Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland

File ID: 31F45DE3-4B9C-4AF4-823E-E8ECADE04F6A
Hierarchy Level: dataset
Abstract: The council identifies significant natural areas (SNA) as areas that meet one or more criteria for significance in the Waikato Regional Policy Statement. Identification of SNA is an important step in managing the region’s natural heritage, protecting threatened species from the risk of extinction, reconnecting fragmented ecosystems, and meeting the requirements of the Resource Management Act 1991. Significant natural areas provide us with a wide range of ecosystem services, including habitat for native plant and animal species, flood or erosion control, providing oxygen, helping to regulate climate, and scenic appeal.
Statement: The districts currently included in the significant natural areas(SNA)dataset are: Waitomo, Hauraki, Waipa, Otorohanga, Thames-Coromandel and South Waikato. Third parties should request this data from the relevant Territorial Authority.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Fauna,Flora,Native,RPS,SNA,Sand dune,Terrestrial,Wetland
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 30/03/2017
Metadata URL:

Responsible Parties

Role: author
Position: GIS & Data Management Team Leader
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand


Language: English
Character Set: utf8
Standard: ANZLIC
Standard Version: 1.1

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:


File Identifier: 3CC955DF-E1FA-4C92-90BC-B33318E9BD18 Parent Identifier: 65564808-95CB-419C-A332-993EAF68A0AC
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This is a dataset of potential areas of significant indigenous terrestrial vegetation and wetlands in the Hauraki District which was initially compiled in 2001/2002. This dataset is subject to updates by Waikato Regional Council 'as needed'. Significant Natural Areas (SNA) are commonly referred to as ‘sites’ and may consist of a collection of polygons. The data was originally intended for use in the regional biodiversity sites prioritisation project, but is also used by Hauraki District Council for their planning purposes. The data set consists of an inventory of sites with an assessment of their significance as determined using Regional Policy Statement (RPS) Criteria. An assessment of up to six types of management issues at each site is also included.
Statement: This dataset is accompanied by a report which presents the summary and methodology of this desktop inventory and assessment. See DOCS # 1626761. The following attributes have been created and amended to this dataset by Waikato Regional Council: DISTRICT_NAME_2012, NZTM_EASTING, NZTM_NORTHING, TENURE_STATUS, TENURE_DETAIL, PROTECTION_DETAIL, ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT, BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE, LENZ_IV, LENZ_TEC, VEGETATION_1840, LCDB4_NAME_2012, MHWS, AREA_HA & DATA_SET_STATUS.
Other Information: See DOCS # 1626761.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Endangered,Fauna,Flora,Native,RPS,SNA,Wetland
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 20/07/2015

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 03/08/2017

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:10000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 207
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1860766.176
eastBoundLongitude : 1804397.1473
southBoundLatitude : 5838812.0078
northBoundLatitude : 5880708.4299

Responsible Parties

Role: custodian
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : restricted
Data Use Constraints: restricted
Data Distribution: Internal only
Licence Type : Formal Data Use Agreement
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2002. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : The following disclaimers must be included with outputs, as indicated, that contain any part of this Significant Natural Areas of the Hauraki District data set: 1. Full version for reports, metadata and any data outputs other than maps: Significant Natural Areas (SNA) - Hauraki have been derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography and/or satellite imagery, along with scientific reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data set is an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA in the Hauraki District, and is subject to revision through consultation with the Hauraki District Council or other local authorities. Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field assessments, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, or in the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The absence of an existing natural area from this data set does not imply that such a site is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and should not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. 2. Short version for maps containing SNA boundaries and/or attributes: Significant Natural Areas data are derived from interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and/or limited field surveys. The data are provisional and should be used for indicative purposes only. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. 3. The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer must also be included in any maps or other data outputs produced by Waikato Regional Council: While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.
Data Use Limits : See DOCS # 1626761.

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (used at the time to when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
VERSION_YEAR The year that the dataset was initially compiled. N N
VERSION_STATUS The version status of the dataset. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE The primary Ecosystem Type that the site is considered to represent as assessed by an ecological contractor. N N
CRITERION_1 The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_11 The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma separated list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
SIGNIFICANCE_JUSTIFICATION A brief explanation and/or justification for the level of significance given to a site, including justification for any of the 11 RPS significance criteria known to be met; or an explanation/justification for why a site was identified as 'Likely' to be significant or not significant. N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. The confidence that can be taken in the information about the site and the need for field survey, prior to any decisions being made about the site in terms of consent processing, schedule development, or funding allocations. N N
PEST_ANIMAL_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any pest animal (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
STOCK_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any stock management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as a lack of stock proof fencing or the presence of stock.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
DEVELOPMENT_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any development management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as proposed or operational subdivision, wind farms, clearance, land use change or power pylons.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
OTHER_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any other management issues not covered by the above categories are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
ISSUE_JUSTIFICATION This provides a brief explanation or justification for the result of the assessment of management issues at a site, particularly for management issues that are known or likely to exist at a site. NB: This attribute may be empty if the site has no issues. N N
REFERENCES This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, that refer to the primary sources of information used in the assessment of a site. This may include spatial data sets, databases, various types of reports and surveys, and personal observations.A bibliography of the information sources cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
NZTM_EASTING The NZTM Easting coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
NZTM_NORTHING The NZTM Northing coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
TENURE_STATUS This provides an indication of the general status of the tenure of the site. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). If one tenure type which makes up a site is greater than or equal to 95% of the total site area then this becomes the tenure status else the tenure status value is 'Mixed'. For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
TENURE_DETAIL This provides an indication of the type(s) of tenure which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the tenure types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
PROTECTION_DETAIL This provides an indication of protection status types which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the protection status types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (PROTECTION_INDEX attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for PROTECTION_INDEX attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT This lists the names of the ecological districts that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one ecological district overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE This lists the names of the bioclimatic zones that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one bioclimatic zone overlaps a site the name of the zones are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the bioclimatic zones layer (ZONE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for ZONE attribute in bioclimatic zones(GIS_ALL.BIOCLIMATIC_ZONES). N N
LENZ_IV This lists the names of the Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Threatened Environments Classification - threat category name attribute. If more than one threat category name overlaps a site the threat categories are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.SNA_LENZ_TEC layer. N N
VEGETATION_1840 This lists the names of the 1840 indigenous veg units that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one unit overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the 1840 veg layer (GEN_NAME attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for the GEN_NAME attribute in 1840 veg layer(GIS_ALL.INDIGENOUS_VEGETATION_1840). N N
DISTRICT_NAME_2012 This lists the names of districts (territorial authorities) that a site overlaps using the 2012 boundaries followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one TA boundary overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
MHWS This is an estimation of area in hectares (2dp) of a site which is above and/or below the mean high water spring mark (MHWS). This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with a modified version of the GIS_ALL.CONTOUR_COASTLINE layer. N N
LCDB4_NAME_2012 This lists the names of the Land Cover Database 4 (LCDB4) cover classes that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one class overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.LANDCOVER_DATABASE4_MODIFIED layer. For more details refer to the metadata for the NAME_2012 attribute in LCDB4. N N
LENZ_TEC This lists the names of the Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Threatened Environments Classification - threat category name attribute. If more than one threat category name overlaps a site the threat categories are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.SNA_LENZ_TEC layer. N N


File Identifier: 73EA8A7B-E001-7244-E055-000000000001 Parent Identifier: 31F45DE3-4B9C-4AF4-823E-E8ECADE04F6A
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This data layer is intended for an updated amendment for Torehape Wetland SNA site S13UP62. This site was updated in August 2018. A wetland expert from DOC advised WRC that this site should now be included as a SNA site for the Hauraki District. Note this is a WRC owned data layer.
Statement: This SNA site is an updated amendment for Torehape Wetland SNA site S13UP62. This site was updated in August 2018. A wetland expert from DOC advised WRC that this site should now be included within this SNA site. The new sites boundaries were digitized using WRAPS 2017 aerial imagery. Note this is a WRC owned data layer. This data layer will be supplied to Hauraki District and advise them that it should be included in their District Plan SNA data layer. As of August 2018 this data layer is not in the current Hauraki District SNA data layer.
Other Information: See DOCS # 1626761 and #12955724 Documents below show communication between DOC and WRC to include this site as a SNA site. WRC internal request: DOC wetland expert WRC request : DOC wetland expert clarifications to amendment of the boundary:
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Endangered,SNA
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 21/08/2018

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 21/08/2018

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:5,000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 2
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1820581.637
eastBoundLongitude : 1815946.0542
southBoundLatitude : 5864461.067
northBoundLatitude : 5868902.1882

Responsible Parties

Role: pointOfContact
Position: Ecologist
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 0800 800 401
Fax: 07 859 0998

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Not Applicable
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : If the data is used in analyses or used to create derivatives, or if derivatives of the data are used in digital or hard copy outputs then the following acknowledgement must be used: Derived from Waikato Regional Council Provisional Significant Natural Areas data. Copyright Reserved. If the data is used in digital or hard copy outputs the following acknowledgment must be used (this acknowledgement must not be used for derivatives of the data): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.
Data Use Limits : Significant Natural Areas data are derived from interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and/or limited field surveys. The data are provisional and should be used for indicative purposes only. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey.

