planning
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Catchments - GIS Layer This layer contains catchment polygons for part of the region as captured from manual digitising.Catchment Download
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Catchments - Peat Lake - GIS LayerThis GIS dataset contains the catchment areas derived for 23 of the lower Waikato Peat Lakes, along with known inlet and outlet drains, and assumed drains between lakes. Catchment Lake Peat Wetland
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Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) - Fundamental LayersThis data set contains a collection of fundamental layers for Civil Defence and Emergency Management including CDEM Areas, Buffers and area Masks for the Waikato Region. Civil defence Emergency management Hazard
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Coastal Beach ProfilesA data set of the profiles of coastal beaches resulting from land surveying and (occasional) echo sounding. Beaches Coastal Erosion
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Coastal Environment Line - GIS LayerThe Coastal Environment Line is used to identify the extent of the Coastal Environment for the Regional Policy Statement. Boundary Coastal Marine RPS
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Coastal Hazards Lines - Development Setback Recommendations for TCDCDevelopment Setback Lines for coastal areas at risk of coastal hazards.Beaches Coastal Dunes Hazard
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Coastal Metadata DatabaseCoastal marine metadata database for the Waikato Region - Database
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Coastal Monitoring SitesPosition of coastal benchmarks on the north and east coast of the Coromandel peninsula from Port Jackson to Whiritoa between 20 June 2000 and 03 November 2000.Coastal Management
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Coastal Shoreline and Intertidal Area - GIS LayerThe coastal shoreline and intertidal area dataset is a practical representation of the landward boundary of and intertidal area extent within the Waikato Region.Boundary Coastal
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Coastal Structure Data SetCoastal structures in the Waikato Region in 1994/1995 and 2006. The positional accuracy of the older survey is quite low. The more recent data only covers a limited area (essentially just the top of the Coromandel).  Coastal Structures
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Compliance Monitoring Database (IRIS)All Compliance Monitoring Sites (Regimes) in the Waikato Region. This layer comprises only IRIS data. Authorisation Compliance IRIS Monitoring
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Connect 2020 - Transport data layersData layers for the Connect 2020 Transport map for WRC OurMaps.Car Cycling Parks Transport Walking
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Consents (Authorisations - IRIS)This GIS dataset provides attributes about all Authorisations. It is a view of data held within the Consents module of the Integrated Regional Information System (IRIS) database. Active Navigational Safety Permits, Active Building Consents and Active Resource Consents can be downloaded using this facility. Allocation Authorisation Consent Download IRIS Permitted activity
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Conversion Grids collection NZVD2016A collation and storage location for datum conversion grids. At this stage the collation includes: LINZ Moturiki 53 to NZVD2016 relationship raster; LINZ Auckland 46 to NZVD2016 relationship raster, and WRC Tararu 52 to NZVD2016 relationship raster. These rasters are 10m pixel size grid, where the LINZ rasters are interpolated down to 10m scale and saved as TIF, from their coarse vector format at the source.Grid Raster
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Coromandel Coastal Wetland InventoryInventory of coastal wetlands in the Coromandel region. Coastal Management Restoration Threatened Wetland
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Cultural Mapping - GIS LayerTangata whenua identification of threats and pressures, opportunities, ambitions, kaimoana and other cultural information relating to Whitianga/Mercury Bay, Whangapoua, Manaia, Harataunga and Thames/Kopu.Cultural Historic Iwi
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Cycle Trails - GIS LayerData set of cycle trails and related points of interest in the Waikato region. Cycling Route Walking
society transportation
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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 100M - Derived LayersThis dataset comprises several GIS layers and image backdrops derived from Waikato Regional Council’s 100m Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The elevation layer summarises a range of elevations and the aspect layer summarises a range of aspects. The purpose of these layers is for GeoMedia users to be able to display and analyse elevation and aspect information. Image backdrops derived from the 100m DEM are a shaded relief image backdrop and hypsometrically tinted image. These images are designed to provide contextual information for display behind other GIS datasets.Aspect DEM Elevation Relief
elevation lmageryBaseMapsEarthCover
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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 25M - Derived LayersThis dataset consists of textured landcover images (and related vector features) for the Waikato, North Island and New Zealand. Backdrop DEM Image Land cover Raster Relief
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Environmental Awareness, Attitudes and Actions Survey (2006) A survey of public perceptions on a variety of Environmental Awareness, Attitudes and Action issues in 2006 for community awareness and perception assessment.Attitudes Awareness Community Environment Perception Survey Surveying Values
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Environmental Perceptions Survey (1998)The survey covered people’s perceptions of their local, urban and rural environments, their environmental attitudes, knowledge, behaviours, their natural hazard awareness and preparedness and their views on environmental laws. Attitudes Awareness Environment Perception Survey
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Environmental Perceptions Survey (2000)This survey covered people’s perceptions of their local, urban and rural environments, their environmental attitudes, knowledge, behaviours, their natural hazard awareness and preparedness and their views on environmental regulations.Attitudes Awareness EAAA Environment Perception Survey
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Environmental Perceptions Survey (2003)A survey of public perceptions on a variety of environmental subjects in 2003.Attitudes Awareness Environment Perception Survey
