Soil map of Hamilton City

File ID: D5F6CB4A-E446-1DC0-E055-000000000001
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: The dataset contains polygons of soils of Hamilton City re-mapped from the original Landcare Research layer at 1:5,000. The attributes contain the soil series and the soil classification.
Statement: The dataset contains polygons of soils of Hamilton City mapped at 1:20,000 (by Landcare Research) and updated to a scale of 1:5,000 by Dr Reece Hill of Landsystems Ltd. The attributes contain the soil series and the soil classification. No analytical properties of the soil are included. The original Soil Survey was carried out in 1962 by J.G. Bruce, Soil Bureau, DSIR. The map was published in 1979. It was digitised in 2002 and the data were stored in ArcGIS. NZSC was determined in 2002. Incidental error correction has been carried out as necessary. The original data was mapped at 1:20,000 and should not be used at scales greater than this. As soil variability is usually very high, the polygons in this map are not necessarily pure and so may contain inclusions of other known, and variants of unknown soils.
Keywords: Soil science,Soils
Topic Category: geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences
Resource Reference Date: 20/01/2022
Metadata URL:

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

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General Notes:


File Identifier: D5F6CB4A-E447-1DC0-E055-000000000001 Parent Identifier: D5F6CB4A-E446-1DC0-E055-000000000001
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Soil map of Hamilton City
Abstract: The dataset contains polygons of soils of Hamilton City mapped at 1:5,000. The attributes contain the soil series and the soil classification
Statement: The dataset contains polygons of soils of Hamilton City mapped at 1:20 000. The attributes contain the soil series and the soil classification. No analytical properties of the soil are included. The Soil Survey was carried out in 1962 by J.G. Bruce, Soil Bureau, DSIR. The map was published in 1979. It was digitised in 2002 and the data were stored in ArcGIS. NZSC was determined in 2002. Incidental error correction has been carried out as necessary. These data were mapped at 1:20 000 and should not be used at scales greater than this. As soil variability is usually very high, the polygons in this map are not necessarily pure and so may contain inclusions of other known, and variants of unknown soils. The Soil Survey was carried out in 1962 by J.G. Bruce, Soil Bureau, DSIR. The map was published in 1979. It was digitised in 2002 and the data were stored in ArcGIS. NZSC was determined in 2002. Incidental error correction has been carried out as necessary. These data were mapped at 1:20 000 and should not be used at scales greater than this. As soil variability is usually very high, the polygons in this map are not necessarily pure and so may contain inclusions of other known, and variants of unknown soils.
Other Information: This data was created by LandSystems Ltd under contract for WRC. Updates in this project by Landsystems(Stage 1): 1. Re-digitising of gully soil related soil map unit boundaries (at Soil Group level of the NZSC) using LiDAR based 2m contours. The digitising was undertaken on-screen by a soil scientist with understanding and some spatial knowledge of Soil Groups and their distribution in a several of the gully systems in Hamilton. The original soil survey report by J.G. Bruce, Soil Bureau, DSIR, was used to provide an initial understanding of the soil distribution in relation to the landscape. 2. The on-screen digitising was undertaken using a base map of up to 1:2500 scale. The approximate scale of remapping is 1:5000. 3. Some additional Soil Groups were remapped in places. These included Soil Groups MO, NO and LO. However, this was variable and where the LiDAR based 2m contours indicated an obvious discrepancy. 4. No complete soil map units were added or removed as this would require field observation to be certain of the discrepancy. Updates in this project (Stage 2): 1. New soil map units were added where the original soil survey report by J.G. Bruce, Soil Bureau, DSIR did not extend to the new Hamilton City boundary. 2. Smap ( soil map units (at Soil Sibling level) were used to guide the digitising of new soil map unit polygons. Reclassification to soil series was based on the correlation information provided by Soil Sibling factsheets ( 3. Expert opinion by a soil scientist and based on air photo interpretation and LiDAR based 2m contours was used to refine the placement of soil map units. 4. The final digitised data underwent a QA process to remove digitising artefacts and the its topology rebuilt and normalised with a location precision of 0.01m. 5. The GIS data is supplied as an ESRI shapefile expressed in New Zealand Transverse Mercator Geodetic Datum 2000 projection.
Keywords: Soil science,Soils
Topic Category: geoscientificlnformation:information pertaining to earth sciences
Resource Reference Date: 20/01/2022

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 25/01/2022

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:5,000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 805
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1806465.4579
eastBoundLongitude : 1792454.9143
southBoundLatitude : 5808759.3449
northBoundLatitude : 5825243.4874

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Third party, internal permission
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : © Waikato Regional Council 2022. Soil map of Hamilton City Data (created by Landsystems Ltd).
Data Disclaimers : The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer applies to this data: “While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you".
Data Use Limits : As soil variabliity is usually very high, the polygons in this map are not necessarily pure and so may contain inclusions of other known, and variants of unknown soils.

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SOIL Soil type Soil type N N
SERIES Soil series Soil series N N
TOPSL_TEXT Top soil type Top soil type N N
NZSC1 NZ soil classification description NZ soil classification description N N
AREA_HA Area of soil polygon Area of soil polygon N N