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (used at the time to when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
VERSION_YEAR The year that the dataset was initially compiled. N N
VERSION_STATUS The version status of the dataset. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE The primary Ecosystem Type that the site is considered to represent as assessed by an ecological contractor. N N
CRITERION_1 The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_11 The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma separated list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
SIGNIFICANCE_JUSTIFICATION A brief explanation and/or justification for the level of significance given to a site, including justification for any of the 11 RPS significance criteria known to be met; or an explanation/justification for why a site was identified as 'Likely' to be significant or not significant. N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. The confidence that can be taken in the information about the site and the need for field survey, prior to any decisions being made about the site in terms of consent processing, schedule development, or funding allocations. N N
PEST_ANIMAL_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any pest animal (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
STOCK_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any stock management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as a lack of stock proof fencing or the presence of stock.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
DEVELOPMENT_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any development management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as proposed or operational subdivision, wind farms, clearance, land use change or power pylons.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
OTHER_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any other management issues not covered by the above categories are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
ISSUE_JUSTIFICATION This provides a brief explanation or justification for the result of the assessment of management issues at a site, particularly for management issues that are known or likely to exist at a site. NB: This attribute may be empty if the site has no issues. N N
REFERENCES This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, that refer to the primary sources of information used in the assessment of a site. This may include spatial data sets, databases, various types of reports and surveys, and personal observations.A bibliography of the information sources cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
NZTM_EASTING The NZTM Easting coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
NZTM_NORTHING The NZTM Northing coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
TENURE_STATUS This provides an indication of the general status of the tenure of the site. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). If one tenure type which makes up a site is greater than or equal to 95% of the total site area then this becomes the tenure status else the tenure status value is 'Mixed'. For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
TENURE_DETAIL This provides an indication of the type(s) of tenure which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the tenure types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
PROTECTION_DETAIL This provides an indication of protection status types which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the protection status types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (PROTECTION_INDEX attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for PROTECTION_INDEX attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT This lists the names of the ecological districts that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one ecological district overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE This lists the names of the bioclimatic zones that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one bioclimatic zone overlaps a site the name of the zones are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the bioclimatic zones layer (ZONE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for ZONE attribute in bioclimatic zones(GIS_ALL.BIOCLIMATIC_ZONES). N N
LENZ_IV This lists the names of the Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Threatened Environments Classification - threat category name attribute. If more than one threat category name overlaps a site the threat categories are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.SNA_LENZ_TEC layer. N N
VEGETATION_1840 This lists the names of the 1840 indigenous veg units that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one unit overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the 1840 veg layer (GEN_NAME attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for the GEN_NAME attribute in 1840 veg layer(GIS_ALL.INDIGENOUS_VEGETATION_1840). N N
BIOVEG_2012 Biovegetation 2012 cover class N N
DISTRICT_NAME_2012 This lists the names of districts (territorial authorities) that a site overlaps using the 2012 boundaries followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one TA boundary overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
MHWS This is an estimation of area in hectares (2dp) of a site which is above and/or below the mean high water spring mark (MHWS). This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with a modified version of the GIS_ALL.CONTOUR_COASTLINE layer. N N
LCDB4_NAME_2012 This lists the names of the Land Cover Database 4 (LCDB4) cover classes that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one class overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.LANDCOVER_DATABASE4_MODIFIED layer. For more details refer to the metadata for the NAME_2012 attribute in LCDB4. N N
LENZ_TEC This lists the names of the Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Threatened Environments Classification - threat category name attribute. If more than one threat category name overlaps a site the threat categories are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.SNA_LENZ_TEC layer. N N
GEOMETRY Geometry attribute N N
ID ID field N N


File Identifier: A91DDB4D-E177-4982-8B83-C849E8870192 Parent Identifier: 65564808-95CB-419C-A332-993EAF68A0AC
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland - GIS Layer
Abstract: This is a provisional desktop based inventory and assessment of the significance of areas of indigenous vegetation and/or habitats of indigenous fauna in terrestrial vegetation, wetland, island (both inshore and offshore), sand dune and shingle beach ecosystems in the Otorohanga District. The dataset was initially compiled in 2007 and is subject to being updated by Waikato Regional Council (the Council).
Statement: SNA are commonly referred to as "sites", and one site may consist of a collection of polygons with boundaries typically derived from vegetation extent. This SNA data set was originally intended for use in the Council's regional biodiversity management prioritisation, but is available for other Council projects. It may also be used by the Otorohanga District Council for their planning purposes and by other parties if deemed appropriate. This dataset is accompanied by a report (draft) which presents the summary and methodology of this desktop inventory and assessment. See DOCS # 2197922. The following attributes have been created and amended to this dataset by Waikato Regional Council: DISTRICT_NAME_2012, NZTM_EASTING, NZTM_NORTHING, TENURE_STATUS, TENURE_DETAIL, PROTECTION_DETAIL, ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT, BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE, LENZ_IV, LENZ_TEC, VEGETATION_1840, LCDB4_NAME_2012, MHWS, SITE_NUMBER, AREA_HA.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc See DOCS # 2197922.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Endangered,Fauna,Flora,Native,RPS,SNA,Terrestrial,Wetland
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 20/07/2015

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 16/08/2017

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:10000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 955
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1835638.8557
eastBoundLongitude : 1756188.714
southBoundLatitude : 5736259.3325
northBoundLatitude : 5796522.1951

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : restricted
Data Use Constraints: restricted
Data Distribution: Internal and Contractors
Licence Type : Formal Data Use Agreement
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions: Access to the data in the SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, LIKELY_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FAUNA and OTHER_FEATURES attributes is restricted to Wildland Consultants and Waikato Regional Council staff and their contractors only. Requests for this data must be submitted to appropriate Council Significant Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff for consideration and approval. A restrictive license agreement between any user and Waikato Regional Council will be required to be signed should any request for this data be approved. If the data is used in analyses or used to create derivatives, or if derivatives of the data are used in digital or hard copy outputs then the following acknowledgement must be used: Derived from Waikato Regional Council Provisional Significant Natural Areas data, 2007. Copyright Reserved. If the data is used in digital or hard copy outputs the following acknowledgment must be used (this acknowledgement must not be used for derivatives of the data): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Copyright : Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : The following disclaimers must be included with outputs, as indicated, that contain any part of this "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Otorohanga District (2007)" data set: Full disclaimer (must be included in reports and any data outputs other than maps): The "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Otorohanga District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data are derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data comprises an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA of terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of the Otorohanga District. It may be subject to revision through consultation with the Otorohanga District Council or other appropriate sources. The Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field surveys, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The absence of an existing natural terrestrial or wetland ecosystem area from the "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Otorohanga District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data does not imply that such an area is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. Short disclaimer (must be included in maps that display SNA boundaries and/or attributes): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data are derived from interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and/or limited field surveys. The data are provisional and should be used for indicative purposes only. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer must also be included in any maps or other data outputs produced by Waikato Regional Council: While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use.
Data Use Limits :