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Environmental awareness, attitudes and actions (EAAA) and new ecological paradigm (NEP) combined survey - 2013WRC recognises that sustainable resource management requires an understanding of environmental perceptions and issues of people who live in the region. To explore trends in community views, a number of surveys have been undertaken including the Environmental Awareness, Attitudes and Action (EAAA) Survey and the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) survey.Attitudes Awareness Community EAAA Environment NEP Perception Survey
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Estuarine Vegetation and Harbours - GIS LayerMonitoring of the extent, distribution and type of estuarine habitats is one of several elements in Waikato Regional Council’s strategy to develop a Regional Estuary Monitoring Programme to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the Region’s estuarine environments and the threats they face, and to improve our management of these important systems. Biology Coastal Estuaries Wetland vegetation
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Freshwater Ecosystem ServicesLayers relating to freshwater ecosystem services.Ecosystems Freshwater
biota environment
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Freshwater Farm Environmental Plan LayersData layers for all the FMU catchments for Freshwater farm plans for the Waikato Region. The data layers support Freshwater Farm plans support and guidance from the Waikato Regional Council. Farm Freshwater Plan
environment farming
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Freshwater Farm Plans (Resource Management (Freshwater Farm Plans) Regulations 2023)The freshwater farm plan data provides the commencement date and spatial area location from which the Resource Management (Freshwater Farm Plans) Regulations 2023 apply to the Waikato region. Download Farm Freshwater Freshwater farm plan Part 9A RMA Plan Waikato Data Portal
environment inlandWaters
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Geographic Place Names - GIS LayerGeographic place names of the Waikato Region and New Zealand. Geographic name holds the proper noun of certain objects within the Topo databases. Location Native Topography
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Geothermal Bores Temperature ProfilesTemperature profiles constructed for geothermal bores. Data has been collected for baseline, trend, and impact monitoring. Around Wairakei, Tauhara and Ohauki geothermal systems.Bore Geothermal Temperature
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Geothermal Resistivity Contours - GIS LayerGeothermal resistivity contours at 500m and 1000m depth for the area covered by NZMS260 map sheets T17, U16 and U17. Geothermal Resistivity ohm
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Geothermal Surface Features Change MonitoringQualitative description of geothermal surface features including all springs and fumeroles in Waikato Regional Council's Geothermal Features Monitoring Programme. Geothermal Monitoring Spring Temperature Volcanoes
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Geothermal Vegetation Inventory - GIS LayerInventory of the current distribution and extent of geothermal vegetation.Download Geothermal Waikato Data Portal vegetation
biota geoscientificlnformation
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Geothermal Vegetation of Taupo Volcanic ZoneVegetation and site characteristics at 38 sites on 15 geothermal fields in the Taupō Volcanic ZoneGeothermal Soils Temperature Volcanoes vegetation
biota geoscientificlnformation
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HAZARDS - Regional Hazards Portal - GIS LayersDataset containing features included on the Waikato Regional Hazards Portal1% AEP Aerial photography CAS Coastal Coastal Inundation Coastal erosion Download Earthquake Flood Flood control Hazard Land instability Risk Shoreline change Tsunami Volcanic Waikato Data Portal
geoscientificlnformation inlandWaters
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Harbour MastersA graphical representation of where the Waikato Regional Harbour Masters are responsible for. Harbour
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Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan - GIS LayerIsland shorelines, mainland shoreline and intertidal areas that were prepared to represent the landward boundaries and intertidal area extent within the Waikato Region Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan area.HGMSP Hauraki Gulf Intertidal Island Marine Shoreline
oceans planningCadastre
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Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan Locations - GIS LayerThis dataset shows the location(s) for various identified flora, fauna, and sites that are within the boundaries of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Plan (HGMSP) area and that are of significance and/or relevance to the HGMSP.HGMSP Hauraki Gulf Marine Planning
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Healthy Rivers - Plan Change 1 - GIS layersDatasets used in the Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 - Waikato and Waipa River Catchments (branded as Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change / Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai project). Compliance dates have been updated to reflect changes made by Variation 1 to Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 - Waikato and Waipa River Catchments that was publicly notified on the 10th April 2018.Catchment Coastal Download FMU Freshwater Freshwater Management Units Healthy Rivers Lake Marine Reserves River Stream Wetland
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Heavy Metals in Soils - GIS LayerTotal soil concentrations (background levels) of copper, lead, zinc and free iron (oxides) in the Waikato Region.Heavy metals Soils
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Historic Foreshore - GIS LayerThis dataset contains a number of historical shorelines mapped from surveys and aerial photographs. Data is available for a number of locations around the Waikato Coast, mostly in areas with development at risk from coastal erosion.Coastal Dunes Erosion Foreshore Hazard Historic Marine vegetation
inlandWaters oceans
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Hydrological Land Cover Classification - GIS LayerTwo data sets that show land cover for the Upper Waikato Catchment (Karapiro Dam to Lake Taupo gates) as at 1992/1996 and 2001/2002. The data uses a very simple land cover classification that groups land cover types together if they have similar hydrological characteristicsHydrology Land cover
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ICM Comprehensive Consent Work SitesIntegrated Catchment Management work sites.Consent Drainage Management River
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Indigenous Vegetation Collation - GIS LayerThe layer uses majority overlap analysis for veg types as well as providing the percent of each polygon covered by the major veg type from particular vegetation layer. Querying discrepancies between veg types sourced from different layers will be useful for validating vegetation classification across existing datasets. One of the benefits of the process used to create this layer is that I can now add new vegetation datasets fairly easily.
