File Identifier: |
17B7CBCF-46B6-4AC0-9838-B1A880741FD8 |
Parent Identifier: |
4CF5EC96-DDA6-48B8-8E85-2B2379DB0A9D |
Hierarchy Level: |
feature |
Hierarchy Level Name: | feature of Kahikatea Dominant Vegetation |
Abstract: |
Likely Kahikatea digitized based on WRAPS 2012 aerial photography and checked - where possible - using Google Earth Street View. |
Statement: |
The KAHIKATEA_2012 layer has an estimated accuracy of >90%. There are likely more Kahikatea dominant forest fragments which have not been captured in this layer due to a lack of Google Earth street view (or limited street view) in parts of the region. Areas in this layer are not necessarily Kahikatea dominant vegetation. Ground-truthing field assessments would be required to confirm vegetation classification. |
Other Information: |
There are likely more Kahikatea dominant forest fragments which have not been captured in this layer due to a lack of Google Earth street view (or limited street view) in parts of the region. Therefore this is not a comprehensive layer of Kahikatea forest fragments in the region.
Maps or carrying out analysis on this data at any scale greater than 1:10,000 may result in the inaccuracies being much more evident, or obvious errors in the analysis. It is advised data sets derived off this data set also should not be used at any scale greater than 1:10,000. |
Keywords: |
Download,Flora,Kahikatea,Native,Trees,Waikato Data Portal,vegetation |
Topic Category: |
biota:flora and/or fauna in natural environment |
Resource Reference Date: |
24/03/2016 |
Data Access Constraints : |
copyright |
Data Use Constraints: |
copyright |
Data Distribution: |
Unrestricted |
Licence Type : |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) |
Licence: | |
Licence Expiry: |
Licence Conditions: |
Copyright : |
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. © Waikato Regional Council 2016. Kahikatea Dominant Vegetation Data. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. |
Data Disclaimers : |
“While Waikato Regional Council has exercised all reasonable skill and care in controlling the contents of this information, Waikato Regional Council accepts no liability in contract, tort or otherwise howsoever, for any loss, damage, injury or expense (whether direct, indirect or consequential) arising out of the provision of this information or its use by you.”
The data should be considered indicative only and any use of the data for legal proceedings or purposes should be backed up by field checking of the relevant areas.
Data Use Limits : |
Maps or carrying out analysis on this data at any scale greater than 1:10,000 may result in the inaccuracies being much more evident, or obvious errors in the analysis. It is advised data sets derived off this data set also should not be used at any scale greater than 1:10,000. |
Name | Description | Notes | Restricted | Primary Key |
Y |
N |
yes/no column for if the site was able to be checked in Google Earth Street View or not. |
Y |
N |
Planar Area in Hectares |
N |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Unique Identifier |
This is the unique identifier for each Kahikatea patch |
N |
N |
ID |
Primary Key |
Primary Key. |
N |
Y |
Green wheel size rank value |
Possible values: (1) The kahikatea forest area is < 1 ha
(2) The kahikatea forest area is 1 to <5 hectares
(3) The kahikatea forest area is 5 to <10 hectares
(4) The kahikatea forest area is 10 to <20 hectares
(5) The kahikatea forest area is 20 hectares or more |
N |
N |
Green wheel shape index rank |
Possible values: (1) Shape index is 3 or more (very convoluted or narrow)
(2) Shape index is 2.5 to <3 (somewhat convoluted)
(3) Shape index is 2 to <2.5 (blocky but stretched out)
(4) Shape index is 1.5 to <2 (oval or round with some slight protrusions)
(5) Shape index is less than 1.5 (very round or square) |
N |
N |
Green wheel forest interior rank |
Possible values: (1) None of the kahikatea vegetation is more than 60 m from a native forest edge.
(2) Less than 10% of the kahikatea vegetation is more than 60 m from a native forest edge.
(3) From 10 up to 25% of the kahikatea vegetation is more than 60 m from a native forest edge.
(4) From 25 up to 30% of the kahikatea vegetation is more than 60 m from a native forest edge.
(5) 30% or more of the kahikatea vegetation is more than 60 m from a native forest edge. |
N |
N |
Green wheel landscape matrix rank |
Possible values: (1) There is no indigenous forest or scrub within a 1 km radius of the site.
(2) Less than 25% of the land within a 1 km radius of the site is in indigenous forest or scrub.
(3) From 25 up to 50% of the land within a 1 km radius of the site is in indigenous forest or scrub.
(4) From 50 up to 75% of the land within a 1 km radius of the site is in indigenous forest or scrub.
(5) 75% or more of the land within a 1 km radius of the site is in indigenous forest or scrub. |
N |
N |
Green wheel habitat links - terrestrial |
Possible values: (1) Site is 4 km or more from another patch of indigenous forest and/or scrub > 25 hectares.
(2) Site is from 2 up to 4 km of another patch of indigenous forest and/or scrub > 25 hectares.
(3) Site is from 500 m up to 2 km from another patch of indigenous forest and/or scrub > 25 hectares.
(4) Site is from 100 up to 500 m of another patch of indigenous forest and/or scrub > 25 hectares.
(5) Site is < 100 m from another patch of indigenous forest > 25 hectares. |
N |
N |
If known, gives the general tenure type of land. |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
The interior area that is at least 60 meters in from the boundary. |
Y |
N |
This is the percentage of the total kahikatea patch area that is vegetation more than 60 m from the edge of the patch i.e. (INNER_60M_INTERIOR_AREA_HA / AREA_HA) * 100 |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
This is the perimeter on the kahikatea patch in metres. |
Y |
N |
This is the perimeter (in metres) if the area of the kahikatea patch was a perfect circle. PERIMETER_OF_CIRCLE = 2 * 3.14195 * sqrt(area_sqm)/3.14195) |
Y |
N |
Calculated as ACTUAL_PERIM_M / PERIMETER_OF_CIRCLE. For example if this has a value of 2 then the patch has a perimeter that is twice as long as if the patch was a circle. |
Y |
N |
This is the minimum distance to the nearest patch of indigenous vegetation that is over 25 ha in size. The vegetation layer that the kahikatea layer is compared to was prepared as follows: Bioveg 2012 WHERE GEN_VEG = 'Predominantly Indigenous' was combined with the kahikatea layer. All combined areas where dissolved if they were contiguous. The dissolved layer was filtered to indigenous patches that were greater than 25 hectares in size in order to calculate this attribute. |
Y |
N |
This is the area of indigenous forest that is within a 1 km buffer zone of the kahikatea patch. Note that the 1 km buffer zone does not include the area of kahikatea patch itself. |
Y |
N |
The percent of the buffer zone that is in indigenous forest. NEARBY_INDIG_HABITAT_PCT = (INDIG_FOREST_IN_1KM_OF_PATCH / BUFFER_AREA_HA) * 100. Note that BUFFER_AREA excludes the area of the kahikatea patch itself. |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
Derived from MIN_DIST_TO_INDIG_OVER_25HA attribute. |
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Y |
N |
N |
N |