Download Links


Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (used at the time to when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
SITE_DESCRIPTION This is a brief summary or synopsis of the key characteristics or features of a site. This may include the geography, ecosystem(s) and/or primary type(s) of vegetation in a site. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE The primary type, or types, of ecosystem(s) that the site is considered to represent. Further information for this attribute is provided in DOCS# 1690354. N N
SIGNIFICANT_FLORA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable flora species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being known to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
LIKELY_FLORA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable flora species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being likely to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable fauna species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being known to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
LIKELY_FAUNA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable fauna species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being likely to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
OTHER_FEATURES A list and description of any other distinctive features known about a site, with a reference included where available. Y N
CRITERION_1 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 10 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence that is either not common in the Waikato Region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional representative example of its type." N N
CRITERION_11 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma separated list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE Possible values: 'International', 'National', 'Regional', 'Local', 'Likely', 'Indeterminate', 'No'. This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
SIGNIFICANCE_JUSTIFICATION A brief explanation and/or justification for the level of significance given to a site, including justification for any of the 11 RPS significance criteria known to be met; or an explanation/justification for why a site was identified as 'Likely' to be significant or not significant. N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. This is an assessment of the level of confidence in the information available for a site and the assessment of the significance of a site. Further information on applying a confidence level are provided in DOC# 2164814. Note that a site of low confidence should be considered no less significant than other sites of higher confidence, but of the same significance, unless other information proves otherwise. N N
PEST_ANIMAL_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest animal (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
PEST_PLANT_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest plant (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) or other weed management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
STOCK_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any stock management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as a lack of stock proof fencing or the presence of stock.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
DEVELOPMENT_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any development management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as proposed or operational subdivision, wind farms, clearance, land use change or power pylons.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
OTHER_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any other management issues not covered by the above categories are known or likely to exist at a site.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
ISSUE_JUSTIFICATION This provides a brief explanation or justification for the result of the assessment of management issues at a site, particularly for management issues that are known or likely to exist at a site. NB: This attribute may be empty if the site has no issues. N N
REFERENCES This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, that refer to the primary sources of information used in the assessment of a site. This may include spatial data sets, databases, various types of reports and surveys, and personal observations.A bibliography of the information sources cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
BOUNDARY_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of boundary changes when required. N N
VEG_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of vegetation classification changes when required. N N
ASSESSMENT_NOTES This contains any additional relevant notes or information about a site that could not be recorded appropriately in any of the other attributes described above. N N
NZTM_EASTING The NZTM Easting coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
NZTM_NORTHING The NZTM Northing coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
TENURE_STATUS This provides an indication of the general status of the tenure of the site. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). If one tenure type which makes up a site is greater than or equal to 95% of the total site area then this becomes the tenure status else the tenure status value is 'Mixed'. For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
TENURE_DETAIL This provides an indication of the type(s) of tenure which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the tenure types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
PROTECTION_DETAIL This provides an indication of protection status types which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the protection status types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (PROTECTION_INDEX attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for PROTECTION_INDEX attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT This lists the names of the ecological districts that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one ecological district overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE This lists the names of the bioclimatic zones that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one bioclimatic zone overlaps a site the name of the zones are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the bioclimatic zones layer (ZONE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for ZONE attribute in bioclimatic zones(GIS_ALL.BIOCLIMATIC_ZONES). N N
LENZ_IV This lists the names of the Land Environments New Zealand level IV environments that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one LENZ_IV overlaps a site the name of the LENZ_IV environments are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
VEGETATION_1840 This lists the names of the 1840 indigenous veg units that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one unit overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the 1840 veg layer (GEN_NAME attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for the GEN_NAME attribute in 1840 veg layer(GIS_ALL.INDIGENOUS_VEGETATION_1840). N N
DISTRICT_NAME_2012 This lists the names of districts (territorial authorities) that a site overlaps using the 2012 boundaries followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one TA boundary overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
MHWS Mean High Water Spring This is an estimation of area in hectares (2dp) of a site which is above and/or below the mean high water spring mark (MHWS). This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with a modified version of the GIS_ALL.CONTOUR_COASTLINE layer. N N
LCDB4_NAME_2012 This lists the names of the Land Cover Database 4 (LCDB4) cover classes that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one class overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.LANDCOVER_DATABASE4_MODIFIED layer. For more details refer to the metadata for the NAME_2012 attribute in LCDB4. N N
LENZ_TEC This lists the names of the Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Threatened Environments Classification - threat category name attribute. If more than one threat category name overlaps a site the threat categories are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.SNA_LENZ_TEC layer. N N


File Identifier: 8DA4EA76-EF4B-4312-84AB-8F699AA6CE27 Parent Identifier: 65564808-95CB-419C-A332-993EAF68A0AC
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This is the External supply version of the Otorohanga SNA dataset as it excludes the following species columns (SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FLORA, LIKELY_FAUNA). For attribute notes please refer to the metadata for the GIS_ALL.SNA_OTOROHANGA layer. This is a provisional desktop based inventory and assessment of the significance of areas of indigenous vegetation and/or habitats of indigenous fauna in terrestrial vegetation, wetland, island (both inshore and offshore), sand dune and shingle beach ecosystems in the Otorohanga District.
Statement: The dataset was initially compiled in 2007 and is subject to being updated by Waikato Regional Council (the Council). SNA are commonly referred to as "sites", and one site may consist of a collection of polygons with boundaries typically derived from vegetation extent. This SNA data set was originally intended for use in the Council's regional biodiversity management prioritisation, but is available for other Council projects. It may also be used by the Otorohanga District Council for their planning purposes and by other parties if deemed appropriate.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Endangered,Fauna,Flora,Native,RPS,vegetation
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 15/09/2014

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 12/08/2016

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 955
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1835638.8557
eastBoundLongitude : 1756188.714
southBoundLatitude : 5736259.3325
northBoundLatitude : 5796522.1951

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Position: GIS & Data Management Team Leader
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Internal and Contractors
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions: •If the data is used in analyses or used to create derivatives, or if derivatives of the data are used in digital or hard copy outputs then the following acknowledgement must be used: Derived from Waikato Regional Council Provisional Significant Natural Areas data, 2007. Copyright Reserved. •If the data is used in digital or hard copy outputs the following acknowledgment must be used (this acknowledgement must not be used for derivatives of the data): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Copyright : Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : The following disclaimers must be included with outputs, as indicated, that contain any part of this "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Otorohanga District (2007)" data set: •Full disclaimer (must be included in reports and any data outputs other than maps): The "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Otorohanga District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data are derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data comprises an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA of terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of the Otorohanga District. It may be subject to revision through consultation with the Otorohanga District Council or other appropriate sources. The Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field surveys, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The absence of an existing natural terrestrial or wetland ecosystem area from the "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Otorohanga District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data does not imply that such an area is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. •Short disclaimer (must be included in maps that display SNA boundaries and/or attributes): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data are derived from interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and/or limited field surveys. The data are provisional and should be used for indicative purposes only. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. •The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer must also be included in any maps or other data outputs produced by Waikato Regional Council: While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use.
Data Use Limits :

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NUMBER A name given to the site. N N
SITE_DESCRIPTION This is a brief summary or synopsis of the key characteristics or features of a site. This may include the geography, ecosystem(s) and/or primary type(s) of vegetation in a site. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE The primary type, or types, of ecosystem(s) that the site is considered to represent. Further information for this attribute is provided in DOCS# 1690354. N N
CRITERION_1 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 10 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence that is either not common in the Waikato Region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional representative example of its type." N N
CRITERION_11 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma separated list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
SIGNIFICANCE_JUSTIFICATION A brief explanation and/or justification for the level of significance given to a site, including justification for any of the 11 RPS significance criteria known to be met; or an explanation/justification for why a site was identified as 'Likely' to be significant or not significant. N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. This is an assessment of the level of confidence in the information available for a site and the assessment of the significance of a site. Further information on applying a confidence level are provided in DOC# 2164814. Note that a site of low confidence should be considered no less significant than other sites of higher confidence, but of the same significance, unless other information proves otherwise. N N
PEST_ANIMAL_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest animal (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
PEST_PLANT_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest plant (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) or other weed management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
STOCK_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any stock management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as a lack of stock proof fencing or the presence of stock.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
DEVELOPMENT_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any development management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as proposed or operational subdivision, wind farms, clearance, land use change or power pylons.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
OTHER_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any other management issues not covered by the above categories are known or likely to exist at a site.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
ISSUE_JUSTIFICATION This provides a brief explanation or justification for the result of the assessment of management issues at a site, particularly for management issues that are known or likely to exist at a site. NB: This attribute may be empty if the site has no issues. N N
REFERENCES This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, that refer to the primary sources of information used in the assessment of a site. This may include spatial data sets, databases, various types of reports and surveys, and personal observations.A bibliography of the information sources cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
BOUNDARY_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of boundary changes when required. N N
VEG_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of vegetation classification changes when required. N N
ASSESSMENT_NOTES This contains any additional relevant notes or information about a site that could not be recorded appropriately in any of the other attributes described. N N