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Infaunal Macrobenthic Intertidal Estuarine MonitoringA data set of the infaunal macrobenthic communities of intertidal estuarine sand-flats in the Waikato Region. A large part of this data set is the result of the monitoring of estuaries for state of the environment reporting (i.e. Regional Estuary Monitoring Programme). Currently this data set includes information from two estuaries in the Waikato Region: southern Firth of Thames and Whaingaroa (Raglan).Biological Coastal Estuaries
biota oceans
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Iwi - Waahi Tapu Areas - GIS LayerWaahi Tapu are places sacred to Maori in the traditional, spiritual, religious, ritual or mythological sense. Waahi Tapu Areas are groups of waahi tapu.Historic Iwi
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Iwi Joint Management Agreement (JMA) Zones - GIS layerThis feature presents the JMA ZONES where iwi have Joint Management Agreements (JMA) with Waikato Regional Council. Actual boundaries may in part or whole, be derived from Statutory Acknowledgment areas or co-governance agreement areas as defined in the Te Arawhiti OTS dataset, but are in some instances, such as Maniapoto's JMA, be further modified according to outcomes of direct negotiations between iwi and WRC when defining the JMA agreement. The areas defined here are those represented in the signed JMA documents.Iwi Management
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Iwi Marae (IRIS) - GIS LayerLocations of Maraes held in the WRC IRIS database. IRIS Iwi Marae
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Iwi, Hapu and Council Committee Boundaries - GIS LayerIwi, Hapu and other grouping boundaries within the Waikato Region. These boundaries are provided as a resource not intended to be used to diminish or challenge Mana Whenua status, but to assist Council maintain its inclusive approach to work effectively with Tangata Whenua.Authority Boundary Committee Hapu Iwi Local Government Maori Marae Rohe
boundaries society
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Kahikatea Dominant VegetationLikely Kahikatea dominant vegetation. Download Flora Kahikatea Native Trees vegetation
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Kiwifruit Orchards - GIS LayerSelected Kiwifruit Orchards in the Waikato Region. Horticulture Kiwifruit Orchard
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LOCATED - Culverts GIS LayerThe GIS layer has information about the geographic location(s) where environmental data are/have been collected for Culverts.Groundwater LOCATED Waterway
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LOCATED - Datasets GIS LayerThis layer has information about the geographic location(s) where environmental data have been collected, as grouped by dataset. A dataset is a grouping of related data, as collected for a particular purpose. This layer reflects the content of the LOCATED Application, which catalogues the locations in the Waikato region where Waikato Regional Council holds environmental data/information electronically. LOCATED
environment planningCadastre
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LOCATED - Geothermal - GIS LayerThe GIS layer has information about the geographic location(s) where geothermal data has been collected. Geothermal LOCATED
environment geoscientificlnformation
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LOCATED - Groundwater - GIS LayerThis layer has information about the geographic location(s) where environmental data have been collected, pertaining to groundwater monitoring.Groundwater LOCATED Management
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LOCATED - Lakes - GIS LayerThe GIS layer has information about the geographic location(s) where water quality data have been collected as part of the Lake Water Quality Monitoring Programme.LOCATED Lake
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LOCATED - Locations - GIS LayerThe GIS layer has information about the geographic location(s) where environmental data has been collected. Environment LOCATED
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LOCATED - River Rating GIS LayerThe GIS layer has information about the geographic location(s) where river rating data have been collected.LOCATED River
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LOCATED - Springs GIS LayerThe GIS layer has information about the geographic location(s) where spring data have been collected. Download Groundwater LOCATED Spring Waikato Data Portal Waterway
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LOCATED - Thermal Springs GIS LayerThe GIS layer has information about the geographic location(s) where Thermal Spring data have been collected. Download Geothermal LOCATED Spring Waikato Data Portal
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Land Cover Data Base - LCDB 1840The 1840 ‘Land Cover Database’ is a data layer which is an approximation of land cover as at 1840 at a regional scale.Historic Indigenous LCDB Land cover vegetation
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Land Cover Data Base - LCDB Taupo EnhancedThis is a GIS dataset showing landcover in the Taupo catchment as at January 2002. It was designed and created primarily for use in the Lake Taupo Water Quality project. LCDB Land cover Land use vegetation
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Land Register - GIS LayerWaikato Regional Council has ownership or other vested interest in land parcels and other portions of land around the region. These include land owned by council, land assigned to purposes such as flood protection and management, soil stability and water quality. Some of these lands can be on- leased for farming, owned by other government agencies or have related covenants affecting their use. Flood Management Soils Water quality
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Land Transport - RLTS Sub Regional Zones - GIS LayerThis data is the official sub regional zoning used in the Waikato Regional Land Transport Strategy 2006.District RCP RLTS Transport
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LiDAR - 2007/2008LIDAR survey and associated data for the 2007-2008 WRC flying season to provide detailed topographic data. Included are Lower Hauraki Plains, Lower Waipa River, Upper Hauraki Plains, Aotea and Kawhia Harbours.Catchment Contour Download Elevation Extent Grid Hydrology LiDAR Point cloud Tiles Topography Waikato Data Portal
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LiDAR - 2010/2011LIDAR survey and associated data for the 2010 - 2011 WRC flying season to provide detailed topographic data for Northern Waikato, Raglan Harbour and Hunua. Contour DTM Download Grid Image LiDAR Point cloud Waikato Data Portal
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LiDAR - 2012/2013 - CoromandelLIDAR survey and associated data for the 2012 – 2013 WRC flying season, to provide detailed topographic data for the Coromandel Peninsula and harbours. Coastal Contour Download Grid Harbour Hydrology LiDAR Point cloud Waikato Data Portal
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LiDAR - 2014/2015LIDAR survey and associated data for the 2014/2015 flying season, to provide detailed topographic data for the flood protection stopbanks (Mangawara River, Piako River and Waihou River), and specific features (Torehape and Firth of Thames wetland systems) and the West Coast cliff/shore line and some estuaries (Marokopa, Awakino, Mokau and Port Waikato). Cross section DEM DSM Download LiDAR Point cloud Stop bank Survey Waikato Data Portal
elevation planningCadastre
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LiDAR - 2016 SurveyLiDAR Survey 2016 - Tauranga Taupo and Tongariro Rivers LiDAR Point cloud Survey
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LiDAR - 2017/2018An Airborne Laser Scanner survey was conducted over the Waikato Flood Hazards area of interest totalling approximately 329 km2. Area of interest is located in the Hauraki Plains.Contour DEM DSM Elevation LiDAR Point cloud Topography
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LiDAR - 2021 - PGF Regional PGF - DerivativesThis dataset is a group of discrete layers derived from the "LiDAR - 2021 - Regional PGF" dataset. The specification of this product is not repeated here, only specific parameters relating to the creation of the derivatives. For overarching lidar specification see "LiDAR - 2021 - Regional PGF" or document 30156278 for processing summary. We are house the layer here instead of with the main dataset so its clear that these layers are discrete products of the raw lidar and are subject tho their own dilution of precision (and augmentation) during processing.Contour LiDAR Wetland
environment inlandWaters
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LiDAR - 2021 - Regional PGFThe PGF lidar 2021 dataset is a whole-of-region lidar acquisition captured Jan-March 2021. The dataset was acquired as a collaborative venture between LINZ, Waikato Regional Council and affected District Councils. The dataset was flown with the intension to cover the region with laser height sampling points at a rate of 4 pulses per square meter (but with achieved point density varying in dense vegetation), and at a height accuracy of 0.2m with respect to the NZVD2016 datum at 95% confidence (0.1 m RMSE). The dataset was flown in blocks that dissect the region into manageable chunks, and currently the lidar is stored by Council according to these as-supplied blocks. A future plan is to integrate the blocks into a single regional dataset record. The dataset comprises 4 core products – a digital elevation model (DEM) providing a 1m tiled grid (tif) of ground heights; a digital surface model (DSM) providing a 1m tiled grid of surface topmost height (e.g., the top of vegetation); a tiled classified point cloud (PC); and a set of half-meter cartographic contours. Tiling of DEM, DSM and PC is according to the LINZ 1K tile dataset here: The lidar data was collected according to the specification listed in the January 2020 version of the LINZ lidar national specification document (the current version can be found here): For access to the data by external parties, the DEM, DSM products are available at the LINZ data service here and the PC can be downloaded here: Derived products under development by WRC include a normalised digital surface model (nDSM) as the calculation of DSM-DEM providing the height of vegetation and other surface material above ground level; an intensity raster providing a location-accurate black and white image of object position; a watershed and river network resource; a hydraulically corrected DEM for flood modelling; a slope-segmentation layer; and set of half-meter engineering contours (the core product contours are cartographic/smoothed for clean interpretation). These and others will be added to the feature set listed under this metadata item as the products are completed. DEM DSM Elevation Height LiDAR Point cloud Topography
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LiDAR - Hipaua Thermal Area - 2014LiDAR capture of the Hipaua Thermal Area near Taupo 2014. Contour Download Elevation Extent Grid Height LiDAR Point cloud Waikato Data Portal
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LiDAR - Lake Taupo Foreshore - 2006LIDAR survey and associated data of the Lake Taupo foreshore and surrounding land to provide detailed level data to the Lake Taupo Foreshore Management Strategy project. Contour DTM Download Elevation Grid LiDAR Point cloud Waikato Data Portal
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LiDAR - Taupo 2016AAM was engaged by Taupo District Council to undertake the Aerial Imagery and LiDAR survey over the Taupo area. To this end, LiDAR data was captured from a fixed wing aircraft on 19th of November 2015.Contour LiDAR Point cloud
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LiDAR Image Mosaic - GIS LayerLiDAR generated terrain images, hill and elevation shaded to emphasise terrain detail and elevation above sea level. Elevation LiDAR Mosaic Terrain
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LiDAR Regional Contours This dataset contains 0.5m contours taken from the half metre contour set associated with the WRC LiDAR data collection. This layerfile preparation of the LiDAR contours has been produced to allow viewing of the contours in the ESRI Waikato Maps services. Contour LiDAR
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LiDAR Regional Extents and Coverage Dataset LiDAR extent information for Waikato Region. Coverage Download Elevation Extent LiDAR
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Mangrove Extents - GIS LayerSpatial datasets showing the historic and current distribution for mangroves in the Waikato Region.Biodiversity Coastal Ecosystems Harbour Mangroves Species Trees vegetation
environment oceans
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Marine Farms - GIS LayerThe Marine Farms data set is the location of Licences and Leases for the Marine Farms in the Waikato Region with the addition of the Wilsons Bay marine farming zone and the Coromandel marine farming zone that were added to the Waikato regional coastal plan in 1999 and 2011 respectively.Marine
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Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 Applications - GIS LayerMarine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 application areas administered by the Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS).Coastal Consent Management Marine