File Identifier: F0CFE630-6BB7-46BF-837E-2FB1BAB9285F Parent Identifier: 31F45DE3-4B9C-4AF4-823E-E8ECADE04F6A
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This dataset comprises Significant Natural Areas (SNA) sites within South Waikato District Council boundary as part of the Operative District Plan. The were received by Waikato Regional Council in September 2016 by SWDC.
Statement: This dataset represents the SWDC DP Operative Version for Significant Natural Areas (SNA) sites. The following is a description of the process taken to create this dataset and the various projects and field assessments that were undertaken to derive this dataset. The South Waikato District Council commissioned Wildland Consultants Ltd in 2012 to undertake field survey of a selection of unprotected potential Significant Natural Areas (SNAs) located on private land that were previously identified in a desktop study of SNAs undertaken by the Waikato Regional Council (WRC) (Wildland Consultants 2009). Site inspections of further SNAs were undertaken on request (from landowners) to assess site boundaries and/or review the significance of parts or all of individual sites on their properties. Significant natural areas are areas of indigenous vegetation and habitat for indigenous fauna that meet criteria for significance developed by Waikato Regional Council and Wildland Consultants (2002) for the Waikato Regional Policy Statement. South Waikato District Council used the results of the field surveys to form the basis of a schedule of significant natural areas for inclusion within the new District Plan. This dataset reflects that work completed so far. In 2008/2009, Wildland Consultants (for the Waikato Regional Council) undertook a desktop exercise, and developed a GIS layer of significant natural areas (SNAs) and possible SNAs in the South Waikato District based on 2002 digital aerial photographs. In late 2009, Wildland Consultants undertook a further desktop study (for the South Waikato District Council) to update that GIS layer based on 2007 digital aerial photographs. Field inspection of 21 of the sites was also undertaken in 2009, and site boundaries and significance assessments were updated at that time based on these field inspections. Further field inspections were made in early 2012. For more information on Methods followed for the South Waikato District Council work (2009-2012)refer to Wildland Consultants Report - Significant Natural Areas within South Waikato District 2012, Contract Report No. 2830h. Note also SNA dataset does not include protected areas such as DOC, QEII, or Nga Whenua Rahui Covenants.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc
Keywords: Biodiversity,Environment,Flora,SNA,vegetation
Topic Category: environment:environmental resources, protection and conservation
Resource Reference Date: 31/03/2017

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 31/03/2017

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType :
geometricObjectCount : 323
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions :
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1874664.2414
eastBoundLongitude : 1829880.6818
southBoundLatitude : 5741590.5069
northBoundLatitude : 5800952.444

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Role: owner
Organisation: South Waikato District Council
Delivery Point: 3 Torphin Crescent
City: Tokoroa
Postal Code: 3444
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 07 885 0340
Fax: 07 885 0718

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Not Applicable
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : If the data is used in analyses or used to create derivatives, or if derivatives of the data are used in digital or hard copy outputs then the following acknowledgement must be used: Derived from Waikato Regional Council Provisional Significant Natural Areas data. Copyright Reserved. If the data is used in digital or hard copy outputs the following acknowledgment must be used (this acknowledgement must not be used for derivatives of the data): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.
Data Use Limits : Although this dataset is the Operative version (as at September 2016), email communication from SWDC (September 2016) indicates a recommendation to contact SWDC to ensure this is the most current dataset available for external data supply.

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key


File Identifier: 0FB0718A-84B2-4424-A924-8B734816926E Parent Identifier: 65564808-95CB-419C-A332-993EAF68A0AC
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This is the External supply version of the Thames Coromandel SNA dataset as it excludes the following species columns (SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FLORA, LIKELY_FAUNA). This is a provisional desktop based inventory and assessment of the significance of areas of indigenous vegetation and/or habitats of indigenous fauna in terrestrial vegetation, wetland, island (both inshore and offshore), sand dune and shingle beach ecosystems in the Thames-Coromandel District initially compiled in 2007.
Statement: This dataset is subject to being updated by Waikato Regional Council. SNA are commonly referred to as "sites", and one site may consist of a collection of polygons with boundaries derived from vegetation extent and/or cadastral and covenant data depending on the protection status. This SNA data set was originally intended for use in Waikato Regional Council’s (the Council) regional biodiversity management prioritisation project, but is available for other Council projects. It may also be used by the Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) for their planning purposes and by other parties if deemed appropriate.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc. The data set was primarily created for Council’s "Prioritising Natural Areas for Biodiversity Management" project (DOCS# 1122331, 1123720, and 1204845). However other Council groups, such as River and Catchment services and Biosecurity, can also use the data to assist in their operations. TCDC will be using the data for its own planning, prioritisation and consultation purposes. The data is considered a provisional inventory and ranking of SNA of the Thames-Coromandel District as at 2007. It may be used in subsequent analyses and community consultation to help with the validation and finalisation of a list of SNA of the Thames-Coromandel District.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Fauna,Flora,Native,RPS,SNA,Wetland
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 15/09/2014

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: license
Use Constraints: license

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 12/08/2016

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 804
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1875933.1628
eastBoundLongitude : 1808296.1617
southBoundLatitude : 5869095.9462
northBoundLatitude : 5964921.529

Responsible Parties

Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : CC BY 4.0
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
© Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Provisional Significant Natural Areas data. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.
Data Disclaimers : The following disclaimers must be included with outputs, as indicated, that contain any part of this "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Thames-Coromandel District (2007)" data set: Terrestrial (including Inshore/Offshore Island, Sand Dune and Shingle Beach) and Wetland Ecosystems: 1. Full version for reports, metadata and any data outputs other than maps: The "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Thames-Coromandel District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data are derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data comprises an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA of terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of the Thames-Coromandel District. It may be subject to revision through consultation with the Thames-Coromandel District Council or other appropriate sources. The Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field surveys, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The absence of an existing natural terrestrial or wetland ecosystem area from the "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Thames-Coromandel District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data does not imply that such an area is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. 2. Short version for maps containing SNA boundaries and/or attributes: Provisional Significant Natural Areas data are derived from interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and/or limited field surveys. The data are provisional and should be used for indicative purposes only. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. 3. The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer must also be included in any maps or other data outputs produced by Waikato Regional Council: While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use.
Data Use Limits :

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (used at the time to when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
HISTORICAL_ID This attribute is usually only present if site numbers have changed after the inventory is complete and the data has been supplied to third parties. It is an alpha-numeric "number" that was used as the initial unique site number during the inventory and assessment of SNA in the Territorial Authority and may have changed. This number may have been replaced by the SITE_NUMBER attribute, and is therefore no longer in use. N N
SITE_DESCRIPTION This is a brief summary or synopsis of the key characteristics or features of a site. This may include the geography, ecosystem(s) and/or primary type(s) of vegetation in a site. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE The primary type, or types, of ecosystem(s) that the site is considered to represent. N N
CRITERION_1 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 10 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence that is either not common in the Waikato Region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional representative example of its type." N N
CRITERION_11 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma separated list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
SIGNIFICANCE_JUSTIFICATION A brief explanation and/or justification for the level of significance given to a site, including justification for any of the 11 RPS significance criteria known to be met; or an explanation/justification for why a site was identified as 'Likely' to be significant or not significant. N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. This is an assessment of the level of confidence in the information available for a site and the assessment of the significance of a site. Further information on applying a confidence level are provided in DOC# 2164814. Note that a site of low confidence should be considered no less significant than other sites of higher confidence, but of the same significance, unless other information proves otherwise. N N
PEST_ANIMAL_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest animal (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
PEST_PLANT_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest plant (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) or other weed management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
STOCK_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any stock management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as a lack of stock proof fencing or the presence of stock.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
DEVELOPMENT_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any development management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as proposed or operational subdivision, wind farms, clearance, land use change or power pylons.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
OTHER_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any other management issues not covered by the above categories are known or likely to exist at a site.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
ISSUE_JUSTIFICATION This provides a brief explanation or justification for the result of the assessment of management issues at a site, particularly for management issues that are known or likely to exist at a site. N N
REFERENCES This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, that refer to the primary sources of information used in the assessment of a site. This may include spatial data sets, databases, various types of reports and surveys, and personal observations.A bibliography of the information sources cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
BOUNDARY_SOURCE A comma separated list of citations for the data sets used to derive the boundary of a site (e.g. WRAPS (2007), BIOVEG (2002), DOC (2006), etc.). N N
ASSESSMENT_NOTES This contains any additional relevant notes or information about a site that could not be recorded appropriately in any of the other attributes described. N N


File Identifier: 526D658D-FEE9-5F24-E055-000000000001 Parent Identifier: 31F45DE3-4B9C-4AF4-823E-E8ECADE04F6A
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This is the external supply version of the Waikato SNA layer which has the threatened species columns removed. This is a provisional desktop based inventory and assessment of the significance of areas of indigenous vegetation and/or habitats of indigenous fauna in terrestrial vegetation, wetland and sand dunes in the Waikato District. The dataset was is based on 2012 Aerial photography and is subject to being updated by Waikato Regional Council (the Council) in consultation with Waikato District Council.
Statement: The districts currently included in the significant natural areas(SNA)dataset are: Waitomo, Hauraki, Waipa, Otorohanga, Thames-Coromandel and South Waikato. Third parties should request this data from the relevant Territorial Authority.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc. See email from WDC agreeing to CC4 licence:
Keywords: Biodiversity,SNA
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 21/06/2017