oceans planningCadastre
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Mining Sites - GIS LayerThis dataset includes data relating to historic gold-mining activities, compiled from various sources. Battery Contaminated Gold Mine Minerals Mining Stamper Tailings
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Moorings - GIS LayerMooring Authorisations (Resource Consents) and associated layers in the Waikato Region. Within these zones they are a controlled activity.Mooring
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NIWA Estuary Catchment Boundaries - GIS LayerEstuary and catchment boundaries for all Waikato Region estuaries supplied by NIWA. Catchment Estuaries
inlandWaters oceans
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NWDB - National Wells Database for Wells and BoresThis dataset has information about the geographic location(s) where environmental data are/have been collected for Bores and Wells. Data is usually obtained where a consent has been granted and the bore construction proceeded. Drillers as part of the consent process return the data to Waikato Regional Council.Bore Wells
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National Environmental Standards (NES) Airsheds - GIS LayerWaikato Region Airsheds are areas gazetted pursuant to the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards Relating to Certain Air Pollutants, Dioxins and Other Toxics) Regulations 2004. This is an MFE requirement and identifies areas for the purpose of air quality management. Survey Office (SO) plans of each area have been registered with LINZ. Air Management Pollution Quality
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Native Frog Presence - GIS LayerFrog habitat areas that could be affected by the proposed consent activities
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Natural Character Study of the Waikato Coastal Environment - GIS Layer'High', 'very high' and 'outstanding' natural character areas of the Waikato region. Dataset created to accompany the report "Boffa Miskell Limited 2016. Natural Character Study of the Waikato Coastal Environment".Coastal Environment Landscape Natural
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Navigational Safety - GIS LayerLayers relevant to Navigation Safety.Coastal Navigation Safety
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No Spray DrainsDrains where planting has occurred that ICM don't want sprayed.Planting Plants Protection Spraying
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Outlines DataOutlines of buildings and waterways in the Waikato Region.
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Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes - GIS LayerOutstanding Natural Features and Landscapes (ONFL) is a dataset identifying the indicative location of features and landscapes with regionally significant and unique outstanding characteristics, as defined by a consortium consisting of O’Connor Planning Consultants Ltd, Mary Buckland Landscape Architect, Chow Hill and GHD Ltd. A combination of physical and visual characteristics and psychological and historical associations give these landscapes very high value.Download Landscape ONFL Outstanding RPS Values
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Peat and Organic SoilsThis Dataset contains features pertaining to peat and organic soils including peat depth contours, peat transect lines, peat monitoring points and a combined organic soil layer.Contour Peat Soils
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Pre-Human Potential EcosystemsThe ecosystem classification used to map potential ecosystems of the Waikato Region was developed by the Department of Conservation, as a tool for prioritising ecosystem management (Singers & Rogers 2014).Classification Ecology Ecosystems Prioritisation
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Properties - (Pathway and Parcels data)Property layers are created with data from Pathway and PRIMARY_PARCELS_WRC showing a visual representation of the Rating Units within the Waikato Region. Boundary Rating
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Proposed Regional Coastal PlanProposed coastal regional plan layers used in a public web map on Waikato Maps. The current proposed data layers are all in AGOL. The latest versions of the data layers are in ArcGIS online (30/08/2023). Aquaculture Biodiversity Biosecurity Coastal Conservation Estuaries Estuarine Planning Waikato Regional Plan
biota boundaries environment inlandWaters oceans
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Public Transport Bus Network - GIS LayerA dataset of the public transport bus routes and stop network in Hamilton City and the Waikato region.Bus Download Night Rider Terminal Transport Waikato Data Portal
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Quality of Life SurveyQuality of Life Survey seriesCommunity Cultural Environment Health Survey Transport
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RACS - Assets - GIS LayerThe river assets have been created through various mechanisms. Originally they were digitised from hard copy A1 drawings. There are some assets within this dataset that have been derived from the New Zealand Map Grid (NZMG) coordinates from a Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinate survey of their position. They cover various parts of the whole region. Asset Dam Download Flood Flood control Management Pond Sediment Structures
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RACS - Clean Streams Assets - GIS LayerAreas and lines digitized off corporate aerial photographs that represent the areas where WRC has contributed to fencing and planting as part of Clean Streams project.Stream
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RACS - Foreshore - GIS Layer RACS Foreshores is a dataset created by the WRC Integrated Catchment Management Asset Management Team. The data is designed to supplement Conquest derived Lake Taupo Foreshore or other Foreshore types.Coastal Foreshore Lake
inlandWaters oceans
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RACS - Grazing Licences - GIS LayerThis data represents the grazing licence scheme data where Waikato Regional Council (WRC) owned and Managed (owned by the crown) land is licensed out to Farmers to graze their stock on. These areas are mostly stopbanks used in the flood protection schemes.Farm management
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RACS - Land Adjacent to Scheme Licence - GIS LayerAdjoining land between Scheme License Polygons/Fence lines feature classes with the CRS Hydro feature classCatchment River Scheme