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 21/06/2017

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 1599
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions :
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1823831.5739
eastBoundLongitude : 1747018.8087
southBoundLatitude : 5791401.8875
northBoundLatitude : 5901166.1578

Responsible Parties

Role: custodian
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council - Science, Policy and Information
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 0800 800 401
Fax: 07 859 0998

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Unrestricted
Licence Type : CC BY 4.0
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Data Disclaimers : While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.
Data Use Limits :

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key


File Identifier: 9C7B2006-3754-436A-A8A2-87FF7F1F3B4C Parent Identifier: 65564808-95CB-419C-A332-993EAF68A0AC
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland - GIS Layer
Abstract: This is a SNA dataset for the Waipa District. This dataset was initially compiled in 2007. *Note this dataset has been removed as a GIS_ALL layer as it has been replaced by SNA_WAIPA_SUPPLY.
Statement: It is subject to being updated 'as needed' by Waikato Regional Council. SNA are commonly referred to as "sites", and one site may consist of a collection of polygons with boundaries derived from vegetation extent and/or cadastral and covenant data depending on the protection status. This SNA data set was originally intended for use in Waikato Regional Council’s (the Council) regional biodiversity management prioritisation project, but is available for other Council projects. It may also be used by the Waipa District Council for their planning purposes and by other parties if deemed appropriate. This dataset is accompanied by a report which presents the summary and methodology of this desktop inventory and assessment. See DOCS # 1797004. The following attributes have been created and amended to this dataset by Waikato Regional Council: REGIONAL_ID, OWNER_ID, DISTRICT_NAME_2012, NZTM_EASTING, NZTM_NORTHING, TENURE_STATUS, TENURE_DETAIL, PROTECTION_DETAIL, ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT, BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE, LENZ_IV, LENZ_TEC, VEGETATION_1840, LCDB4_NAME_2012, MHWS, AREA_HA, SITE_NUMBER & DATA_SET_STATUS.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc See DOCS # 1797004. Data was resupplied by the Waipa District Council including an amendment to SNA WP731 in September 2016.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Fauna,Flora,Indigenous,Native,RPS,SNA,Terrestrial
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 20/07/2015

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 16/08/2017

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:10000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 840
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1833438.3162
eastBoundLongitude : 1780754.4958
southBoundLatitude : 5772522.6066
northBoundLatitude : 5816063.9025

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : restricted
Data Use Constraints: restricted
Data Distribution: Internal only
Licence Type : Formal Data Use Agreement
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions: Access to the data in the SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, LIKELY_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FAUNA and OTHER_FEATURES attributes is restricted to Wildland Consultants and Waikato Regional Council staff and their contractors only. Requests for this data must be submitted to appropriate Council Significant Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff for consideration and approval. A restrictive license agreement between any user and Waikato Regional Council will be required to be signed should any request for this data be approved. If the data is used in analyses or used to create derivatives, or if derivatives of the data are used in digital or hard copy outputs then the following acknowledgement must be used: Derived from Waikato Regional Council Significant Natural Areas data, 2007. Copyright Reserved. If the data is used in digital or hard copy outputs the following acknowledgment must be used (this acknowledgement must not be used for derivatives of the data): Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Copyright : Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : The following disclaimers must be included with outputs, as indicated, that contain any part of this "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District (2007)" data set: Full disclaimer (must be included in reports and any data outputs other than maps): The "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data are derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data comprises an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA of terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of the Waipa District. It may be subject to revision through consultation with the Waipa District Council or other appropriate sources. The Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field surveys, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The absence of an existing natural terrestrial or wetland ecosystem area from the "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data does not imply that such an area is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. Short disclaimer (must be included in maps that display SNA boundaries and/or attributes): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data are derived from interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and/or limited field surveys. The data are provisional and should be used for indicative purposes only. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer must also be included in any maps or other data outputs produced by Waikato Regional Council: While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use.
Data Use Limits : The data was initially available only to Waikato Regional Council and Kessels and Associates Ltd staff to be used strictly for internal purposes. The spatial data, the "Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District" report, and a spreadsheet of all attribute and ranking data can be made available to Waipa District Council for internal planning purposes upon the completion of a license agreement. This license can expire, be cancelled or be superseded depending on when circumstances require it. The provisional data can be made available to other parties pending permission being granted from both Waipa District Council planning staff and Waikato Regional Council Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff. A restrictive license agreement between any user and Waikato Regional Council will be required to be signed until the notification date of the Proposed Waipa District Plan. At that time the provisional data will be made freely available under a Creative Commons license. Currently as at 22/12/2016 external data enquiries for this dataset should be directed to Waipa District Council for data supply. Access to the data in the SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, LIKELY_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FAUNA and OTHER_FEATURES attributes is restricted to Kessels and Associates Ltd and Waikato Regional Council staff and their contractors only. Requests for this data must be submitted to appropriate Council Significant Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff for consideration and approval.

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (generally assigned when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
SITE_DESCRIPTION This is a brief summary or synopsis of the key characteristics or features of a site. This may include the geography, ecosystem(s) and/or primary type(s) of vegetation in a site. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE The primary type, or types, of ecosystem(s) that the site is considered to represent. Further information for this attribute is provided in DOCS# 1690354. N N
SIGNIFICANT_FLORA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable flora species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being known to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
LIKELY_FLORA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable flora species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being likely to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable fauna species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being known to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
LIKELY_FAUNA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable fauna species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being likely to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
OTHER_FEATURES This is a list of any other known features, with a reference included where available. This could include: if a site occurs on or overlaps a Site of Special Wildlife Interest (SSWI), a Wetland of Ecological and Representative Importance (WERI), or other designated site of ecological importance; if a site contains, overlaps, or lies near an archaeological site, a historic site, a Pa site, etc; or if a site contains any distinct, special, or important geographical, geological or features. Y N
CRITERION_1 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 10 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence that is either not common in the Waikato Region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional representative example of its type." N N
CRITERION_11 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE Possible values: 'International', 'National', 'Regional', 'Local', 'Likely', 'Indeterminate', 'Not Significant'. This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
SIGNIFICANCE_JUSTIFICATION A brief explanation and/or justification for the level of significance given to a site, including justification for any of the 11 RPS significance criteria known to be met; or an explanation/justification for why a site was identified as 'Likely' to be significant or not significant. N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. This is an assessment of the level of confidence in the information available for a site and the assessment of the significance of a site. Further information on applying a confidence level are provided in DOC# 2164814. Note that a site of low confidence should be considered no less significant than other sites of higher confidence, but of the same significance, unless other information proves otherwise. N N
PEST_ANIMAL_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest animal (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
PEST_PLANT_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any pest plant (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) or other weed management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
STOCK_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any stock management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as a lack of stock proof fencing or the presence of stock.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
DEVELOPMENT_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any development management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as proposed or operational subdivision, wind farms, clearance, land use change or power pylons.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
OTHER_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any other management issues not covered by the above categories are known or likely to exist at a site.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
ISSUE_JUSTIFICATION This provides a brief explanation or justification for the result of the assessment of management issues at a site, particularly for management issues that are known or likely to exist at a site. NB: This attribute may be empty if the site has no issues. N N
REFERENCES This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, that refer to the primary sources of information used in the assessment of a site. This may include spatial data sets, databases, various types of reports and surveys, and personal observations.A bibliography of the information sources cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
BOUNDARY_SOURCE This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, for the spatial data sets used to derive the boundary of a site (e.g. WRAPS (2007); BIOVEG (2007); DoC (2006), etc.). A bibliography of the data sets cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
BOUNDARY_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of boundary changes when required. N N
VEG_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of vegetation classification changes when required. N N
NZTM_EASTING The NZTM Easting coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
NZTM_NORTHING The NZTM Northing coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
TENURE_STATUS This provides an indication of the general status of the tenure of the site. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). If one tenure type which makes up a site is greater than or equal to 95% of the total site area then this becomes the tenure status else the tenure status value is 'Mixed'. For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
TENURE_DETAIL This provides an indication of the type(s) of tenure which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the tenure types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
PROTECTION_DETAIL This provides an indication of protection status types which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the protection status types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (PROTECTION_INDEX attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for PROTECTION_INDEX attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT This lists the names of the ecological districts that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one ecological district overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE This lists the names of the bioclimatic zones that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one bioclimatic zone overlaps a site the name of the zones are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the bioclimatic zones layer (ZONE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for ZONE attribute in bioclimatic zones(GIS_ALL.BIOCLIMATIC_ZONES). N N
LENZ_IV This lists the names of the Land Environments New Zealand level IV environments that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one LENZ_IV overlaps a site the name of the LENZ_IV environments are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
VEGETATION_1840 This lists the names of the 1840 indigenous veg units that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one unit overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the 1840 veg layer (GEN_NAME attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for the GEN_NAME attribute in 1840 veg layer(GIS_ALL.INDIGENOUS_VEGETATION_1840). N N
DISTRICT_NAME_2012 This lists the names of districts (territorial authorities) that a site overlaps using the 2012 boundaries followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one TA boundary overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
LCDB4_NAME_2012 This lists the names of the Land Cover Database 4 (LCDB4) cover classes that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one class overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.LANDCOVER_DATABASE4_MODIFIED layer. For more details refer to the metadata for the NAME_2012 attribute in LCDB4. N N
LENZ_TEC This lists the names of the Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Threatened Environments Classification - threat category name attribute. If more than one threat category name overlaps a site the threat categories are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.SNA_LENZ_TEC layer. N N