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RACS - Management Boundaries - GIS LayerThis dataset is a visual representation of how the Region has been divided for management purposes for different work programs by Integrated Catchment Management. Includes work supervisors/staff responsible for the various management zones Catchment Download Land use Management Waterway
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RACS - Rate - Land Drainage Schemes - GIS LayerRating Classification Boundaries, Differentials and Drains for Waikato Regional Council Land Drainage Schemes. This data is used to support targeted rating systems and to enable landowners to manage watertables to enable productive development of farming areas. Download Drain Drainage Scheme
boundaries inlandWaters
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RACS - Reaches - GIS LayerRACS Reaches is a dataset created by the Information Management/Asset Management Team in River and Catchment Services Group. The data is designed to supplement Conquest derived Reaches. Reaches are a combination of several factors (Catchments, River/Stream Centrelines, State Highway Centrelines).Catchment River Roading Stream
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RACS - Soil Conservation Assets - GIS LayerInformation on assets associated with soil conservation works on schemes and individual properties. The information is used primarily for the management and maintenance of the works.Conservation Soils Watershed
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RACS - Survey - GIS LayerThis dataset-group contains spatial data relating to WRC asset survey activities. Elevation Survey
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RACS - Threatened Bird AssessmentData collected from an external contractor to assess if any threatened birds are impacted during planned works undertaken by RCS each year.Birds Threatened
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Rating - Community Transport FundingSpatial layers relating to transport funded by rating outside of HCC. Community Rating Transport
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Rating - Targeted RatesTargeted rating classification.Catchment Management Rating
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Recreational Uses of the Waikato River - Summer 1995/96: Waikato River ProgrammeInformation on recreational uses of the Waikato River (summer 1995/96). Data was collected from on-site interviews (total 287), household survey (total 84,389) and focus group discussionRecreation River
inlandWaters society
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Regional Coastal Plan - GIS LayerRegional Coastal Plan features, river mouth and CMA boundaries as defined for the Regional Coastal Plan. See spatial group layer "Regional Coastal Plan" for all authoritative RCP layers.Coastal Marine Planning RCP Reserves River
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Regional Coastal Plan ReviewRegional Coastal Plan Review spatial layers (2024 and January 2025).Coastal Plan Regional
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Regional Estuary Monitoring Programme (REMP) - GIS LayerThis dataset shows the location of all Regional Estuary Monitoring Programme (REMP) pegs and plates as positioned by GPS to within about 15 metres. The attributes allow subsets of the data to be viewed in a GIS. Three views show the pegs marking the corner extents of biological monitoring, the pegs used for sediment monitoring and the plates used for sediment monitoring. Pegs that are not being used are also able to be viewed from the source table. Coastal Estuaries Sediment
location oceans
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Regional Indigenous Vegetation Inventory (RIVI) - GIS LayerData describing the indigenous vegetation cover of the Waikato region as of 1840 and 1992. Includes Extended Vegetation Layer, and coastal/wetland vegetation, but excludes submerged vegetation. Indigenous vegetation
biota environment
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Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) 2015-2045 - One Network Road/Rail Classification - GIS LayerClassification of the strategically important road and rail corridors in the Waikato region as outlined in WRCs Regional Land Transport Plan 2015-45 (RTLP). The classification was developed to focus investment on the transport corridors that will provide the greatest contributions toward meeting the RLTP objectives.ONRC Projection RLTP Rail Roading Transport
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Riparian Characteristics Survey (Catchment) DataSurvey, Site Detail and Photo data points for the Riparian Characteristics Survey (Catchment) undertaken with hand held PC.RCSC Riparian Survey
environment inlandWaters
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River Bank Stability Set Back LinesRiver Bank Hazard distances along the Waikato River between Karapiro and Ngaruawahia. Hazard Planning River
inlandWaters planningCadastre
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River Environment Classification (REC) - Fish Index of Biotic IntegrityA predicted Fish Index of Biotic Integrity (F-IBI) uses characteristics of the fish community modeled for wadeable stream segments (order 1-4) using GIS parameters relative to what would be expected if there were no human impacts.Fishes REC River Stream Waterway
biota inlandWaters
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River Environment Classification (REC) - Fish Passage BarriersEach reach of the MFE/NIWA River Environment Classification (REC) network for the Waikato Region was assessed for culverts identified in Waikato Regional Council’s culvert database, dams, waterfalls and floodgates downstream. Reaches were given attributes of 0 (no presence downstream), 1 (presence downstream) or 3 (presence on this reach).Aquatic animals Culvert Fishes REC Waterway
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River Environment Classification (REC) - Fish Probability PredictionsProbability values for 13 species of fish, for each River Environments Classification (REC) reach in the Waikato Region. Fishes REC Stream
biota inlandWaters
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River Environment Classification (REC) - Future Pasture Scenario LayerThe layer contains area (in HA) of each LCDB1 landcover class within each REC watershed for the Waikato Region. Fishes Land cover Pasture REC
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River Environment Classification (REC) - Stock Unit LayersLayer of stock unit values for each REC reach in the Waikato Region. Agriculture Dairy REC Stock
farming inlandWaters
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River Environment Classification (REC) - WRCThe REC organises information about the physical characteristics of rivers, including catchment climate, topography, geology and land cover. The REC system is a synthetic river network derived from a hydrologically correct digital elevation model.Download Hydrology REC River Stream Watercourse Watershed
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Rivers and Streams of Significant Natural Area - GIS LayerRiver and stream conditions and conservation value in the Waikato Region.Biodiversity River SNA Stream
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Road Safety BillboardsLocation, orientation and content of road safety billboards managed by Waikato Regional Council and/or NZTA.Roading Safety Traffic Transport
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Selected Land Use Site (SLUS)The Land Use Information Register is a database of historical land uses where hazardous substances may have been used, stored or disposed of in the Waikato Region. It exists for two reasons: to assist in identifying contaminated land and to respond to requests for information as required under the Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act.HAIL Hazardous Land use Soil pollution Soils Waste
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Significant Indigenous Biodiversity AreasSignificant Indigenous Biodiversity Areas Biodiversity Coastal RPS SNA
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Significant Natural Areas - Lake Ecosystems - GIS LayerThis data set forms part of a group of data sets of significant natural areas (SNA) of the Waikato Region, which are part of a project for identifying, assessing and prioritising SNA for biodiversity management. Ecosystems Lake SNA
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Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and WetlandThe council identifies significant natural areas (SNA) as areas that meet one or more criteria for significance in the Waikato Regional Policy Statement. Identification of SNA is an important step in managing the region’s natural heritage, protecting threatened species from the risk of extinction, reconnecting fragmented ecosystems, and meeting the requirements of the Resource Management Act 1991. Significant natural areas provide us with a wide range of ecosystem services, including habitat for native plant and animal species, flood or erosion control, providing oxygen, helping to regulate climate, and scenic appeal.Biodiversity Ecology Ecosystems Fauna Flora Native RPS SNA Sand dune Terrestrial Wetland
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Soil map of Hamilton CityThe dataset contains polygons of soils of Hamilton City re-mapped from the original Landcare Research layer at 1:5,000. The attributes contain the soil series and the soil classification. Soil science Soils
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Spatial PlanningData layers related to spatial planning projects. Content may include data layers from Hamilton to Auckland Corridor, Metro Spatial Plan, and Future Proof projects.Planning
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Statutory Reporting Area for IRISThis data set is a single GIS layer/view of all areas ‘required’ to be reported on from IRIS. Data is derived from datasets Iwi Joint Management Agreement (JMA) Zones - GIS layer, Iwi Treaty Settlement - GIS Layer and Iwi - Waikato River Co-Management Areas - GIS Layer. Government IRIS Iwi Management Maori Resource Resource Management River Statute Treaty
boundaries environment location society
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Stock Take of Whitebait Stands on the Waikato River - GIS LayerThis dataset is the result of a joint project between Waikato Regional Council (WRC / the Council) and Waikato Raupatu River Trust (representing Waikato-Tainui). It is a stock take of whitebait stand locations on the Waikato River as at May 2014. Fishes
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Subtidal seagrass surveys at Slipper and Great Mercury IslandsSubtidal seagrass surveys at Slipper and Great Mercury Islands.Biodiversity Coastal Ecosystems Marine Ocean Survey
biota oceans
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Surf Breaks of National and Regional SignificanceNationally and Regionally Significant Surf Breaks and Swell Corridors identified and mapped in WRC Technical Report TR 2017/19.Coastal Ocean
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Taupo Variation - GIS LayerLake Taupo catchment boundary and Near Shore Zone boundary as used for the Waikato Regional Plan Variation 5 – Lake Taupo Catchment. Catchment Lake Planning
inlandWaters planningCadastre
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Technical Reports - GIS LayerTechnical reports depicted spatially.Contracts Technical Report
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Topographic Transport Map Series DataThe Topographic map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands.Topography
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Trout Spawning HabitatTrout habitat and spawning waters in the Waikato Region identified by Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game.Download Fishes Habitat Waikato Data Portal Water
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Upstream Karapiro Project Boundary - GIS LayerHydrological* catchment boundary upstream of Karapiro Dam, created for the Upstream Karapiro Project. Boundary Hydrology Policy Variation
boundaries inlandWaters
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Urban - Rural BoundariesBoundaries used for cartographic purposes and other GIS filtering. Initially includes urban and rural boundaries and will likely include others in due courseDownload Footprint LCDB Rural Urban
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Urban Areas PopulationIdentifies the urban and peri-urban areas in the Waikato Region that are estimated to have a combined urban and rural residential population greater than 1,000 as at 2016. Each area provides data on the name, area (in hectares), the Statistics New Zealand census usually resident population count for 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006 and 2013, and the Statistics New Zealand annual estimated resident population count 1996-2016.Boundary Population Urban
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Volcanic Hazard - GIS LayerThis Layer contains information relating to specific volcanic ashfall hazards for the Waikato Region. Ashfall Caldera Eruption Hazard Hydrothermal Ignimbrite Lahars Scenario Vents Volcanoes