File Identifier: 73DDA59C-AA6C-4693-BD95-3BBE3BDB01A6 Parent Identifier: 65564808-95CB-419C-A332-993EAF68A0AC
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:Feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This is the External supply version of the Waipa SNA dataset as it excludes the following species columns (SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FLORA, LIKELY_FAUNA). This is a provisional desktop based inventory and assessment of the significance of areas of indigenous vegetation and/or habitats of indigenous fauna in terrestrial vegetation, wetland, island (both inshore and offshore), sand dune and shingle beach ecosystems in the Waipa District as at 2007.
Statement: SNA are commonly referred to as "sites", and one site may consist of a collection of polygons with boundaries derived from vegetation extent and/or cadastral and covenant data depending on the protection status. This SNA data set was originally intended for use in Waikato Regional Council’s (the Council) regional biodiversity management prioritisation project, but is available for other Council projects. It may also be used by the Waipa District Council for their planning purposes and by other parties if deemed appropriate.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc. The data set was primarily created for Waikato Regional Council’s "Prioritising Natural Areas for Biodiversity Management" project (DOCS# 1122331, 1123720, and 1204845). However other Council groups, such as River and Catchment services and Biosecurity, can also use the data to assist in their operations. Waipa District Council will be using the data for its own planning, prioritisation and consultation purposes. The data is considered a provisional inventory and ranking of SNA of the Waipa District as at 2007. It is to be used in subsequent analyses and community consultation to help with the validation and finalisation of a list of SNA of the Waipa District.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Ecosystems,Fauna,Flora,Indigenous,Native,RPS,SNA,Terrestrial
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 16/09/2014

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 12/08/2016

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 592
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1833408.7709
eastBoundLongitude : 1780754.4958
southBoundLatitude : 5773742.0887
northBoundLatitude : 5815896.6084

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Position: GIS & Data Management Team Leader
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Internal and Contractors
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions: If the data is used in analyses or used to create derivatives, or if derivatives of the data are used in digital or hard copy outputs then the following acknowledgement must be used: Derived from Waikato Regional Council Provisional Significant Natural Areas data, 2007. Copyright Reserved. If the data is used in digital or hard copy outputs the following acknowledgment must be used (this acknowledgement must not be used for derivatives of the data): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Copyright : Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council, 2007. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : The following disclaimers must be included with outputs, as indicated, that contain any part of this "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District (2007)" data set: Full disclaimer (must be included in reports and any data outputs other than maps): The "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data are derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data comprises an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA of terrestrial and wetland ecosystems of the Waipa District. It may be subject to revision through consultation with the Waipa District Council or other appropriate sources. The Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field surveys, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The absence of an existing natural terrestrial or wetland ecosystem area from the "Provisional Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District: Terrestrial and Wetland Ecosystems" data does not imply that such an area is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. Short disclaimer (must be included in maps that display SNA boundaries and/or attributes): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data are derived from interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and/or limited field surveys. The data are provisional and should be used for indicative purposes only. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The standard Waikato Regional Council disclaimer must also be included in any maps or other data outputs produced by Waikato Regional Council: While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use.
Data Use Limits : The data was initially available only to Waikato Regional Council and Kessels and Associates Ltd staff to be used strictly for internal purposes. The spatial data, the "Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District" report, and a spreadsheet of all attribute and ranking data can be made available to Waipa District Council for internal planning purposes upon the completion of a license agreement. This license can expire, be cancelled or be superseded depending on when circumstances require it. The provisional data can be made available to other parties pending permission being granted from both Waipa District Council planning staff and Waikato Regional Council Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff. A restrictive license agreement between any user and Waikato Regional Council will be required to be signed until the notification date of the Proposed Waipa District Plan. At that time the provisional data will be made freely available under a Creative Commons license. Access to the data in the SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, LIKELY_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FAUNA and OTHER_FEATURES attributes is restricted to Kessels and Associates Ltd and Waikato Regional Council staff and their contractors only. Requests for this data must be submitted to appropriate Council Significant Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff for consideration and approval.

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (generally assigned when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
SITE_DESCRIPTION This is a brief summary or synopsis of the key characteristics or features of a site. This may include the geography, ecosystem(s) and/or primary type(s) of vegetation in a site. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE The primary type, or types, of ecosystem(s) that the site is considered to represent. N N
CRITERION_1 The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERION_3 The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 The assessment of criterion 10 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence that is either not common in the Waikato Region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional representative example of its type." N N
CRITERION_11 The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
SIGNIFICANCE_JUSTIFICATION A brief explanation and/or justification for the level of significance given to a site, including justification for any of the 11 RPS significance criteria known to be met; or an explanation/justification for why a site was identified as 'Likely' to be significant or not significant. N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL This is an assessment of the level of confidence in the information available for a site and the assessment of the significance of a site. Further information on applying a confidence level are provided in DOC# 2164814. Note that a site of low confidence should be considered no less significant than other sites of higher confidence, but of the same significance, unless other information proves otherwise. N N
PEST_ANIMAL_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any pest animal (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
PEST_PLANT_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any pest plant (as defined in WRC Regional Pest Management Strategy) or other weed management issues are known or likely to exist at a site. Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
STOCK_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any stock management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as a lack of stock proof fencing or the presence of stock.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
DEVELOPMENT_ISSUE This is used to indicate whether any development management issues are known or likely to exist at a site, such as proposed or operational subdivision, wind farms, clearance, land use change or power pylons.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
OTHER_ISSUE Possible values: 'Indeterminate', 'Likely', 'No', 'Yes', null. This is used to indicate whether any other management issues not covered by the above categories are known or likely to exist at a site.Only sites which have been assessed with at least a significance level of locally significant have a value for this column. N N
ISSUE_JUSTIFICATION This provides a brief explanation or justification for the result of the assessment of management issues at a site, particularly for management issues that are known or likely to exist at a site. NB: This attribute may be empty if the site has no issues. N N
REFERENCES This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, that refer to the primary sources of information used in the assessment of a site. This may include spatial data sets, databases, various types of reports and surveys, and personal observations.A bibliography of the information sources cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
BOUNDARY_SOURCE This is a list of citations, delimited by semi-colon, for the spatial data sets used to derive the boundary of a site (e.g. WRAPS (2007); BIOVEG (2007); DoC (2006), etc.). A bibliography of the data sets cited in this attribute is provided in either a separate document or MS Excel worksheet. N N
BOUNDARY_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of boundary changes when required. N N
VEG_CHANGE Formerly used for internal logging of vegetation classification changes when required. N N
ASSESSMENT_NOTES This contains any additional relevant notes or information about a site that could not be recorded appropriately in any of the other attributes. N N


File Identifier: 299324A4-9579-4DFA-8A99-FA0EDD97804C Parent Identifier: 31F45DE3-4B9C-4AF4-823E-E8ECADE04F6A
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This SNA dataset was initially compiled in 2007 and amended in September 2016 by the Waipa District Council. The dataset was supplied by the Waipa District Council in September 2016.
Statement: This is a SNA (Significant Natural Areas) dataset for the Waipa District. This dataset was initially compiled in 2007 and amended in September 2016. This involved a resupply of the data from Waipa District Council in September 2016. The data supplied by Waipa District Council did not include the full SNA criteria (Table 11-1 RPS) from the original SNA data set, as a result this data was merged to contain the full criteria dataset by WRC Spatial Information staff. The districts currently included in the significant natural areas(SNA)dataset are: Waitomo, Hauraki, Waipa, Otorohanga, Thames-Coromandel and South Waikato. Third parties should request this data from the relevant Territorial Authority.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc. Table 11-1 RPS.
Topic Category:
Resource Reference Date: 22/12/2016

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 23/12/2016

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 592
topologyLevel :
Number of Dimensions :
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1833408.7709
eastBoundLongitude : 1780754.4958
southBoundLatitude : 5773742.0887
northBoundLatitude : 5815896.6084