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WISKi (Water Information System Kisters) - GIS LayerGIS views created to show locations of sites (SITE_STATION) where environmental monitoring data has been collected and is stored WISKI database.Groundwater LOCATED Lake River Stream Water allocation Water quality
environment inlandWaters oceans
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WISKi - Lake Water QualityA database on the water quality of lakes throughout the Waikato Region.Lake Water quality
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WISKi - NES Airshed ContaminantsThe National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (NES) includes a list of the following contaminants that regional councils are required to monitor where NES thresholds are likely to be exceeded: particulate air pollution (PM10), CO, NO2, O3 and SO2. Air Pollution
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WISKi - River Flow, Suspended Sediment and Water TemperatureFlow readings, suspended sediment yields and surface water temperatures for rivers and streams in the Waikato region. This data is collected to characterise river discharge, water quality, and catchment erosion. Flow Sediment Waterway
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WRC Office Locations - GIS LayerA GIS Layer of point locations that indicate the location and several attributes about each Waikato Regional Council Office witihn the Waikato Region.Office
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Waikato Regional Council Asset ProximityThis resource is a collation of WRC assets with a buffer applied (size specified in data layer. There could be several versions of this layer depending on how alerts are structured. The purpose of the layer-set is to assist staff in assessing resource consents, by mapping where WRC assets are positioned and the area of influence of Assets. Originally this layer was created to enable an automatic alert sent to ICM Environmental Compliance to map where new resource consent activities are being sought. Compliance Consent
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Waikato Regional Council PublicationsWaikato Regional Council publications that are available to the general public on the WRC Website. Publications
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Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal System - GIS LayerThe data set maps the boundaries of the large and gives indicative locations of the small geothermal systems in the Region.Development Geothermal System WRP Waikato Regional Plan
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Waikato Regional Plan Geothermal Water Feature - GIS LayerThe data set contains Geothermal Water Features in Development and Limited Development Geothermal Systems. These are point-source natural discharges of geothermal water from springs.Development Download Geothermal System WRP Waikato Data Portal Waikato Regional Plan Water Waterway
geoscientificlnformation inlandWaters
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Waikato Regional Plan Maps - GIS LayerThe data set describes the classification of water bodies in the Region set by the Waikato Regional Plan. The data set contains feature classes of the lakes and rivers comprising classified water bodies.Download Planning WRP
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Waikato Regional Plan Priority Catchments for Stock Exclusion - GIS LayerSpatial extent and location of waterways prioritised for protection by the introduction of a live stock exclusion zone rule to the Waikato Regional Plan.Catchment Download Livestock REC WRP Waikato Regional Plan Waterway
farming inlandWaters
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Waikato Regional Plan Significant Geothermal Feature - GIS LayerThe data set shows Significant Geothermal Features in Development and Limited Development Geothermal Systems. Download Geothermal Planning WRP Waikato Data Portal Waikato Regional Plan
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Waikato Resource Management PlanThe Waikato Regional Coastal Plan and Waikato Regional Plan will be combined and will be renamed the Waikato Resource Management Plan with the intention of being fully operative by 2028.
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Waikato and Waipa River Cross Section SurveysData from cross sectional surveys of the Waikato River. This is used to monitor natural and induced changes in the riverbed and to model future changes in the level of surface water at low flow and flood conditions. Cross section Management River
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Waikato and Waipa River Restoration Strategy (WWRRS)The Waikato and Waipā Rivers Restoration Strategy (WWRRS) has been developed to maximise opportunities to realise the Vision & Strategy for the Waikato and Waipa River catchments.Biodiversity Catchment Erosion Fishes Water quality
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Waipa Afforestation Feasibility StudyThe Waipa afforestation feasibility study is to assist with implementation of the Waipa Catchment Plan and the Waikato-Waipa River Restoration Strategy. The study evaluates alternative land use options that result in the establishment of semi-permanent (woody) vegetation on erosion-prone land.Afforestation Carbon Dairy
economy environment farming
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Waipā Catchment River StylesSupplementary GIS data to the “River Styles Assessment of the Waipā River Catchment, Waikato, New Zealand” Technical Report prepared for Waikato Regional Council. It delineates the identified River Styles within the Waipā River Catchment, and also displays several accompanying characteristics. Restoration River
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Water Allocation Calculator (WAC) Catchments and Aquifers - GIS LayerA variety of catchments throughout the Waikato Region. Aquifer Consent Discharge IRIS WAC Water allocation Waterway
environment inlandWaters
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Whangamata Harbour Features - GIS LayerIntended to show various features including zones, activities, fauna, flora, and physical features within the Whangamata estuary as at 2006.Estuaries Fauna Flora Harbour Mangroves
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Your Environment – What Matters SurveysSustainable resource management requires an understanding of the environmental perceptions and issues of people who live in the Waikato region. To develop this understanding WRC has undertaken a number of surveys and interviews to explore trends in community views, including the most recent ‘Your Environment – What Matters?’Attitudes Awareness Community EAAA Environment NEP Perception Survey
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