Responsible Parties

Role: user
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council - Science, Policy and Information
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 0800 800 401
Fax: 07 859 0998

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: Not Applicable
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : If the data is used in analyses or used to create derivatives, or if derivatives of the data are used in digital or hard copy outputs then the following acknowledgement must be used: Derived from Waikato Regional Council Provisional Significant Natural Areas data. Copyright Reserved. If the data is used in digital or hard copy outputs the following acknowledgment must be used (this acknowledgement must not be used for derivatives of the data): Provisional Significant Natural Areas data sourced from Waikato Regional Council. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.
Data Use Limits : The data is to be used strictly for internal purposes as it includes possible threatened species information in the SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FLORA, LIKELY_FAUNA attribute fields. The spatial data, the "Significant Natural Areas of the Waipa District" report, and a spreadsheet of all attribute and ranking data can be made available to Waipa District Council for internal planning purposes upon the completion of a license agreement. This license can expire, be cancelled or be superseded depending on when circumstances require it. The provisional data can be made available to other parties pending permission being granted from both Waipa District Council planning staff and Waikato Regional Council Biodiversity Science staff. A restrictive license agreement between any user and Waikato Regional Council will be required to be signed until the notification date of the Proposed Waipa District Plan. At that time the provisional data will be made freely available under a Creative Commons license. Currently as at 22/12/2016 external data enquiries for this dataset should be directed to Waipa District Council for data supply. Access to the data in the SIGNIFICANT_FLORA, LIKELY_FLORA, SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA, LIKELY_FAUNA and OTHER_FEATURES attributes is restricted to Kessels and Associates Ltd and Waikato Regional Council staff and their contractors only. Requests for this data must be submitted to appropriate Council Significant Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff for consideration and approval.

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key


File Identifier: 4A497B62-F067-4262-AF1B-2DA4CBE8A298 Parent Identifier: 65564808-95CB-419C-A332-993EAF68A0AC
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland - GIS Layer
Abstract: This is an inventory of areas of potentially significant terrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands in the Waitomo District which was initially compiled in 2001/2002.
Statement: The dataset is subject to being updated at the discretion of Waikato Regional Council. It includes some areas of karst dominated ecosystems, although a comprehensive inventory of karst ecosystems in the Waikato Region is being completed in a separate project. Significant Natural Areas (SNA) are commonly referred to as ‘sites’ and one site may consist of a collection of polygons. The significance of sites was assessed using the 11 Regional Policy Statement (RPS) significance criteria as defined in operative RPS at the time the dataset was compiled. The dataset was originally intended for use in Waikato Regional Council's (WRC) regional biodiversity prioritisation project, but is available for other WRC projects, and can also be used by Waitomo District Council for their planning purposes. This dataset is accompanied by a report which presents the summary and methodology of this desktop inventory and assessment of the natural heritage of Waitomo District. See WRC DOCS# 1396592. The following attributes have been created and amended to this dataset by Waikato Regional Council: REGIONAL_ID, OWNER_ID, DISTRICT_NAME_2012, NZTM_EASTING, NZTM_NORTHING, TENURE_STATUS, TENURE_DETAIL, PROTECTION_DETAIL, ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT, BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE, LENZ_IV, LENZ_TEC, VEGETATION_1840, LCDB4_NAME_2012, MHWS, AREA_HA & DATA_SET_STATUS.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc. See WRC DOCS# 1396592.
Keywords: Biodiversity,Ecology,Fauna,Flora,Island,Native,RPS,SNA,Sand dune,Scheme,Terrestrial,Wetland,vegetation
Topic Category: biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment
Resource Reference Date: 20/07/2015

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: asNeeded
Last Load Date: 16/08/2017

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale: 1:50000
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 1092
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1821121.0177
eastBoundLongitude : 1740274.8335
southBoundLatitude : 5706587.9064
northBoundLatitude : 5783178.2333

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Position: GIS & Data Management Team Leader
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : restricted
Data Use Constraints: restricted
Data Distribution: Internal and Contractors
Licence Type : Formal Data Use Agreement
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions: Access to the data in the SIGNIFICANT_FLORA and SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA attributes is restricted to Wildland Consultants and Waikato Regional Council staff and their contractors only. Requests for this data must be submitted to appropriate Council Significant Natural Areas / Biodiversity Prioritisation Project staff for consideration and approval. A restrictive license agreement between any user and Waikato Regional Council will be required to be signed should any request for this data be approved.
Copyright : Derived from Waikato Regional Council Significant Natural Areas data, 2002 to present. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : The Significant Natural Areas of the Waitomo District data are derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data comprises an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA ecosystems of the Waitomo District. It may be subject to revision through consultation with the Waitomo District Council or other appropriate sources. The Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field surveys, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The absence of an existing natural terrestrial or wetland ecosystem area from the Significant Natural Areas of the Waitomo District data does not imply that such an area is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required.
Data Use Limits : This is NOT a comprehensive or accurate inventory of areas that are significant areas of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. It should not be used in isolation to make final decisions on resource consents, development of district plan or regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. Where such decisions are being made field assessment of each area under consideration will be required. The absence of an existing area from this document does not imply that such a site is not, or cannot be considered, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. The data have been captured at scales of 1:50,000 or broader. This information should not be used at finer scales without a detailed field survey.

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Supporting Information Links


General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (used at the time to when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE Appended by WRC Lists what type of ecosystem the site is primarily comprised of. Where a site consists of more than one ecosystem type, the value 'Multiple' is used. This attribute is only recorded for sites of 'Regional', 'National' or 'International' or higher significance. N N
VEG_HISTORY Lists known or inferred vegetation dynamics. This assessment was only applied to scrub and forest sites. See DOCS # 3271254. N N
BOUNDARY_SOURCE originally called 'SOURCE'. This attribute was formerly used to indicate The source of data used to delineate the boundary of the site. A blank field indicates the boundaries are delineated of WRAPS 2001/2002 aerial photography. N N
SIGNIFICANT_FLORA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable flora species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being known to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
SIGNIFICANT_FAUNA A list of threatened, at risk, or notable fauna species compiled and assessed by the ecological contractors as being known to occur at a site. Species names are generally followed by the Department of Conservation (DOC) threat classification and by a reference if available. The threat classification listings for many species are likely to be outdated. Please refer to the most current DOC threat classification manual and listings for particular species. Y N
CRITERION_1 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 10 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence that is either not common in the Waikato Region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional representative example of its type." N N
CRITERION_11 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma separated list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE Possible values: 'International', 'National', 'Regional', 'Local', 'Likely', 'Not Significant' This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. The confidence that can be taken in the information about the site and the need for field survey, prior to any decisions being made about the site in terms of consent processing, schedule development, or funding allocations. N N
NZTM_EASTING The NZTM Easting coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
NZTM_NORTHING The NZTM Northing coordinate of the geographic centre point of a site. N N
TENURE_STATUS This provides an indication of the general status of the tenure of the site. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). If one tenure type which makes up a site is greater than or equal to 95% of the total site area then this becomes the tenure status else the tenure status value is 'Mixed'. For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
TENURE_DETAIL This provides an indication of the type(s) of tenure which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the tenure types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (TENURE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for TENURE attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
PROTECTION_DETAIL This provides an indication of protection status types which overlap with a site. For each site, this is a list of the protection status types which overlap a site followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the legal protection layer (PROTECTION_INDEX attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for PROTECTION_INDEX attribute in the legal protection layer (GIS_ALL.SNA_LEGPROT_WRC). N N
ECOLOGICAL_DISTRICT This lists the names of the ecological districts that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one ecological district overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
BIOCLIMATIC_ZONE This lists the names of the bioclimatic zones that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one bioclimatic zone overlaps a site the name of the zones are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the bioclimatic zones layer (ZONE attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for ZONE attribute in bioclimatic zones(GIS_ALL.BIOCLIMATIC_ZONES). N N
LENZ_IV This lists the names of the Land Environments New Zealand level IV environments that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one LENZ_IV overlaps a site the name of the LENZ_IV environments are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
VEGETATION_1840 This lists the names of the 1840 indigenous veg units that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one unit overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the 1840 veg layer (GEN_NAME attribute). For more details refer to the metadata for the GEN_NAME attribute in 1840 veg layer(GIS_ALL.INDIGENOUS_VEGETATION_1840). N N
DISTRICT_NAME_2012 This lists the names of districts (territorial authorities) that a site overlaps using the 2012 boundaries followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one TA boundary overlaps a site the name of the districts are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited). N N
MHWS Mean High Water Spring Mark This is an estimation of area in hectares (2dp) of a site which is above and/or below the mean high water spring mark (MHWS). This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with a modified version of the GIS_ALL.CONTOUR_COASTLINE layer. N N
LCDB4_NAME_2012 This lists the names of the Land Cover Database 4 (LCDB4) cover classes that a site overlaps followed by the area in hectares (2dp) in brackets. If more than one class overlaps a site the name of the units are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.LANDCOVER_DATABASE4_MODIFIED layer. For more details refer to the metadata for the NAME_2012 attribute in LCDB4. N N
LENZ_TEC This lists the names of the Land Environments of New Zealand (LENZ) Threatened Environments Classification - threat category name attribute. If more than one threat category name overlaps a site the threat categories are listed in order from greatest to smallest in area of overlap (comma delimited).This attribute is derived from a spatial intersection of SNA with the GIS_ALL.SNA_LENZ_TEC layer. N N


File Identifier: 2328DAC8-F630-4300-9F69-13057EFBE788 Parent Identifier: 31F45DE3-4B9C-4AF4-823E-E8ECADE04F6A
Hierarchy Level: feature Hierarchy Level Name:feature of Significant Natural Areas - Terrestrial and Wetland
Abstract: This is a view for external supply, an inventory of areas of potentially significant terrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands in the Waitomo District which was initially compiled in 2001/2002.
Statement: The districts currently included in the significant natural areas(SNA)dataset are: Waitomo, Hauraki, Waipa, Otorohanga, Thames-Coromandel and South Waikato.
Other Information: IMPORTANT: Refer to inventory document DM#2877640 for comparing TA and WRC versions, latest updates etc
Topic Category:
Resource Reference Date: 03/02/2015

Metadata Constraints

Access Constraints: copyright
Use Constraints: copyright

Maintenance Information

Maintenance frequency: notPlanned
Last Load Date: 12/08/2016

Spatial Representation Information

Recommended Scale:
Reference System: EPSG2193
Spatial Representation Type: vector

VectorGridGeographic Bounding Box
GeometricObjectType : surface
geometricObjectCount : 1092
topologyLevel : geometryOnly
Number of Dimensions : 2
Cell Geometry :
Transformation Param Available : N
westBoundLongitude : 1821121.0177
eastBoundLongitude : 1740274.8335
southBoundLatitude : 5706587.9064
northBoundLatitude : 5783178.2333

Responsible Parties

Role: owner
Organisation: Waikato Regional Council
Delivery Point: 160 Ward Street
City: Hamilton Central
Postal Code: 3204
Country: New Zealand

Data Constraints

Data Access Constraints : copyright
Data Use Constraints: copyright
Data Distribution: To be determined
Licence Type : To be determined
Licence Expiry:
Licence Conditions:
Copyright : Derived from Waikato Regional Council Significant Natural Areas data, 2002 to present. Copyright Reserved.
Data Disclaimers : The Significant Natural Areas of the Waitomo District data are derived from analysis and interpretation of aerial photography along with information from ecological reports and data (where available), local ecological knowledge and limited field surveys. The data comprises an extensive yet provisional inventory and ranking of SNA ecosystems of the Waitomo District. It may be subject to revision through consultation with the Waitomo District Council or other appropriate sources. The Waikato Regional Council strongly advise that the data be used only in conjunction with subsequent field surveys, especially if the data will be used to help with decisions on resource consents, the development of district plan and regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. The data have been captured at scales of 1:10,000 or smaller and it is recommended it not be used at greater scales (e.g. 1:5,000) without detailed field survey. The absence of an existing natural terrestrial or wetland ecosystem area from the Significant Natural Areas of the Waitomo District data does not imply that such an area is not, or cannot be considered, a significant natural area, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required.
Data Use Limits : This is NOT a comprehensive or accurate inventory of areas that are significant areas of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. It should not be used in isolation to make final decisions on resource consents, development of district plan or regional plan schedules, or funding priorities. Where such decisions are being made field assessment of each area under consideration will be required. The absence of an existing area from this document does not imply that such a site is not, or cannot be considered, a significant area of indigenous vegetation or significant habitat for indigenous species. Such areas should be assessed when and if required. The data have been captured at scales of 1:50,000 or broader. This information should not be used at finer scales without a detailed field survey.

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General Notes:

Attribute Information

NameDescriptionNotesRestrictedPrimary Key
SITE_NAME A name given to the site. N N
SITE_NUMBER A unique identifier (used at the time to when the dataset was initially compiled) for each site. This attribute is not the primary key. N N
AREA_HA The estimated planar area (in NZTM projection) of each site in hectares. N N
ECOSYSTEM_TYPE Lists what type of ecosystem the site is primarily comprised of. Where a site consists of more than one ecosystem type, the value 'Multiple' is used. This attribute is only recorded for sites of 'Regional', 'National' or 'International' or higher significance. N N
VEG_HISTORY Lists known or inferred vegetation dynamics. This assessment was only applied to scrub and forest sites. See DOCS # 3271254. N N
BOUNDARY_SOURCE Originally called 'SOURCE'. This attribute was formerly used to indicate The source of data used to delineate the boundary of the site. A blank field indicates the boundaries are delineated of WRAPS 2001/2002 aerial photography. N N
CRITERION_1 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 1 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous fauna that has been specially set aside by statute or covenant for protection and preservation, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_2 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 2 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat recommended for protection by the Nature Heritage Fund, or Nga Whenua Rahui committees, or the Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust Board of Directors, unless the site can be shown to meet none of Criteria 3-11." N N
CRITERION_3 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 3 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is vegetation or habitat that is currently habitat for indigenous species or associations of indigenous species that are: threatened with extinction; or are endemic to the Waikato Region. N N
CRITERION_4 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 4 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or a habitat type that is under-represented in an Ecological District, or Ecological Region, or nationally. N N
CRITERION_5 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 5 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is indigenous vegetation or habitat that is, and prior to human settlement was, nationally uncommon such as geothermal, Chenier plain, or karst ecosystems." N N
CRITERION_6 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 6 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is wetland habitat for indigenous plant communities and/or indigenous fauna communities that has not been created and subsequently maintained for or in connection with: waste treatment; or wastewater renovation; or hydro electric power lakes; or water storage for irrigation; or water supply storage;unless in those instances they meet the criteria in Whaley et al. (1995)." N N
CRITERION_7 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 7 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or naturally occurring habitat that is large relative to other examples in the Waikato Region of similar habitat types, and which contains all or almost all indigenous species typical of that habitat type." N N
CRITERION_8 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 8 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is aquatic habitat that is a portion of a stream, river, lake, wetland, intertidal mudflat or estuary, and their margins, that is critical to the self sustainability of an indigenous species within a catchment of the Waikato Region, and which contains healthy, representative populations of that species." N N
CRITERION_9 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 9 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that is a healthy and representative example of its type because: its structure, composition, and ecological processes are largely intact; and if protected from the adverse effects of plant and animal pests and of adjacent land use (e.g. stock, discharges, erosion), can maintain its ecological sustainability over time." N N
CRITERION_10 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 10 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat that forms part of an ecological sequence that is either not common in the Waikato Region or an ecological district, or is an exceptional representative example of its type." N N
CRITERION_11 Possible values: 'indeterminate', 'likely', 'no', or 'yes'.: 'indeterminate', 'no', or 'yes'. The assessment of criterion 11 of the significance criteria in Appendix 3 of the Operative RPS: "It is an area of indigenous vegetation or habitat for indigenous species (which habitat is either naturally occurring or has been established as a mitigation measure) that forms either on its own or in combination with other similar areas, an ecological buffer, linkage or corridor; and which is necessary to protect any site identified as significant under Criteria 1-10 from external adverse effects." N N
CRITERIA_YES This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are known to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'yes'. N N
CRITERIA_LIKELY This is a comma delimited list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria that are likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'likely'. N N
CRITERIA_INDETERMINATE This is a comma separated list of the number(s) of the RPS Significance Criteria for which it could not yet be determined if they are known or likely to be met at a site. This attribute will be empty for sites where no RPS criteria are 'indeterminate'. N N
SIGNIFICANCE Possible values: 'International', 'National', 'Regional', 'Local', 'Likely', 'Not Significant' This indicates the significance of a site as determined from the assessment of the 11 RPS significance criteria. These significance levels are applied using the guidelines outlined in Waikato Regional Council Technical Report TR2002/15: "Areas of Significant Indigenous Vegetation and Habitats of Indigenous Fauna in the Waikato Region: Guidelines to apply Regional Criteria and Determine Level of Significance". N N
CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Possible values: 'High', 'Medium', 'Low'. The confidence that can be taken in the information about the site and the need for field survey, prior to any decisions being made about the site in terms of consent processing, schedule development, or funding allocations. N N